Yes I am a fan of Blood+, never finished the series though. You should probably edit our post; your not supposed to post links like that, it's considered advertising and the pictures are a bit much.
Hey guys you know that um Spores comin next month?
I'm going back to /co/
Masturbate .
Not this **** again.
If Sora ever ran into Jessica Rabbit. That would be the most epic thing in KH.
If this is true I seriously hope they don't **** it up. I hope that the Disney characters keep thier original actors; don't care if everyone else is changed. Maybe Sora will get a better voice actor.
Screw this movie, screw the fanbase, screw Disney Channel.
I fricking hate the new George Lucas, making all his movies child-friendly. That wasn't what made you a bad-ass George. Seriously, he's ruining the franchise he created.
Pretty much sums up what I was going to say.
This kind of stuff makes me want to be an atheist.
WTF! I'm 16 and I'm like at least 5'7, **** you tall people.
Doesn't everyone hate that?
You should change the title to " Weeabos hate you when...." to stay on topic: You call Naruto a kids cartoon.
Ok time to put in my two cents; Bakugan is just another Yu-gi-oh,pokemon,beyblade ripoff. To be honest, I'll don't think kids your age are interested in it because they probably know about all the old stuff. The concept has been done so many times; Boy plays game and wants to be the best, finds friends that play the game, has rival that later becomes his friend, evil group wants to use the game for evil purposes. It's the same ****ing thing and you kids buy into it.
My Hat Is Awesome!!!!!!!!
Is it that we're extremely sexy?
Grodon Freeman; the nerd who kicks ass!
Screw it, I'll just replay KH 1, but Half-life and Team Fortress 2 are starting to beat KH as my favorite game.
I'm just taking a break from Team Fortress 2. Got anyways to get me back into KH?