I KNOW!! I hate the headaches i get from the 3D glasses, especially right behind my eyes! Still excited to see the movie on the big screen.
Found this while surfing the web. Thought you might like it!! Sorry that the pic is so BIG!! [IMG]
I Freakin Love Cake!! Especially Red Velvet... What's a Bieber?!? He's Aight... Yep Indeed. Not really. Not as much as i love cake... Do i want to what?!? Already have one!! HELLUR
"What About Now" definitely for sure!! "Listen To Your Heart" has a slower beat to it :/
I meant for accepting my request. lol
Kudos to you for the ADD! :D
Yea i gave up on my twitter account long ago. My friends only used it to see what celebrities were doing with their personal lives...
If you like manga, One Piece for sure!
My favorite would probably be either Cait Sith or Cloud....
Already placed a bid on it!! I hope i win! kidding...lolz
Thanks for the ADD!
Finally did my first AR Max experience on my Playstation 2!! Too bad Sephiroth kept kicking my ass XD [IMG]
Imagine Mark Zuckerberg's (Jessie Eisenberg) reaction to her song Friday
HAHA funny! Look at Miley Cyrus with no eyebrows... she looks like a neanderthal! XD
Last time i gave blood i totally passed out.... but i got a free cookie so it was worth it. :)
Interest Article I foun on Collider.com Explains how they convert the 2D images into 3D images... http://collider.com/the-lion-king-3d-conversion-images/108381/
FINALLY Figured out my account password...
yes that's true but i don't understand why Satan would try to overthrow God in the first place.. i have tried looking through the Bible trying to see why but i guess even Angels have evil in their hearts?:blink:
Ur cat's name is Kevin ? Then it's most likely a prank call because who else would know that ur cat's name was Kevin. :woohoo: lol