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  1. Cherry Berry
    Pfft, glad I'm not the only one with unusual suggestions on YouTube after watching this video~

    I got a variety of snoop doge's (or lion idk he keeps evolving) smoke weed every day as suggestions on YouTube.

    Call me cray cray, but I think that YouTube chan is trying to peer pressure me into taking illegal substances.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Cherry Berry
    Konami-kun sighs to himself, and decides to sit this one out.

    Enix chan u baka~
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Cherry Berry
    Whoasers, 2000 posts already~?


    Much rejoice~!
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Cherry Berry
    Maleficent as a Disney villain will always be one of my favourites. For some reason I always seemed to find her both hilariously sassy and scary in the animated edition. Unlike most, the only reason she decided to curse the Aurora to "die" on her 16th birthday was because she was the only witch/fairy not invited to the party, which invoked her rage phase uwu

    I'm loving the trailers for this Maleficent, and hoping the movie does itself the justice it deserves.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 17, 2014 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  5. Cherry Berry
    1. First and last impression?
    2. Favourite Doctah~
    3. Worst song you've ever had the displeasure of listening~?
    4. Is it wrong that I first accidentally misread/pronounced your username in my head as See-Saw? ;3
    5. Favourite dance move (if any)?
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post Comment

    Damn right they don't~!

    Damn right they don't~!
    Profile Post Comment by Cherry Berry, Apr 16, 2014
  7. Cherry Berry
    najdnaiwhekwisdniwhqnddjq NOW WE TALKIN'
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Cherry Berry


    Aaaahjdjdjqjsj Orange!! It's been so long! Plus I really like your Luke Skywalker Avvy
    Wher u been @ homeboi?
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Cherry Berry
    ;D Maybe you can be the purple cabbage with Mayo thing~ Tastes lovely~

    However I think I might be going more for a kebab rather than a sammich.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Cherry Berry
    ;D Cat's the Ketchup/Meaty middle if we're referring to the sandwich~

    Or alternatively if it's according to Matoi's Post~

    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Cherry Berry
    The eyes for the fifth one was a "Halloween special," as this character is in full creepy shadow mode in Persona 2~ ;D

    I had a feeling the background wasn't doing many favours for the first two! Seeing how I did those as a rush, I'm prepared to take some more time in tweaking it to a better standard.

    After all, because I had the time to color a good number of icons in the monster load of 100x100 icons from scratch, I'll have time to tweak some which weren't done as great~ 8)
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 15, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Cherry Berry
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    All done a while ago, so decided to dump some of my slightly bigger icons I did, here. I know they're all not 200x200 or equally sized, but I guess it was tiresome to keep everything to size after making so many goddamn 100x100 icons.
    Almost all were colored/recolored by myself.
    If you want to see the big bunch of icons I did for this P2 character,
    look no further than here. I've been meaning to resize some of these as 200x200 if others wanted~
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Apr 15, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Cherry Berry
    I quite enjoy the contrast from the more vibrant colors in the evatars to the more softer, yet so pronounced ones.
    They're huge and beautiful all in their own ways. Just how I like em~
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 15, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Cherry Berry
    How about parodied/abridged music? I don't think it has been mentioned on this thread before ;o
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 15, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  15. Cherry Berry
  16. Cherry Berry
    For those of you who didn't know... I, along with about 200 teenage girls/young adult females/males, got a chance to be in a research screening of the upcoming teenage heartwrenching gorgeous and heartbreakingly sad film 'The Fault in Our Stars'.

    By the way... We watched it two whole months before it is due to be released in a cinema near you, internationally.

    Shocker, isn't it? ;D

    SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t read or finished the book yet, I recommend you look away now because I cannot contain my love for this book/film.

