its ok. i think dad is..... a man of few words? even if those worlds are barely legible...
wow, i just noticed, most of the older people voted for me, and the newer people voted for others... darn! i should be on more! and yes, doing nothing is very fun.
hurry dad! you have to make it! *rope breaks before he makes it across* whoops....wrong drama action. but i want to see your resume anyway.
im very good today. but...i must leave now. i am little busy right now. i'll be on tomorrow though. good night everyone.
voting.......oh boy. i see a few picked me. yay! oh well, i dont really care who wins. anyone here could do a good job. whoops, that sounded kinda rude. i meant, everyone here could do a really good job of being on this council, so it doesnt matter who wins, cause we all win! wow....sounds cheesy, doesnt it? :)
Jade Rhade DPWolf Forsaken_Shadow i vote for you as well! i can wait to see who gets picked.
GAH! MY RIBS! yes, i havent been on for a while. did that counsil thing end yet? i didnt check yet
how is everyone? and what is happening in these last few posts?
....................... ....................... ....................... ...................... :D true, its easy to act tough on the internet, and i get so many annoying people acting tough. thats why we're a family! we love people!:D not EXACTLY a pacifist, im a peace keeper. whatever works, but i never force anyone to do anything. i talk it out, like a pacifist, and if it doesnt work, a mod will get a message. no big problems will happen again, we know.:D
well, if anyone is smart they will not flame, i'll make sure of that. and its ok, the problem isnt big, just ignore it.
good, i had hoped they didnt leave, they always made me laugh.
gah! wait! you didnt decide yet, did you? i just wasnt on yet! dont count me, i love to help! i try to give my all! *pant, pant, pant* im good. well, i joined in march of 2007, and i loved the family as soon as i joined. i havent been on though because of complications.... but i love helping out, and i just think its wrong when we fight, its the whole point darksmile made when she made the family. so people dont fight with each other. sorry for sounding so...i dont know, selfish maybe, but i dont want this family to die for a few mistakes. vote for me, i guess, but im sure whoever is picked will do well.
thanks again, i just forgot about it. its been a while. does anyone know if sorafan or khchick left? or if they havent been on?
tidus? my little pal was vaan. how do you do colors again?
we're having slight problems, hisnobody. nothing to worry about...for now. if this tunrs into something bad, we'll be in trouble AGAIN.
hey dad, its been a while.
iP, we went over this before, i think. dont do anything stupid or rash, it will just cause more pain. just relax and ignore the negative comments....
darn, thats not good. i hope you work whatever out, i think we'll need you expertise...
hey dp, hows it going? i just came back from months of work and study....but i'll be on more often!