This should give you 98 of all keyblades. QTWW-6D2C-B2ETZ F3U9-50HC-ZZ8B4 73BN-0WXY-66JKD XEMJ-Z8ZB-J6NWK 2X8G-AB2H-2X5YX 5RM0-V1DT-0WEVW VM45-7WVT-5U6NV DPYB-VYJH-B10UJ 9MZ1-XZT1-YB1FP Kill any enemy and you'll go to level 99, stats and abilities are included. Quick Level Up-All Characters 00V3-EDAB-2VUG3 WCQR-QFU1-0TGKH
If anyone has time, can they port these to PAL please... Battle LVL Bahamut (KING Mode) GQ5H-8HTN-E667R 89Z6-CXDJ-BXZH1 Battle LVL Prince (Final Mode) NW83-5VAZ-U8V48 K4AZ-CEGN-246RC Battle LVL Royal (Royal Mode) GQ5H-8HTN-E667R 89Z6-CXDJ-BXZH1 Battle LVL Light Bahamut (Queen Mode) JP5U-W2D9-ZFYJR U1UV-A3DT-RVEEE Battle LVL God (Extreme Mode) B252-YWR4-HZ9H3 X95R-GFXC-YPVEG Battle LVL Easy (Newbie Mode) EPR8-PP38-B86KW XZZB-29MV-8NUY1
CnC Please.
Does anyone have a ARMAX PAL code for Pokemmon Ruby that modifies what pokemon you see in the wild? Thanks.
If you think this is bad? Go to the KH2FM Gamefaqs board.. There's usually some kind of It's coming to US/UK topic. Anyway, I highly doubt KH2FM will be released outside Japan. The only FM/Int game from Square released outside from Japan was FFX. And that was only because the PAL version was FFX Int, if you know what I mean.
Well there's 3 confirmed pokemon so far. Deoxys Chikorita Groudon
Can someone port these to PAL please? They're difficulty mods. Battle LVL Bahamut (KING Mode) GQ5H-8HTN-E667R 89Z6-CXDJ-BXZH1 Battle LVL Prince (Final Mode) NW83-5VAZ-U8V48 K4AZ-CEGN-246RC Battle LVL Royal (Royal Mode) GQ5H-8HTN-E667R 89Z6-CXDJ-BXZH1 Battle LVL Light Bahamut (Queen Mode) JP5U-W2D9-ZFYJR U1UV-A3DT-RVEEE Battle LVL God (Extreme Mode) B252-YWR4-HZ9H3 X95R-GFXC-YPVEG Battle LVL Easy (Newbie Mode) EPR8-PP38-B86KW XZZB-29MV-8NUY1
Thanks fr the comments. Here's a link to the text I used. It's called Visitor.
I think this is my best yet. CnC please.
I converted this code from the attachment: 203411E8 62626262 103411EC 00006262 003411EE 00000062 00341249 00000062 203412CC 62626262 103412D0 00006262 and entered it, ther code worked except for one little problem. It gave me all bottle items, but I still had my level 1 magic(this is a save before the Demyx battle in HB). Is the code supoposed to give you level 3 magic or just the level 1 spells?
Andross is an item? Wow... I don't know what to say.
Looks like an oversized car/bike key to me.
You'll have to delete the FM codes and mastercode before you can use the Re:CoM codes. Quick question. I've got a Swap Magic Coder, and what I want to know is, I won't need to use ARMAX for FM/Re:CoM right?
The One-Winged Angel is in the music mod in the attachment that evilman_89 posted.
Banned for being International Woman Of Mystery
I think this one was better than my first personally. CnC Please. Font Used: Sell Your Soul
That's weird, I never had to log in to view that page. EDIT: I have to now, they must have changed it.
Here you go: Shan-Yu Replaces Goofy X60F-J0KX-AVYQ8 B1MX-T3V4-EP5XJ
Go Here: You want the PAL codes, as you already know. They are in RAW format, meaning you will have to convert them using Max Convert. Check the Code Converting Program for ther link to download . It's virus free and doesn't cost anything. The Game ID is:09C9 Here's a tutorial on how to use Max Convert: The question marks are the digits, which you will find in the list. I might have missed something out. If so, sorry.
Axel(Partner) replaces Donald E6FV-83R3-5HWJD 5AX6-E8JJ-K93DY Axel(Partner) replaces Goofy 914E-VCPX-458XJ X26G-4RWJ-5VFPG Axel(Boss) Replaces Donald 9B1A-7JZU-9PNCG C9JU-PU19-AGXC4 Axel(Boss) Replaces Goofy U6Y8-64ZM-6K998 DZQK-3VDY-AH7YT