    I promise to not give much away, or spoil the experience for you all, but here are my top ten/eleven loves about the film adaptation:
    • Shailene plays an AMAZING Hazel. Everyone that said she was too ‘pretty’ or not well known to play such an important character needs to wait and see how raw and human she acts as Hazel. Oh and on that note Ansel lives up to every girls dreams. He is incredibly loveable yet insanely goofy... and then the car scene.THE CAR SCENE. OMG :'c
    • Contrary to some criticisms people have made before about John Green's characters all having his own narrative voice, you can feel the raw, real thoughts and feelings from each character. I can guarantee you that you won't be disappointed with the characterisation, and that they do have their own voice c:
    • Direct quotes from the book are placed in the film, which for lovers of the book as myself, it's too shabby. Favourites include the christmas tree, metaphor of the cigarette, the grenade, their best friend omg, the professing love scene in the oranjee, visiting Hazel's favourite author/Amsterdam scenes and... the pre-funeral speeches *sobs violently*.
    • The hospital scenes aren’t sappy or overplayed, just almost hinted at, with the main story being about Hazel. You almost forget she has, as quoted in both book and movie “a touch of cancer”. It serves as a reminder to all that in the end of the day, these characters are ordinary teenagers, albeit fictional.
    • Hazel’s mum and dad are played as accurately to a T. Scenes such as the dinner one being so real, especially if you have been affected by cancer in your life, and how this can potentially challenge the dynamics in the family.
    • I personally relate with Hazel's mother a lot, and my sister (who was in the screening with me) was winking at me when Hazel's mum told her she was applying to do Social Work to help other families c:
    • There’s a lot of texting going on between Augustus and Hazel, and that was something I was worried about in terms of how they were going to go about this. Let’s just say large, drawing like text bubbles on the screen, like literal texting, but not uber-ly cheesy/waterloo road kind of cringey.
    • The first kiss scene in the Anne Frank museum is probably even more beautiful than what I potentially imagined in my head when reading. Especially after the excruciating, gut wrenching walk up the million blocks of stairs. Much hate. Much want to destroy staircase. Much want elevator for Hazel bby.
    • Isaac and Monica together are as cringey and overly sentimental as they are in the book. But as we know that all changes, and I must admit the egg throwing scene to Monica's car is so hilarious and uplifting to watch, particularly after his whole upset episode, shedding tears and rage at Gus and Hazel (and Gus's many trophies omg I laughed so hard at Isaac hurling and smashing things about whilst Hazel and Gus casually talked)
    • The only thing that frustrated me was the fact that I couldn’t find John Green himself! Though, that will all change when I watch the film again! I’m on it. I'll find him, even if it kills me.
    • When Augustus and Hazel first meet in the literal heart of Jesus (which is situated in the support group ;D), their stare off is whoas. It’s as long, and even longer than I perceived it to be in the book, really playing on the connection these two have.
    • The whole cinema screening was moved to tears. Now that's something you don't see everyday. Throughout the screening I could hear loud to soft sobbing from everyone around me, which speaks miles for its credibility to the book. YES. You heard right 8) Props to everyone and anyone who was involved with the making of my now most favourite movie ever for this generation. Good form mateys!
    • The movie however leaves out somewhat insignificant side stories, such as Augustus’ ex girlfriend, and although that’s quite pivotal in understanding how Augustus acts with Hazel, it’s not necessarily needed.

    I could go into more detail but I don’t want to but feel free to leave me a message/ask if you want to know specifics; besides, me explaining it doesn’t give the movie as much life as it would actually watching it.

    It’s a must-watch, not that I have to justify it, as pretty much many people are already planning to see it anyway.

    Just know that the film will definitely live up to your expectations... and you have a 99.9% chance that your eyes will be leaking from feels at some point in the movie.

    I bring to you all a word of caution: Bring tissues and chocolates to mend your heart, as it will break continuously throughout the movie, okay? Good.

    Peace out homies.
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Apr 14, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post

    Much awake

    Much awake
    Status Update by Cherry Berry, Apr 10, 2014
  18. Cherry Berry

    Prayer circle that the next batch of news given will be new information and not announcements of an announcement.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 10, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Cherry Berry
    I choked from laughing so hard at this omg SJGRAKHEWKS
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post Comment

    Aw yeeee

    Aw yeeee
    Profile Post Comment by Cherry Berry, Apr 9, 2014