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  1. ZakuraRabbit
    I've never played the game, but from what I've seen in the cutscenes I like the manga ending better.
    RR didn't die:D It would have been fun to see new stories about him in the future, (I have a fanfic where he gets two little brothers:p both are hyperactive nutbags, one clone of Cloud and one of Ienzo...personality far of)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. ZakuraRabbit
    How many of you think shadow heartless are the cutest there is?:D
    Here are some drawings I made of the little cuties (or one in particular, that I like to call "Shadow-Sora":cool: )
    Here are the cuties on my banner:D
    Shadow-Sora's favourite food is just about everything (according to LiD at least...which is a don't trust it:p )
    One thing about heartless though.... they're not very smart critters (Xehanort is the exeption, then there's Sora, in my fic however he's just about as smart as any other heartless)
    The original ice cream eating heartless. My first shadow-drawing:D
    Thread by: ZakuraRabbit, May 17, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. ZakuraRabbit
    Never played Final Fantasy VII... but I want to:p
    I've seen Advent Children though and it's awesome:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 13, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  4. ZakuraRabbit
    Easy! FinalFantasy Tactics Advance!

    and a little X-2 later. Those are the only Final Fantasy Games I've tried:p
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 13, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. ZakuraRabbit
    The manga's story about the replica is very different from the game.

    As far as I remember Riku met him once, and they never fought.
    After Namine broke the replicas heart it woke up soon after. In the manga this happens after Marluxia is beaten, in an extra story at the end. The replica meets Riku and bothers him for a short while, then Riku gets annoyed and leaves.
    The replica encounteres a bunch of failed Vexen replicas and they all decide to leave the castle and find an identity for himself (and getting sligtly annoyed by the Vexen replicas who follow him for some strange reason).
    So he doesn't die in the manga.. he just left.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. ZakuraRabbit
    He may not even wake up.. I think it said somewhere in the secret Ansem Reports that Sora couldn't wake up because he didn't have the part of himself that Roxas had.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. ZakuraRabbit

    PC Sims?

    Downloading may get you a corrupted file. My dad did that once and it didn't wokr properly:/
    I bought the Sims and Sims 2 the legal way, you can get it almost anywhere where I live:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 12, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  8. ZakuraRabbit
    Sora's hood is being used...though not by Sora. Jiminy Cricket lives in it.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. ZakuraRabbit
    I caught 150 pokèmon in Red version and all I got was a stinky diploma-.- Now I don't even bother with that anymore (without Sapphire I have no way of getting them all anyway)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 12, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  10. ZakuraRabbit
    Lol:p Too bad I can't name my rival in Ruby.... her name is May. No way of changing that:( So I named some of my Pokèmon from KH-characters.
    I have a Swellow named Sora:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 11, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  11. ZakuraRabbit
    OKay, I admit. I still enjoy playing Pokèmon but please! Stop me from buying the new ones! I tend to play and get sick very soon, and for now I feel fine just playing Ruby:) (which coincidentally is my brother's, I sold mine....:p but he doesn't use it any more so it doesn't matter)
    On my current file I did something I've never done on the newer games (Gold-Sapphire-Ruby) I picked a male character.....and named him Roxas:p (I usually pick female since I'm female myself)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 11, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  12. ZakuraRabbit
    Yup. The hearts fly up into the air in KH1 as well. I've seen it plenty of times. (Since I played KH2 first, I noticed right away)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. ZakuraRabbit
    I want a chi too, but I feel as though celebrities put us REAL chi-lovers in a bad light:( When I tell someone I want a chi they're all like "Why do you want that? So you can carry it around ina handbag??" Even my mom says they look like rats:p But I'm a sucker for small animals, and I want a small dog, and I wouldn't care less about fashions!
    Then there's the weirdos who think the way celebrities act is the right thing. I once heard from a chi-owner who had been called an animal abuser because her dog wasn't wearing any clothes and had to walk:rolleyes: Poor thing:p

    Oh yeah, and I would also not want to meet George Bush. Or Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler or Vidkun Quisling (espesially not the dead ones:p that'd be just creepy....)
    Let's just say there are few celebrities I would really LIKE to meet. Except maybe for Trey Stone and Matt Parker (South Park) They're funny:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. ZakuraRabbit
    I don't want to meet many celebrities.
    Least of all Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.
    Britney has always made me sick in some way, and I kind of blame Hitlon for making chihuahas "popular" and so many people can't seem to realise that it's a DOG not a fashion item! Chis have feet, they're not made for sitting in a handbag all day.

    I can live without bimbos who care only about their looks any day.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. ZakuraRabbit
    I hate humans, they're a cruel species:p (I've converted to rabbithood)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 9, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  16. ZakuraRabbit
    Mostly rabbits, rats, hamsters, (rodents in particular) wolves, cats, dogs, hawks+++
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 9, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  17. ZakuraRabbit
    Well, according to the reports Ansem/Xehanort pretending to be ansem called them heartless, maybe he just didn't know better..
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. ZakuraRabbit
    Black Fungus (I think, those who spit toxic gas)
    They have very little hit points but are still hard to kill:(
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. ZakuraRabbit
    Cool:D Do you know what console it's for?
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 8, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  20. ZakuraRabbit
    Drink Coca Cola. It has both:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, May 8, 2007 in forum: Archives