It looks so cute~! I pretty much agree with Senpai~ Except for the third photo (maybe it's just the shot for me idk :c), the contrast of these images (and the chosen screen caps) look absolutely beautiful, almost dream like~ Keep up the excellent work uwu
lsjdjsknwndknsbaenbfnw *hugs* Know the feel all too well 8( The weather in this country is making most of us sick at the moment, and it doesn't...
Congrats on making it to the red~! 8)
//sobs ;A; Too fed up with PMS weather, either hot or cold. D; Damn, sorry to hear she went at an incredibly fast pace. Can kind of take away...
kadiajfveourbejebab least you know now if there is a next time xD Ahh definitely c: Glad to hear she's been a nice and friendly tour guide...
One minute it's 18 degrees, the next it's barely 2 degrees!
Glad to hear it was fun, asides from the confused weather we've been receiving :c
;A; dsjshkqdgkshavsmav AHH! I live nearby a zone 3 station! And that sounds fairly understandable! Hope the tour guide brought you to the best...