ohh :o -looks around-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db5P_U8uzdY&feature=related @aerith aww cut ava :3 pichu
moshimoshi is a girl
tell me! what's it called
i agree >.> I look at vocallaid it says you gotta buy a cd and make the vocliad charaters sing and dance 8D and you can make you own voclaiad...
Yay ice cream xd
XD evil kitty ><' XD hehe i wish i can make a voiclcaid with those two singing a romantic somg togther XD
it kinda hurted ><'' yep XD i like the volicad couple mikuXkaito XD their my favs of of the anime couple XD
yep he keeps bitting me ><'
;glomp: cosplay rocks XD
XD yep shaggy xD silly cat XD
helloooooooooooooo? XD
shaggy (from scooby doo XD )
im good i got a new kitty <3
XD lol did you survied?
hey how were you XD
Namine well died of hunger >.>'
:glomp: i know
XD i know XD