I'd go at Larxene, with full force.
It's good to see ya again.
I already have my review for this movie
Crono there hasn't been a Univerese vs Universe game since Marvel vs Capcom 2. Anyways,this looks interesting, I'll have to keep my eye on this one.
well you Can tell your sister to shove it.
Does it have a virus now?
This video makes me view the finer things in life.
Why is it that parents always blame something that is irrelevant to the situation when stuff like this happens? There's something more than the internet afoot. Did they atleast interrogate the girls to see why they did it?
Okay I'm not trying to be mean but you were stupid enough to post your phone number on the internet;also 4chan/Anonymous aren't hackers,pranksters but not hackers.Don't give in to Fox News bullshit. The whole"We are Legion" thing,c'mon guys it's the fricking internet.
I'm black and I frankly don't care,stuff like that has been happening for decades. Yeah sure I wish things like the KKK and Palygamy would end,but you can't always have it your way.
I think an accusation like that is plain ******ed.There are hundreds of anime out there;I doubt the japanese use it all to brainwash us.
Woops sorry.Yeah go ahead and sell it for the PS2 ver.
I'll Co-op with you all night long baby >:3 Sorry,couldn't resist.
Man,little kids are so funny.
You Shisno! You made me think there was a sequel! Also you dare say Psychonauts blows;it's one of the greatest underrated games of all time.
If I was a women,I would bear his children.
Your looking at him.
I play by my own rules because I am one bad mamma jamma!
Who are you?
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