i hope so, and i dont think you replaced me. im not as busy anymore, so i'll be back more often. but it will be nice to have someone to help.:)
no fighting! geez, cant you stop? we had enough of this before, now dont fight....
i forgot dp was a girl. thats how bad im out of it. and since when was i replaced? did everyone decide on a counsil already?
er-hrm. what is all this stuff about flame wars? things are this bad since i left? geez, i should pay attention more. if any of you dont know me, its ok, ive been really ,really busy for months. i try to help keep the peace, and so does dpwolf if he is still here. i hope no one is insulting others, thats not what a family does.
talking about hair color? anything happen while i was gone?
dont worry about it, no one is mad. you wanted to be part of the family, there is nothing wrong with that. if you did something, i think you deserve a second chance, and i hope the rest of the family agrees. no harm was done, so no worries!:D
i'm back from a long, long rest. hi everyone, how was everything? no problems, right?
seals, interesting... how is everyone today? hey, can i join whoever is attacking tidus?
at least i now know to call you valerie and not animegirl. i should have picked a name that was a bit shorter, but anyone can call me anything. ohh! and sing too! singing is always good.
you, flower man. you should talk, at least i dont have pink hair and leave flowers everywhere. well, that is true larsa, but still.... everyone is against me! gabranth, kill the pink haired man now! im leaving now. seriosuly, im getting tired, good night everyone.
honestly, i do feel bad for larsa... nows my chance! *hops into airship and leaves* well, that was unexciting. wait, did vaan just fire a missle this way? bye gabranth!
this is larsa solidor! stop ant once! *holds up manufactured nethicite* larsa! when did you get here? so many interupptions, but i guess gabranth is done for now?
always one-upping vaan, isnt that right? fine then, have it your way. *performs all mist quickenings with everyone at once* i hope this works! now im scared...what happens if it doesnt work?
darn you judges! *summons zodiark* well, gonna cry now gabranth? oooh...zodiark is good. too bad he's chained up, i'd love to see what he would be unchained....
.....why would you say that? my brother DIED because of them! *goes off in a rage* .....umm yeah, thats right. calm down a bit. darn empire, and their no bangaa cities...
overpowered is a good thing. it means you have nothing to fear true, very true. hi aerith, how have you been?
how many times are you going to say emo? thats all i see in your posts anymore. emo zexy, emo this, emo that...:D hey, this is vaan. at least i'm not emo, i think
thank you, or as the germans say, danke.
well sorafan, we have much to say.... or nothing to say but we say something anyway.
so therefore, if you had a breathing machine hooked up to you, you could not die laughing, even if you couldnt breathe. interesting. all right, im adding a friend from final fantasy XII. hope you enjoy...as soon as i can write in different colors. how do you write in different colors again?