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  1. Mighty-Matt91
    "It's what Vayne and his army use against Rozzaria and the Resistance." Fran explained. "It is powered by Mist. Ashe wants to find a power greater than Nethicite to fight Vayne."
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mighty-Matt91
    Basch explained what needed to be done to the group. "We have this Nethicite." He said, showing them the stone. "We've been to Draklor laboratories." Balthier told them. "But, we have no leads as to where to go."

    Ashe looked at Nulix. "We have no time for this." She said.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mighty-Matt91
    OOC: Sorry to be a pain. Can someone give me a quick recap please?
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mighty-Matt91
    "I've never heard of these places." Ashe said. "Maybe they're from other worlds." Vaan said to Penelo. "It does not matter. Vayne must be stopped." Basch said.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mighty-Matt91
    Roxas looked at his arm. "Not now." He said, trying to shake Nyu off his arm whilst getting ready for battle.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mighty-Matt91
    "Nice to meet you." Ashe said as she looked at them. "May I ask where you're all from?"

    "I'm from Alexandria, it's a city in a distant country." Jared told her.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mighty-Matt91
    OOC: Sorry I had to leave for a while. Datebase Error.

    BIC: Roxas stood ready to fight Kadaj.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mighty-Matt91
    Garnet dragged Zidane to a deserted hallway, where she slapped him. "You idiot!" She whispered. "Of course i'm not Steiner." She said that in her normal voice.

    "Garnet? What are you doing here?" Zidane asked. "If you're Garnet, sing our song.

    Garnet sung the chorus of 'Melodies Of Life'. "Anyway, i'm here for fun. As are some other girls, I think..."
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Mighty-Matt91
    Roxas thought for a while and then decided. "I'll fight Kadaj." He told the president. He was unaware of Nyu.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mighty-Matt91
    Zidane heard what Garnet said. "Hah, you're not Steiner!" He said. Garnet grabbed him.

    "Excuse him. He's an idiot." Garnet told Zexion as she pulled Zidane outside.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Mighty-Matt91
    Fran glanced at Xane and then turned her back to him.

    "So, any ideas where Vayne is?" Jared asked.
    "Unfortunately, no." Basch said. "But we have a lead." He showed them a glowing stone. "Manufacted Nethicite."
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Mighty-Matt91
    Roxas heard the announcement and looked at Nyu. "I have to go to the arena." He told her as he walked away.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mighty-Matt91
    Garnet stuggled to think of a name. "My name's, uh.... Steiner." She told Zexion. "Nice to meet you Zexion."
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mighty-Matt91
    Dante walked towards Balthier. "Hey, uh, i'm sorry for what I said about your clothes."

    "Apology accepted." Balthier said, before he took a bite out of his apple.

    Roxas then walked towards the pathway. "Huh, are you trying to say my name?" He asked Nyu.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mighty-Matt91
    Jared nudged Xane. "Don't forget, we're in another world." He whispered to him. "And you want us to defeat him?" Jared asked. "Yea, that's right." The girl said. "I'm Penelo, this is Vaan." She said gesturing the male teen. "And this is Basch, Ashe, Balthier and Fran." She told them, pointing to the man in the ragged clothes, the woman in the noble clothes, the man who warned them about the book and the Viera respectively.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mighty-Matt91
    Garnet looked at Zexion. As he was staring at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mighty-Matt91
    Roxas walked over to where Nyu was pointing. "It's over there?" He asked.

    Vergil saw Dante eating his pizza. "You know, that Ashelia woman want you to apologise to Balthier." He told Dante.

    "I'll do it, but not because she wants me too." Dante told Vergil.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mighty-Matt91
    Garnet looked at Zexion, who was last place. She walked over to him. "Sorry I stopped you earlier." She said with her deep voice.

    Zidane sat down and started flipping a coin in his hand.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mighty-Matt91
    "You want to show me something?" Roxas asked. Feeling like he had some progress.

    Dante sat down and started eating his slice of Pizza. "Nothing stops me getting the last slice."

    Balthier stood up and grabbed an apple from the food table.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mighty-Matt91
    Garnet then finished, she wasn't first, but she definately wasn't last.

    Saix grumbled as he walked away...

    Zidane finished. He was holding his back in agony.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home