Absolutely love the color scheme and the overall theme and feel to it! The gifs appear so seamless and pretty uwu Unfortunately at the given moment I cannot fault it, but I'll edit this post when I have some proper CnC other than I love it. Thanks to you, Jayn and Saxima, I may consider joining in with these wonderful themes~
I love my fellow fruit companions~
Bwhahaha, maybe so~ But will you be able to catch me? ;0
Can I just say I just love listening to the podcasts? c: Though most of the time I'm just silently listening rather than complementing you guys ;0 So I loved this podcast~ I agree with Misty in the sense that at times it's better to watch a stream than a tv show (as there's nothing good on and we just feel like it uwu). YOOOOOOO A potential KHV let's play sounds dope! ;000 LLAVE YOU ALSO LIKE MARKEPLIER (I CANT SPELL IT RIGHT BUT SLJFKDODJDNDMALSKDK omg ;u;).
Here's the base sprite for the gem... And now to add the giffy bit... I hope my first attempt at making a proper nice gif works~! Shame I can't do it on the iPad or iphone, quite limited to those devices for now ;c
I would have... if only I could conjure up a 3ds from thin air. ;c
[buffering meguka mode and attempting the sayaka sig gif (putting base on signature at the mo) ]
Or with the harem of robots.
Where its just you and the robots/guests xD ;o
All work and no sleep makes for an unhappy berry ;c
Meep meep :3
;0 Tis but an act of sacrilege that I have not followed you as of yet! How are ya dood?
Draw Amaury like one of your French girls
Much asleep