believe me, my friend is a youtube fiend, he finds most of the videos i show. does anyone like the fallout boys? my friend also found fallout boys misheard lyrics. its good for a nice laugh. ALSO INTO CATS.....aww, look at all the cats.
tell me this!? if laughter is the best medicine, how come people die laughing?
}=) <----the devil smile, i found the video of the couch race. i do hope they are ok
if everyone is bored, lets find something to do. not with spinning chairs anymore. how about spinning couches?
the only thing they hurt was their pride....and maybe a few bones here or there. no one got hurt, like i said it was a contest so the hill was cleared out except for dirt piles and stones. you should have seen them fall it was so funny. still wondering, who should i pick to have conversations with? as in, a second character, not an actually family member.
now im wondering, almost everyone in the family has someone to talk to, namine/ichigo, khchick/zexion, and others.... should i have someone talk as well?
hmm...since we all have spinning chairs, i thought i'd share something i saw. i was watching tv and saw most outrageous moments caught on video. there was a race/contest about who could build their own chair and race it down a hill. 3 guys chose a couch and raced downhill with it......they forgot steering and brakes. while going downhill, they flipped over, flew out of the couch, and fell down the rest of the hill. very painful, but so, so funny.
hey LAH, we're having fun with spinning chairs. we have to avoid falling down though.
thanks, i stopped at episode 17 i think. poor....umm..whats the little puff ball robot things name again? mari? RUN IN FEAR MUSKRATS! *dark vines made of shadows appear under sleeves and grips muskrats* yes, yes, your fear sustains me!
senior exams, thats tough. i guess you need a lot of time to study.
hey TOK, how have you been? a lot has kinda happened since you were last on, i think.
...................NOOOOOOOOOOO! i keep forgeting to watch it! are the episodes on youtube? since we got a new computer, all the ones i downloaded were gone....i didnt watch them all. i cant download them anymore because of an...agreement...but i could watch them on youtube or something. so, just let me know if they are. thanks.
ahh! the 2 muskrats became one! how is that possible? come on yuffie, run with me! *runs down random hallway*
wow, this has nothing to do with these conversations but.... i was changing my sig like i try to do everyday and i am listening to the backwards version of passion, and i have to say i like the backwards version better. anyone else feel that way too?
2 conversations? thats hard to do. i hope you dont go crazy like i do. yes nami, spin-y chairs are very fun, but remember this: even if they have wheels, those chairs are NOT meant to go down hills. trust me.:D
ok, i had no clue cause i wasnt on yesterday. well, im sure everyone welcomed you to the family, i should too. welcome, and if you need a sig, ask basically anyone around here.
are you new? or, i mean, when did you join because i havent seen you around.
sorry about my delayed greeting, i was busy doing something. so here it is: HI EVERYBODY!!!
good, because i believe me and dpwolf would have to tell someone or solve it. no fights. but why did NED ban SIC anyway?
banned her? what happened? mew ichigo, RUN! Tidus is unstopable when it comes to cats!