Hey look buddy I'm an engineer,that means I solve problems. Not problems like"What is beauty" because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems. For Instance,How am I gonna stop some mean mother hubber from tearing me a stucturely supourflous new behind? The answear is a gun.And if that don't work,use more gun.
I lol'd .
For me,I could give a damn about her.It's just that that most of my school think everything on Disney Channel is awesome(they even have thier merchandise) even though it's gone down the toilet.
I just rewatched the scene;I would like also like to note that Jack turned his head a bit towards them and thier words were echoing.
You obviously never played Half-life haven't you?Also Half-Life has multiplayer.
I'm going to start a series of threads that asks questions about random things in the Kingdom Hearts.Most likely things that have nothing to do with the plot.You can answear and discuss here. Now for my first question;during the second visit of Port Royal after the Sora& co. were knocked off the Black Pearl,there was a scene with Sora,Donald,and Goofy talking about being unaffected by the curse because they were from other worlds.Jack can be seen in front of the screen,shifting his eyes.My question is,was Jack actually listening to them and what do you think was going through his head?
You forgot about Half-Life.
Alien Champion-Trocadero Most song I've listened to on my iPod.
I'm gonna try not to crack a PedoBear joke here. Anyways,If she's not that far from your age range it's AWWWWWWRIGHT.Like those other guys said it's about trust or something.
No not really.If wanted powers without the cost my exisitance,I would get hit by gamma rays or get bitten by a radioactive potato.
I kinda got bored and I thought about this like a few minutes ago. Anyways,I would make MadiYasha my personal slave.What I would have her do is use her Death Note to kill the reds.BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!
Spike is the cancer killing KH-vids.
You can all thank me.
Avvy:Looks kinda cool,don't recognize the character.7/10 Sig:Looks awesome,One them has a CVS2 sprite which gives you instant brownie points.9/10
How about a goatse tunnel.>: 3
Spank your plant and say it's naughty.
Does anyone around here still get on MSN?Seriously,I stop going on for a while then I get back on and anyone is barely on.
Ah man,How could I have missed this :' ( Come back here ya damn dirty red!!!!!!!!!Don't leave me here in this canyon alone!!!!!!!!!!
Lol @ all the people who claimed they weren't fooled.You seriously had me going there for a sec.Also,you have TF2?Hook me up at Steam,my username's ThorAxe.