lol cowboy bepbop XD -jumps on you- anyways idc if people hate naruto is still the best show even the game okay some don't make anysense ._. but still it's the best anime show hell i still like the show!
in kh1 was the hardest he uses that big blast on you can't even dogde kh2 was easy beacuse you press the trialge button to block his move to prevent your heath to get low it was hard when he come near you you can't even heal your self when he attacks fast.
XD it's good her voice is pretty ^^
when buzz punched woody far away XD
^^ oh was was the best part in the woody Vs buzz thing? XD I died laughing at that XD
judai you know what time it? is me and zane are gonna be thses couples! >D yes it's thier voice :'D...
><''''''''''''''''''''''' i can talk to zane and my friends i know but unknown gusy eeehhh...D8
>.> -backs away- oh -jumps on tree- ><'''
what?! ><'''
it's just im really freaked out about what he did ><'
><''' eeehhh i can't look at my zane beacuse of that eeehhh.. ><'''
-uncomfortable- -jumps on a tree sits there- well i think i was thursday axel sent me a pm and he kiss me and hug me and i didn't do anything and...
Look what i posted son sakura's vm ><'' it's freaking mer out i need a girl to talk about this problem ><'' im getting unconfortable now ><''
-shakes-..can i talk to you about something ><'' -hides in a box- ><''
><'' im unconmfortable with guys now ><'' i can't even talk TO JADEN OR MY FRIENDS!! ><'' HELP ONE OF YOU GUYS ><''
oh >.> sorry and im a little freaked out ><'' axel kiss me ><'' im getting uncontortable with guys now ><''
How were you saki? ^^
hey saki :3
XD yay! im listening to a vocaloid song by kaito XD
okay then i will ^^