1 here 2 facebook 3 youtube 4 check messages 5 aim chat with my friend ^_^xion^_^ 6 draw 9 eat 10 draw 11 play pet soicitey 12 read manga online 13 look at wikapedia 14 watch sengoku basara 15 make cosplay hair 16 cook 17 clean 18 notes 19 count money 20 be on computer till worn out yep >>' oh i sleep at 7:00am
Im always awake till 7:00 am
Pete was hard for me even the hercules one keeps hitting you can't hit him back!
my computer's not showing the pics avatars and sigs i keep clicking show pictures but it still didn't show i balery see peoples pictures!
yeah my thread was the randomness thing ._.
i didn't ask misty i remember that one that thread never ends XD
okay bye then
yep it was a band ^^
butterfly by aqua
listing to music ^^
what about sailor moon?
good u? ^^
eheheh we stoped >>''
can u help me?
oh didn't see ^^''
lol pikachu remix? ._. -looks it up-
Oh >>' did you looks at something on youtube or listen to the radio >>"'
From The aqua band?
I feel relaxed by this song. ^_^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SobMr_0OIUw&feature=related
O.O (lol XD)