I haven't even killed him yet:p ...He's hard.
Wake up Take bus (for a loooong time) Go to school Take bus back home. Feed the rabbits or if weather is nice, I put them out on the lawn. Go use the PC or PS2 If the rabbits are out, I take them in around 9 and feed them. Maybe watch some TV at night or if there's nothing on, Internet. (Feed my hamster somewhere inbetween there too but I have no set time on when to feed my pets)
I was confused out of my mind. And it did not get better by the fact that I hadn't even played KH at the time so I didn't know who he wasXD before Sora says his name in The World That Never Was.
Key of Destiny: Sora fancies you too. I should know;)
Key of Destiny: I'd say dumb them both. :p Riku is crazy and Sora is a wuss
Key Of Destiny: No sorry.
Key of Destiny: Hi. Not much.
I can't come up with anything.... Let's just say "KeyOfDestiny" and chose something very obvious:p
Could I have Roxas please?:D
Navnet mitt har ingen ÆØÅ men det føles uansett feilplassert i en engelsk setning:p Er derfor jeg foretrekker å bli kalt "Usagi" på nett (som er japansk og godt mulig like så feilplassert men bleh:p) Som oftest blir jeg kalt "Zakura" siden det er brukernavnet mitt de fleste steder og det går også fint)
Agreed:p I was going to write a fanfic about their kids one day, (when I finish LiD and possibly a sequel,...which might be it) They'd have twins, two blondes called Roxas and Namine:p
No one's made fun of me for playing KH:D Although I have met some who says the game looks silly, and I can't really blame them. First time I saw the game I thought it looked idiotic to mix final fantasy with DisneyXD I have however been teased for other stuff, (AKA: Pokèmon) in a way that I keep wondering WHO's obsessed? I like to draw, so I've always been drawing little characters in my school books, I USED to draw pokèmon, back when I was completely obbsessed by it (and who wasn'`t at some point? come on!) I may gave liked it a few months after the rest of class got bored of it. So in like 3-4 years after, people have been teasing me for drawing pokèmon and asking me for pokèmon cards. News flash: I drew animals, ANY animal. THEY think EVERYTHING I draw looks like pokèmon. And wherever did they get the news that I still had pokèmon cards? I gave them away to my little brother and when he got bored of them we cut them to pieces for the heck of it. In total: the boys see pokèmon everywhere, yet they teased me for it:p
Pft.... er egentlig enig,... det er en grunn til at jeg stadig sier jeg bor på "midten av miden av ingensteder":p Og Christhor's dead brother du bør vel ikke i Bergen vel?
Ante ikke det var så mange normenn her:D Koselig å vite.
Well could be fun to know who is Norwegian here;D Such a lovely country... Jeg er norsk;)
So they ripped of themselves?
Well they do look very "animeish", which all anime characters+square characters do.XD Spiky hair, big eyes... The middle guy looks just like Riku....XD
I think a perfect name for him would be....Kenny. That is a very nice name. Or perhaps something gibberish that can me mixed around and actually mean something (like Xehanort becomes "No heart" and "Another")
I recoment Kingdom Hearts. I don't know if you've ever heard of it but it is a very good game:D I also recommend Jak 2 and 3. :D
1 Game Boy Colour 1 Super Nintento 1 Playstation 2 1 Wii (well it's my brother's) 1 Game boy Advance SP (also my brother's) 1 DS (once again, my bro's) I used to have a Game Boy Advance but I sold it, we also had Playstation one for a while but that one was just borrowed. I was planning on buying a PSP. Though I'm kind of broke so It'll take some time:p