Skillet, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Nickelback, Rush of Fools, Hawk Nelson, Branch, and M.I.A. (Paper planes :))
Maybe the previous owner of ur house was named Kevin....?
yeah satan was regarded as the Dragon (Read Revelation in the BIBLE) it talks about the Mark of the Beast and the Deciever aka: Antichrist (but some people believe that there are different definitions of antichrist** If you read on through Revelation it talks about the downfall of the Beast and Satan (dragon) where Satan or Devil tries to fight God and his angels in heaven but doesn't suceed and gets locked in a dark pit for a 1,000 years until he's released to wreak havoc against God one last time.. and still doesn't suceed...
My religion is Christian but at times i think that i'm not. Its easy to lose sight or feeling of religion because of your daily life activities. People act like they're loyal to religion but turn right around and do things that would disregard their religion in the first place!! (Hyprocites!!) But we all know that no one is perfect and we are after all just human... But of course, religion goes way back into the first of all human beings. I think its Homo sapien sapien? idk but back then religion was the excuse for doing the right things in their life to lead to a better after-life (Nirvana) That's why i think people choose not to believe in religions because they think religion leads to disasters and crisis in a person's life and just makes it worse. At times i think that i'm atheist, not because i don't believe in my religion but because i think that it would be a lot easier not to believe in a religion.
I don't live in America. oh... don't go outside!!! you could get hit by a tree
Grasshoppers make a delicious snak!!! jk i don't really kno....
Did you go through Hurricane Dolly?? i'm guessing?
Yea Hurricane Dolly is a pretty big hurricane in Texas!!
is this part of a song??
i kno imagined how i felt when it worked for the first time!!
Ok, i'm at my frins house and when one of my other friend (who is also at his house) offers me some Dip! i was like No Way!! But my friends kept nagging and nagging me so I PRETENDED to take some and put it in my mouth. But one of my friends saw me do that so he called me a P$$Y so i did it for real but i did it wrong?(there's a certain thing that you have to do it) and i started to feel sick and threw up in my friends kitchen sink. i went home after a while and didn't talk to my friends and they called me but i ignored their calls what should i do? i want to tell my dad but i would have to tell him that my friends wanted me to do it but i don't want them to get in trouble.... any help?? plz message me if you can help!!
I feel incredibly stupid. For the past week or two, i've been trying to work the codes for room modding for KH 2 but with no luck. I get advice and help from all different people and i try to do it but still no luck. Then i played Devil May Cry 2 with the cheat code to shrink and grow (hold down L3 and R3) when i load my game ... i instantly shrink!! i was like wtf!! then it hit me.... my controller was jacked up It seem my L3 was always messed up So i bought a new controller today and tried the Room Mod codes for KH2 and it worked!! (you have to hold R2 ) tho my game was reading with L3 AND R2 pressed down at the same time
you have a cat in your pants??
ummmm..... potato??
My favorite world would have to be End of the World I liked the scenery and the battles. :)
Punk version of Sephiroth lol :)
Kingdom Hearts 1- Realizing Maleficient was just a mere puppet in the story (WOW!!) Kingdom Hearts 2 - Sora finding out that Roxas is his Nobody
I'm lost and confused......did i miss something??
Oh hey Cin!!
My keyblade would have to be Riku's Keyblade