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  1. KHfanatic4life
    Zexion becuz Marluxia has this weird flower nature thing going on...
    Post by: KHfanatic4life, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. KHfanatic4life
    Well It depends on what HARD is. I thought KH 1 was hard in the bosses because you had to use certain abilities, magic, or common sense (lol) KH 2 was easy because of the X BUTTON SMASHING. You could go throughout the whole game and constantly press X just to beat your enemies. (Tho the 2nd Visit to Port Royal Boss , you had to use MAGIC!! which caught me off guard ) but i also thought KH 1's last boss (Xemnas Heartless) was one of the EASIEST bosses of the whole entire game! And in KH 2 the last boss (Xemnas's Nobody ) was HARD! It just depends on what you're good at in Kingdom Hearts. IF you liked the MAGIC and SUMMON , then KH 1 was no problem and if you liked ATTACKING and BUTTON SMASHING ACTION , then KH 2 was no problem.
    Post by: KHfanatic4life, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. KHfanatic4life
    Hopefully Kingdom Hearts : Birth By Sleep is going to be real successful ( which will no doubt ) then maybe the story that is specific to Birth By Sleep have a sequel. Though Birth By Sleep is the prequel to Kingdom Hearts, it would still be cool.
    Post by: KHfanatic4life, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX