I probably should just buy the original unleashed for ps3..honestly I loved it for the overworld of the countries haha enjoy it, though If I had known you were gonna buy it I would have just game shared my version with you (as I had bought it on an old psn) anyways enjoy it and yeah I think all of us are dying to know who has won.
Status Quo Destruction <3 Spyair
I've been playing it on ps3 (bought it last year I think on psn) I might try the unleashed mod thingy for the PC version when my PC finally arrives (hopefully tomorrow)
Dragon's dogma Dark Souls 2 Skyrim Naruto storm series (personally the first one only because of the way the free roam was designed) and Tales of vesperia (STILL HATE MICROSOFT FOR BUYING OUT A LIFETIME LICENSE FOR IT TO BE EXCLUSIVE TO XBOX360)
my first youtube channel was 2007 or 8 but then it got hit with copyright strikes cause of AMV's :L
I'm done now guys...and congrats to whoever Nate picks as the winner :P
I'm not suprised with your posts and Risk's posts.
TBH J-rock has been the only thing keeping me going in this thread
Hello sleepwalkers