Here's what i thought about the DARK NIGHT Well seeing how i arrived in the theatres about 10 min late, caught me off guard I thought this movie was the only comic book movie that catches the audience attention of democracy and society (and psychology lol) SPOILERS: when i first saw Joker (Heath Ledger) i was like...oh another psycho maniac!! but as i continued to watch the movie... i was like oh this guy is different (how?) well... 1.He has no motive (unless you count killing Batman) 2.He has no identity 3.Psycho :) but notice during the end of the movie when the scene of the two ships with passengers... how both could anytime explode the other ship(with the detonator) (tho i thought the detonator was possibly to their own ship!!) Instinct would tell us to save our butts and hit the button so we could survive (Joker's plan) but you have to ask our self with one question... who are we to decide who dies?? Not only did the people not press the button detonator but it showed the Joker that people can live peacefully in society and democracy (tho the voting paper cards were a joke!!) Two-face was the same way... he was a good and righteous man ... until his true love died.... then he decided it was CHANCE that would decide a life( which i find to be absurd ) So this movie not only have AWESOME GRAPHICS and VIOLENCE but it showed us how people still live in society and how we could possibly change this world
Well..... I saw a commerical for KH 1 and i was like... is Disney high or something?!! But i was reading some VideoGameMagazines and saw some reviews, and people were like... wow this game will blow you away!! So i decided to get it (for about $10!!) and i played it and i was instantly hooked!! When KH2 came out , i played it and was like ... wow this is easy (maybe i'm just good?) but i notice other people were saying how it was easy to them too.
How YOU doin?? :guns::rockdover:
Ok i installed Ps2Dis on my computer and i'm trying to learn about it and all. Any suggestions?!?
uhhhh 6....
Looked up codes in Code Vault but i got a message to Register or Sign In So i Registered!!
Yeah you can call anyone with *67-(555-5555)(example ) and prank call people..... i do it all the time!!!:)
Well "7" usually meant the LUCKY number and "13" usually meant the UNLUCKY number. But "7" can usually mean the days of the week, while 13 can usually mean "Friday the 13th" (tho way back in time, 13 was suppose to be a Lucky number!!!) Maybe that 's why people are using them alot??
Someone called me with no Caller Id and said Billy Goat! i was freaked out
That's alot of singing and dancing hamsters!!!!
Ha Ha you look like my sister!!!
Ok i'll convert them and give them a shot... i hope this time i'll get it right!!
wow thanks!!! will this work for any Room Mod???
I got spam from some weird place saying "Free Plastic Surgery!!" and i was like ... oh i'm that ugly??!?!
It worked for you!! ugh... i can't seem to get it right what code did you use??
ok i edited my converted codes i accidentally converted them to KH 2 by mistake.... ooops
Converted here (AR MAX JAPAN) Donald replaced Limit Form Ally UVZN-N05F-TYXTX CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ B1MK-GX94-7NTRC TRY3-FY7C-72886 UEWC-TM0U-J7GGV TR22-EMMH-V48E7 XV0D-7XHY-MZG0M ZKCP-HQJJ-065QZ CN1C-2T4N-2961Q PGKM-ZR23-6G3TB V5XN-BK46-9K0TC A31Q-RF75-2N8RW G777-M5M0-CHPVG 6QZM-B4E0-3PCCU 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Donald replaced by Antiform Ally V0F8-KYWR-N2YTY CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ B1MK-GX94-7NTRC TRY3-FY7C-72886 6T09-E7ZU-76E7M TR22-EMMH-V48E7 XV0D-7XHY-MZG0M VDMH-P4ZC-N3916 CN1C-2T4N-2961Q PGKM-ZR23-6G3TB WCGC-ZMQ4-4FGC6 A31Q-RF75-2N8RW G777-M5M0-CHPVG 6QZM-B4E0-3PCCU 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Donald replaced by Wisdom Ally 8PRV-WX3Y-9CX2F CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ B1MK-GX94-7NTRC TRY3-FY7C-72886 GX1X-5RFD-FUZUV TR22-EMMH-V48E7 XV0D-7XHY-MZG0M TH0P-THH1-A6YH3 CN1C-2T4N-2961Q PGKM-ZR23-6G3TB 06JT-RCPX-66E97 A31Q-RF75-2N8RW G777-M5M0-CHPVG 6QZM-B4E0-3PCCU 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Donald replaced by KH1 sora XF1W-3AD5-9URB2 CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ B1MK-GX94-7NTRC NCXM-E08X-GZGGG TR22-EMMH-V48E7 CW1T-AAAN-W9WB4 P09P-MMFY-ERTPB 9Y6G-KXW5-2MJ1Z DBFM-9Z2P-0MBT8 G777-M5M0-CHPVG 6QZM-B4E0-3PCCU 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Goofy replaced by Limit form Ally 179W-9RMY-0ZJ8D CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ U49P-NCP7-JJPCP F6CJ-YRZW-KJ3FK 2HBM-FD9D-EUCED 4X8A-6MCW-3UZ8V XHJ3-DN6V-YV9AY 5122-30B5-QKY15 8KY8-VRZ2-QQB47 58R2-YFNP-PJBND CDEC-97ZQ-8UFMC J2J9-15H7-Q4R59 RT2C-4QW9-T7BEF 05PZ-XMBE-9A28V 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Goofy replaced by Antiform Ally P0Z6-32XM-9PF2W CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ U49P-NCP7-JJPCP F6CJ-YRZW-KJ3FK ZYUU-9Q8C-VK83Y 4X8A-6MCW-3UZ8V XHJ3-DN6V-YV9AY XEKJ-6V1H-TAQU1 8KY8-VRZ2-QQB47 58R2-YFNP-PJBND JY9V-G7E2-8TUBV J2J9-15H7-Q4R59 RT2C-4QW9-T7BEF 05PZ-XMBE-9A28V 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Goofy replaced by Wisdom Ally K7EX-9YN9-Q9KJK CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ U49P-NCP7-JJPCP F6CJ-YRZW-KJ3FK 13GW-A4VJ-DVBNN 4X8A-6MCW-3UZ8V XHJ3-DN6V-YV9AY TFGF-UHQB-T74E6 8KY8-VRZ2-QQB47 58R2-YFNP-PJBND 0KQM-TUWM-MG7CA J2J9-15H7-Q4R59 RT2C-4QW9-T7BEF 05PZ-XMBE-9A28V 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Goofy replaced by Kh1 sora 9BA4-NZC1-BUN9H CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ U49P-NCP7-JJPCP K3XK-7616-2JXZ3 4X8A-6MCW-3UZ8V 0HKM-E6NJ-JQY4Q AZD1-511E-3R36X 92JH-WZMV-TEVM2 WHY3-KNJQ-F5WK4 RT2C-4QW9-T7BEF 05PZ-XMBE-9A28V 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
oh.. maybe my R2 button is messed up after all!!
beat up a pillow ... it'll make you feel better
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