What weapons do you want?
Here's my method. You need Bond Of Flame & Oathkeeper/Circle Of Life/Ultima Weapon to do this perfectly. Lv1-4 Start in the Proof Of Existence. And leave towards the room where you got Oblivion. There should be 6 Nobodies there. 4 Assassins and 2 Snipers. The Snipers appear after the Assassins are defeated. Drive into Final Form and Spam Firaga on them. Once they are dead. You can rather leave the world or go into the area where you fight Luxord(if you have defeated him). Continue this to Lv 4. Lv 4-9 Head to Naught's Skyway. That is the area after where you fight Xigbar. Spam Firaga on all the enemies. If you run out of drive before you can reach the save point. Go to the colisseum and refill by entering the Cerberus cup and then quitting it. Once your drives full. Repeat the first method until you are level 5. This, along with Oathkeeper, should be a good enough level to kill the nobodies in Naught's Skyway. Optional: You can use Photon Debugger and Thundaga instead if you wish.
"Ok so, we have to use that crystal to teleport to a jungle." Jared said as he walked towards it. Balthier tossed him a stone. "Everyone ready?" He asked.
Donald -> Cloud (Ally) 50AR-M13X-P3ENY JMYJ-5K5E-N120B Donald -> Leon (Ally) EGVY-531U-KJQT3 GQ69-KYQ9-F5GPY Goofy -> Cloud (Ally) DW7K-9WWJ-GQD9H UKKY-8BU8-HHUPZ Goofy -> Leon (Ally) E9E7-7DFT-QAXRF X29Q-1046-RR4XV EDIT: I tried my method of getting into the SoS. But the game froze the moment I used a joker code to play as Sora. For those wondering what the idea was. I'll explain. I was going to use the Full Party code to put Donald and Goofy with Roxas, i'll then head to the Twilight Thorn area and save it by changin D&G into Save points. I'll then reload using a code to play as Sora. But D&G wouldn't appear even with the full party code and using Sora in the SoS froze my game.
Yoshi can fly now? This looks kinda weird... Anyway this game looks like it's gonna rock. I've been wanting to buy a Wii ever since Brawl was announced. And now Giga Bowser is playable(if only for a few seconds) It's too much for me.
Birth By Sleep. It was really epic and makes me anticipate the next KH game each time I watch it.
I voted Christopher Lee, Jesse McCartney, James Woods and David Gallagher. Christopher Lee: One of my favourite actors. He was great in LoTR and Star Wars. He was great as Ansem. Jesse McCartney: To tell the truth, I never heard of him until KH2. But he did great as Roxas. (Off topic here, but I saw him get Punk'd a few days ago.) James Woods: He was fantastic as Hades, although "Feel The Heat" over and over again was annoying. David Gallagher: He didn't have that many lines compared to Sora and Kairi. But I think he done better than Haley Joel Osment and Hayden what's-her-last-name.(can't spell it) But I am dissapointed by the lack of Billy Zane in the poll. He was tremendous as 'Ansem'. He had the best lines as well.
I think I know a way to get Sora into the Station of Serenity. But I just need to know one thing. Is it possible to play as Sora in Roxas' story?
Can I be Xemnas please?
The Prince watched the fight and felt something was nearby. He looked around but saw nothing. OOC: Is it alright if I can be the Dahaka from Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within. here's a link to the picture: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x282/Mighty_Matt91/Dahaka.jpg
Dante put his feet up and watched. "You have a point." He said without looking at Vegeta.
OOC: Thanks. BIC: Dante sat down and watched the fight. "who do you think's gonna win?" He asked anyone.
OOC: If you mean what part of FFXII do they go there. It's fairly near the end. BIC: "How are we going to get there?" Vaan asked. "Giruvegan's in Jagd.". Balthier stood up and walked towards Vaan. "We'll have to use that crystal to teleport to Golmore and then walk through the Feywood. Simple as that." He told him. OOC: Jagd is an area where airships cannot fly unless they have a certain skystone, which they get later in the game. For the unaware.
OOC: Sorry to be a pain but can someone give me a recap?
OOC: Sorry that I haven't posted. Been a little busy. BIC: "Any ideas?" Jared asked Fran. "We must go to Giruvegan" She told them. "The stone must be there."
Valor - Decisive Pumpkin and Sleeping Lion/Fenrir. Wisdom - Ultima Weapon or any of the element boosting weapons. Master - Heroes Crest and Star Seeker/Ultima Weapon. Final - Ultima Weapon and Bond Of Flame.
I would have to say Ultima. It's design is cool and it's ability is much more useful. Fenrir is better for brute strength. Which is why I put Fenrir on Valor.
Does anyone have a code for No Exp. And also a code to put scan in my ability list? Not joker codes please.
Pride Lands. The Lion Sora was so dull. The fighting is mainly the same. Although Scar was a cool boss.
Reverse songs? I remember a while back when Xaldin posted a reversed version of Rage Awakened. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong area.