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  1. Cherry Berry
    I could always bump it to the side~ Though with the full sized image itself it doesn't give for much bumping ;O;

    Yay CnC! uwu

    I noticed both the things you highlighted actually with the gif (thanks for pointing it out though Novie uwu), and don't entirely know myself where I went wrong. I happened to try and manually erase areas of the gif that were not needed layer by layer on gimp (however failed on one of the particular gif edits xD). I also happened to manually position and stack gifs layer by layer (as I didn't know how to select most layers on the mac and move the image to it's allocated position.

    As for the shading... One of the particular gifs would not allow to save on an RGB setting. Almost all except one particular piece has been optimised as a gif animation on gimp.

    I'll post later (when I can) and see what I can do in order to fix these issues uwu
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Cherry Berry
    In any case tho... it can kind of be difficult to think of a new concept of a "dream game" xD, considering how an idea, no matter how original it sounds... may already clash with a pre-existing game/movie/whatever copyrighted thing there is to copyright uwu~
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Cherry Berry
    { Inspired by Beau, Jayn and Saxima }



    { CnC for these pieces, if possible? It's my first time merging multiple gifs into one on a computer (and giffing in general on the computer really) rather than an iPad }
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Apr 30, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Cherry Berry
    It was absolutely lovely taking part with all these lovely fellow staffies uwu.

    I'll listen to the podcast a little later on today, when I've found a nice, stable wifi spot (and prepped for cringing simultaneously to the sound of my own voice uwu)
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Cherry Berry
  6. Cherry Berry
    Unfortunately I'm perhaps way too addicted to posting emotions frequently. This is due to both a bad habit being formed, and as DeenieWeenie has mentioned, don't want to be misinterpreted as being mean or emotionless when I'm typing (someone once told me if I didn't use emoticons in a text, that I was being emotionless D: )


    The common one. It's the "oh no" face of my collection of emoticons. Pretty much explanatory as to when and how I use it!


    This has been a habit emoticon developed from my best friend, who's always happy and sometimes coy about things.

    It's kind of replaced the :3 face because it just seems more like a content expression.

    ;A;, ;n;,


    or oAo

    Either shock sobbing or too shocked to keep mouth shut. It's a overly dramatic form of showing others when shocking things have been said or done to others. ;A; Is more commonly used for unfortunate circumstances mentioned.

    ऀืົཽ≀ ͔ ͕̮ ऀืົཽ✧॰

    This icon I feel deserves some more usage time. I have used it a number of times before to detract from unfabulous situations and it has worked. I use it mostly just for giggles and fabulous max though.

    ⚈້͡ ໋͈ ૈ ˌ̫̮ ⚈້͡ ໋͈ ૈ❤

    This is yet another icon designed to show people in the cutest way that I like something. Like ultra weeaboo cute.

    ◟꒰⁺᾽ ऀืົཽ ˡ̼̮ ऀืົཽ⁺̥̥̥̥̥꒱◞

    This icon is also rarely used but I wished I used it more. When I feel sad (and as a means of saying why) I would post this image.

    (*゚#⚙͠ A ⚙͠)ノ゙or ( ☞三☞´ ՞ਊ՞)☞三☞ or

    For some reason, these gifs strike terror into my heart at night. The color pink makes it seem somewhat less scarier. However, when I am in an angry mood (but appear happy) this would be something that I would post.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  7. Cherry Berry
    I am going to staB gImP with my blunt, rust ridden ruDDY sWORD D8<

    So I made this as an alternative to just going for the egg. Why, might one ask?
    I don't know in all honesty 8( I thought it would look pretty and schtuff as an end product.

    Anyhow, so this was made...

    And then the problems came knocking on Sayaka's door.

    Giffing on gimp... on that slow assed, rage quitting, enraging mac. Never mind that no matter what I did, the gifs won't work if I shrink them nor will funnily enough the base. Apparently because it was indexted instead of RGB'd the gifs kept going freaky on me and my images.

    Somewhere between the spans of 3pm to 7pm though however, I managed about this from gimp:

    Ok... So I rage quitted into my witch form like no other (can I not resize, asked Carla chan. Gimp/Kyuubey Chan replied: NO), and deleted that kyubeyfuggaring application. Otherwise I'd hit berserk mode as I lost all patience to continue.

    Thank goodness it shrank uwu (had to be via imgur tho).
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  8. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post

    Kyuubey 8(

    Kyuubey 8(
    Status Update by Cherry Berry, Apr 29, 2014
  9. Cherry Berry
  10. Cherry Berry

    What a love story indeed~
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Cherry Berry
  12. Cherry Berry
  13. Cherry Berry
    Lez do this~!
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Cherry Berry
  15. Cherry Berry
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post

    Heyo Plumzy uwu

    Heyo Plumzy uwu
    Profile Post by Cherry Berry for Plums, Apr 27, 2014
  17. Cherry Berry
    Looks like I beat you it this time~
    Pfft I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned before tho xD
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Cherry Berry

    ^ This movie right here.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Cherry Berry
    Oh god, those erotic pink lights *A*
    Profile Post Comment by Cherry Berry, Apr 26, 2014
  20. Cherry Berry
    I am seeing quite a number of lovely improvements on your artistic skills and flair per every art piece submitted uwu

    The hands for some toddlers art do need a little working on tho, but then saying that I know that hand anatomy in general is difficult to get right for many people (including myself when it comes to art ;0; )

    But yeah! Asides from that, looks absolutely wonderful and I am excited for your future art pieces!
    As Reno said, it would be quite lovely to see some of them colored in c:
    Post by: Cherry Berry, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics