I understand the feel with too many layers orz :c *hugs* But honestly, asides from the CnC mentioned as areas of improvement, I really really love the piece you did c': It's pretty hard to get lines straight or just right, but with a little bit of practice I'm sure you'll do very well c: Believe me, I know this from experience c': More you practice, more you'll find yourself perfecting your own skills for art c:
;D It's a daring cocktail mix of individuals I must say~
It is :c Which places did you visit, if you don't mind me asking? uwu Lol fair enough c: It does work out cheaper that way if you're only going...
It most certainly has been a while! Hopefully we'll be able to catch up v/soon~ Welcome back by the way~ Like Karuta said in the post above mine, make sure you check out the rules section as they've changed a little since last time c: Feel free to also hit me up whenever, be it conversation or with queries relating to the site or something c:
Hope you've been getting your R&R btw c:
Lol I didn't know this was such a perk until actually turning red~ Yo~ This forum needs some more C lurve too c: R&R will always be needed...
Hey, also, if you want me to hit you up on skype to talk, feel free to c:
;c Am not! //ok, maybe 1% creeper but aren't we all curious mabavsmsjwoqgrmq// I will certainly be around some more (and consistently too), yes...
The cold never bothered me anyway ;0;
I was in the $1000 thread and I happened to see you on it jacbkwhsfjsjagssn I've been doin' mighty finee thanks c; How you doin'?
I see you uwu
*muffled icy shrieks intensifies*
That's col--*freezes*
Spoiler Emma has indeed grown so much as a saviour, so proud of her~! The love triangle, however, is a bit painful to look at orz, especially with the lighter fight in NeveragainLand. I'm quite excited to see this season's finale and what the Wicked Witch may do (I think she's REALLY wanting that baby, which makes me scared for Snow and Charming), as opposed to season2's token villains Greg and Tamara kidnapping Henry. ;A; I'm really hoping that Regina's plot for true love with Robin Hood is a roller coaster of feels uwu Spoiler I think as opposed to the previous season, season 3 did step up to the game! c: And making the winter break look like a finale, when Emma and Henry were given a better memory of life *sob*, it was absolutely brilliant 8)! Hoping with you that the wicked witch has no sob story, and that she is a thorn up the backside of anyone who crosses paths with her c: Hope you've watched the last episode nskebskabdb This is the only show which has the most messed up family tree, oh my god.
It's really good to hear from you and that you're doing well c: It has been a while too so we've got some catching up xD
*Let it go intensifies*
Long time no see indeed c: I've been doing well thanks, how've you been?~
Your art piece looks amazing, absolutely love the realism to it too! uwu I think it might be worth making her facial features a little rounder and softer, if you're going for the more youthful look uwu Other than that, thank you for sharing with us your wonderful art piece~
Oh my GODDDDDDD THIS IS AMAZING AND DEVIL SURVIVOR 2 TOO?! Hey! I don't think you're horrible drawing from mind~ Seeing how you're drawing this on photoshop with a reference guide, I'm already finding that you're getting there with learning and potentially making some fantastic art work in the future! If seeing this piece was anything, I'm quite excited for your potential in the future~ Alright so to start off, here's some CnC (since you did request it) c: Colouring/Shading: One of the first things I have to commend you on, is the intricate level you went through to nearly replicating the original in its entirety. There are still a few things that might need a bit more attention to, like a slight lack of hair shadings for example. You did get the darker bits down well, but as for some of the slightly lighter shades, it still needs a bit of that c: Also I noticed that with some areas, namely around the left cheek and hair piece, it's slightly jaggedy and needs some filling in on/or softened up. Last of all, I think you might be playing it a tad safe without blending some of the colours in, such as the area where the trouser crotchal regions are at. Line: I have almost no qualms with the lines, they've been done to an excellent level. However, I do think the lines on both arms need a bit strengthening up. Oerall, I think you did fantastically 8)
Ahh they look quite pretty 8) And I can see a lot of hard work and improvement here too! I am particularly fond of these images~ the lighting and details made for these two particular pieces of art is absolutely wonderful, and I'm excited to see you grow as an artist c: