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  1. Cherry Berry
    Well, least they've got that announcement out of the way. Once 2.5 is out of the way (hoping to get this when it comes out!), there's no excuse for Square to not unleash more info about KH3.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 9, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Cherry Berry
    I don't know anyone exactly who dislikes the Kingdom Hearts Games/Franchise (except for one certain individual, who hated anything in relation to "childlike objects/gaming in general etc".). However, I DO know a set of individuals who think its a 'boys' only game, and that the female gender have no place to play such a series, which is a bummer. Most of my friends have at least played Kingdom Hearts at some point in their life.

    A few male relatives of mine for one, were such people.
    Ironic how I found out about the series through them (and the Final Fantasy series), but eh. ;3
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 9, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Cherry Berry

    Thanks for sharing the link to the details of the show ;D

    Also added a playlist for season 1-4 for Sailor Moon.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 9, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Cherry Berry, Apr 9, 2014
  5. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post Comment

    8) So I can keep em' guessing~

    8) So I can keep em' guessing~
    Profile Post Comment by Cherry Berry, Apr 9, 2014
  6. Cherry Berry
    ;D Ahh! Most fabulous! Glad to see that you have uploaded a few more of your wonderful art pieces~!

    Each time I see a vast improvement on your art pieces, such as the color shading etc c:

    Keep up the good work!
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 8, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Cherry Berry

    only on

    [ ✖ ]

    Since there was already a thread for full length movies to view on youtube, why not also have a thread for full length TV shows as well? Thought this would be a good way to compile TV Shows for people to watch for free that are up on Youtube.

    Should you have any requests or know any TV shows/Anime which are currently posted on Youtube, please post below. I will also try to find some around, So please post shows that are currently around or make requests and I will try to find them too, and make an alphabetical list for it c:

    if you find higher quality versions or if any of the show turns out to be broken/taken down, please let me know. Thank ye!

    Please, PLEASE do not embed videos!

    A simple link makes the thread much cleaner and easier for me to add to the OP.

    Please list which shows you have found to be taken down.


    Some of these shows are rated R.

    ༺ If you are under 17, please gain parental permission before viewing. ༻

    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Apr 7, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Cherry Berry
    NO. NO. NONONONO. NOT OK WITH THE FUNERAL SCENE. I just seriously couldn't over here. I did however, like the symbolism of Emma being the last person burying Neal, as it signifies her letting go of the past. Still *sobs*.


    And then the scene cuts to them all being at the cafe and Emma playing darts, just like Graham would have done 8(

    Lo and behold! While the town is mourning Neal’s death, Zelena refuses to give it a rest and goes to wreak her smelly green havoc in town, to continue with her unholy deed of getting ingredients needed (Theory) to reverse time and prevent Regina from 1) Either being born or 2) Avoid Snow and Charming from ever meeting.

    One of the things that seem a little bit weird in this episode was the magic baby. Regina had to learn her magic, and so did everybody else born with it. But this baby? Lolnope.

    Also! Her father also hated her, despite her not being the smelly color of green she was in the enchanted forest! While it seems as though Zelena being Regina’s sister is true, it’s still making me think whether what she’s claiming is true because of all the questions that are still yet so many things that need some answering. Also, Wizard of Oz might not be so great as he's claiming~

    It was cool to see the Emerald City. And while I thought Zelena could be Dorothy, she wasn’t and I doubt we would get to meet Dorothy this season. Maybe it's the baby?

    Speaking of Oz, turns out the Wizard was, indeed, Walsh. So Emma banged the Wizard of Oz.

    I did not expect that at all. I expected the Wizard of Oz to be ol' Rumplestiltskin... or even better, the mad hatter/Dr. Whale.

    Then again, I expected Dr Whale to be Ursula.


    So many things seem great in this episode. Becca was doing wonderfully playing as the wicked witch, and LITERALLY TURNED GREEN FROM ENVY.

    If this is where I think it's going... It seems that Zelena wants to change the laws of magic and change her past. Zelena did say she wanted a second chance, but does that mean she wants to time-travel to the time that Cora gave her away? SO MANY QUESTIONS!



    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 7, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Cherry Berry
    As an overall series, I believe it to be slightly better than OUAT itself (considering the latest episode and how it left me feeling about Neal's funeral), but I do agree with you that on this finale, whilst it was good as it were... it could have been even better c: I wished it had gone on a little longer than just this series or 13 episodes, but at least it's like you said, it ties the bow quite nicely for a finale.

    Peh! Those rotten tomato reviews for any film/show should always be taken with a bit of salt c: Most of them need a good night's sleep (or a pick me up) as sometimes there is never something good to say from those critics. More backstories would have been sextant-ellent.

    I AM SUPER DISAPPOINT THAT THERE WAS NO MAD HATTER. And a lack of Cora. There should have been more of both of them, even if it were just through backstories... ARGH THEY HAD SUCH POTENTIALLLLLLLLLLLL THERE WHY D:

    It does make up for some fallbacks having the *drool* gorgeous guys and gals on OUATiW 8) I think personally if we had Cyrus's looks and the Knave (Will's) personality, we'd have a sizzling hot male lead 8)


    I'm surprised they didn't go down the route of Anastasia having been the Russian princess. Though I loved the plot twist as to her being one of the ugly stepsisters to Cinderella. But seriously, Anna's so pretty I don't even with this ugly merde 8( And making a whole show about her 8) I absolutely loved Anastasia's backstory, how she descended from being this simple, sweet woman in love with the Knave to becoming the Red Queen. The reason she kept on the charade of being Red queen stemmed from her neglectful mother, who wanted her to marry into royalty rather than love *SOBS*.

    I am mighty upset with the fact that they could have used the Jabberwocky up, to wreak some serious havoc.


    Overall, 8/10 for the show c: Can't wait to see the Knave in action on OUAT!
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 7, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Cherry Berry
  11. Cherry Berry
  12. Cherry Berry
    Will do! Maybe with backgrounds too to be honest, (as let's face it), haven't challenged myself in that area yet :3
    I have a more inappropriate version of this but for the sake of PG I realigned the fingers appropriately c:

    Next time I will use the 4kids logo as a censor machine for my art.


    Currently trying to do a draw myself version thing for Pokémon and KLK! Wish me luck that I get the art style right!
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Cherry Berry
  14. Cherry Berry
  15. Cherry Berry

    Ahem *clears throat*

    I wasn't sure about this series first when I first started watching it, to be honest! As I was really into the parent OUAT series I was worried that the story would not pan out so well but OH MY GOD WAS I WRONG!!

    Everything from Alice's disappearance's, Jafar's messed up personality and lifestyle to the hunting down of Cyrus's mother and the KnavexAnastasia moments... Brilliant! I love how they did justice to the storyline (had slightly better graphics than OUAT at SOME POINTS, and well, executed a much darker story which I absolutely adored. I honestly feel bad for Anastasia though (along with Jafar for the father he ended up with), girl be constantly playing with fire! Hence her death in the second last episode after true love's kiss with le Knave.

    I haven't watched the finale episode yet, gotta catch up on it, but I am severely disappointed that they aren't going for a second series :c Super glad though the Knave's coming into OUAT though!

    I wanted more Jafar x Jabberwocky.
    I have a need for sassy, ruthless Jafar who will do anything to get his father's attention. (Does this mean either him or his brother has been interpreted as princess Jasmine? kanskdbdkajdbaksbd)
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 5, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post

    Sup Llavey~? :3

    Sup Llavey~? :3
    Profile Post by Cherry Berry for Llave, Apr 5, 2014
  17. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post Comment

    Hihi c:

    Hihi c:
    Profile Post Comment by Cherry Berry, Apr 5, 2014
  18. Cherry Berry
    I choose number 2. But softly for about a minute before eating a tub of Cookie Dough Ice Cream~
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Cherry Berry
    I think she may be coming on a little too strong dearie~
    Best steer clear before she starts asking for your meowcam
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Cherry Berry