Nice,Nobody's Shadow.
I'm a pimp yo SILENCE!I'm thinking. FALCOOOOOOOON...... What makes me a good Demoman? Now for more recent pics Oh noes,the companion cube is raping me SURPRISE COCK****!
GAAAAH!What happened?
Rozen Maiden,an anime I'm currently watching.
Same here,the beginnig of the commercial sort of looked like Harry Potter though.
Agreed. I admit it's quote worthy,but not epic.
Obvious troll is obvious.
Man, I haven't played Mugen in a while.
LULZ! I is hator.
This man speaks the truth.
Jeez guess that really didn't phase you.
You forgot MF Doom.
Don't know who that is. 5/10
I'm John Freeman,who pwns da crap out of everyone else in KH.
Me and my friends are planning on going to the beach.
That's exactly what happened!
Lyke Gx dat 1s s0 meeen 1 1s telln a mod.
I hope you all die a slow painful death.
I've only seen a few of these threads(Don't complain yet).Maybe if there's a whole lot more it'll end up like the marriage threads.