I have all the PS2-games, and my favourite is either Jak2 or Jak3. I didn't really like TPL (except the flut-flut:p it pwns the leaper lizards big time as it doesn't die walking trhough plants...) and the ending was really disappointing... I don't even know why I bothered buying the second one but I'm glad I did:D My first fanfics that were put online (and still the mayority of them) were of Jak and Daxter:D Including a few prequels and parodies.
The pink-haired man is Marluxia;) He's nr 11. Larxene is nr 12.
Well I have these two: The black one is Sasuke the Legendary Black Beast, the other one is Zakura the Killer Rabbit. Both are rabbits. I'm also getting a 3. rabbit in about two weeks:D Then I have this: Sabaku no Temari (Temari of the desert) a longhaired syrian hamster. (Occasionally I have two hamsters, one which I'm looking after for my school, I've had 3 different school hamsters at my house though never at the same time) And last (well actually my first pet) there's this: My dog Max. Isn't he a cutie?
I'm getting a new bunny this summer:D (in about two weeks actually) I don't have any plans cept staying home. I would have gone with my parens to go camping if it wasn't the most boring place ever. Besides, driving in a small car for two hours with my whole family + a hamster, 3 rabbits and a dog isn't very tempting... it was hard enough last year with only 2 rabbits and one dog.
Er...no? He was in the same flower pod he'd been in ever since CoM. I think maybe the basement was kind of the connection point between the two worlds. So DiZ may have added in a copy of Sora there too:p Strange part is, Sora actually goes to the digital Twilight Town at the end, before going to TWTNW...
Roxas doesn't remember the Organization at the start of the game because DiZ deleted those memories, to prevent the organization from taking it back. He said so himself: "He needs a new personality, to throw of his pursuers". However at the last day, when Roxas enters the mansion his memories start to return, and at the end when he fights Axel the last time, and later fuses with Sora he's gotten all his memories back;)
The Twilight Town at the start of the game was a computer simulation created by DiZ. (remember Axel saying "This town is his creation right?") The nobodies broke in which is why so many weird stuff was happening, and Roxas was the only one who noticed (well most of the time) as everyone else were computer images anyway. He joined with Sora shortly afterwards, where else would he be for the rest of the game? I agree with Stardust that what happened in The World that Never Was was only in Sora's mind. It even takes place on the station of awakening. If it had been real don't you think they would have fought in the real world that never was?
Maybe it's because of Roxas:p Roxas has blonde spiky hair, and far shorter than Sora's. Sora's hair is brown, but apparently lightened in KH2 and didn't grow as much:p
Yes, I knew he would come back for several reasons. 1. I had already completed KH2. ANd it would be pretty weird to play as Sora... if he died in the past game.. 2. Kingdumb Hearts already pretty much spoiled it for me anyway (I watched those movies before playing the games.... clever me) 3. I had seen the cutscenes on KH-vids already. Yes I'm a stinking cheater:p Strike me down with a keyblade if you like.
I'm half Roxas half Axel... two of my favsXD You are member number XIII, Roxas. You are the Nobody of Sora. You find out that the world you've been living in is nothing but a lie and that you aren't supposed to exist. Earlier you left Organization XIII to find out why you weilded the keyblade. Then your memory was erased and you were put into an artifical reality. Finally you give in and reunite with Sora. Axel 50% Roxas 50% Xaldin 44% Zexion 38% Lexaeus 38% Demyx 38% Xigbar 25% Marluxia 25% Saix 13% Vexen 0% Larxene 0% Xemnas 0% Luxord 0% Oddly enough, I also got 38% on both Demyx and Zexion who are my other two favourites.
My KH-OCs are quite nuts... and created on random... Don't know if this one even quailifes as an OC since it's a replica of Cloud...with a personality that is waaaay of and in the form of a small child. I call him ChibiCloudXD CC: HI! Counselor: Er...Hello little boy. Something bothering you today? CC: Nope Counselor: ...then why are you here? CC: I wanna play! No one ever wants to play with me and my own brother left me behind in a trash can! Play with me now! Counselor: oh dear... Guess that kind of gives you an idea of CC's personality:p ...he was born in a random MSN-convo...
I think if it becomes a movie it should be CGI like Advent children.. Otherwise celebrities aren't my strong side so I don't know... Johnny Depp should be Jack Sparrow because he IS Jack SparrowXD
Let me see if I can remember all this time. Super Nes Super Mario All stars (4 games: SM bros. SM bros Lost levels (aka bros2 in japan).The american SM bros 2. SM bros 3) Micromachines 2 Also borrowed: Super Mario Cart Super Mario bros 4/Super Mario World. Playstation (the machine itself wasn't ours though, but most of the games were) Croc 2 Spyro 2 Spyro 3 Digimon Rumble Arena Borrowed: Auto Destruct Nagano Winter Olympics 98 Spyro the Dragon Worms Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Playstation 2 Spyro Enter the Dragonfly Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts 2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter Quidditch world cup DragonballZ budokai 3 Jak and Daxter the precursor Legacy Jak 2 Renegade Jak 3 Jak X Combat Racing Borrowed: Tekken (5?) Worms 3D Final Fantasy X-2 Game Boy Color Pokèmon Red version Pokèmon Gold version (sold) Legend of Zelda: A link to the past Deluxe Game Boy Advance (sold) Pokèmon Sapphire version (sold) Mario Cart Advance (given to my brother) My brother's games: (which I also play, some of the PS2-games are his as well) Nintento Wii: Legend Of Zelda. Twilight Princess (okay I don't play that) Game boy Colour Pokèmon Yellow version Game Boy Advance: Pokèmon Ruby version (currently I'm using that and he's using my red game...to get Mew) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Nes Classics: Legend of Zelda Nes Classics: Legend of Zelda 2 Mario Cart Advance (that was mine) Nintendo DS: Wario Ware Touched New Super Mario Bros Super Mario 64x4
I stopped playing when I beat Ansem...last week....not that long ago in other words:D My current goal is to finish KH2 in standard mode and get the secret movie (then maybe try again to get the secret movie in KH1. There were three puppies I've missed)
I've got "Catch me if you can" on my iPod:o My music taste is still rather odd.... Even yesterday I entered some random disney songs to it in various langugesXD (As I write this I'm listening to Aladdin and Brother Bear in Japanese)
Lol. That was so funnyXD Who wouldn't want to dress in pidgeon-costume and run into a random person feeding the city birds....
Pft... MY first was Smurf Hits 2. Now how's THAT for embrassassing???? (No teasing I was a kid back then... I also have Hits for Kids 4 but I got that one aaaages after I got Smurfs)
If my computer ever got a name it would be the darn box from hell. It sucks...bad. I'm thinking of making a heartless plushie, I'll call it "Sora":D
I think that's his catchphrase, like Axels "Got it memorized?" Many anime-characters have their own catchphrase. Such as in Naruto, the main character always says "Dattebayo!" (or "Beilieve it" in the dub) and Shikamaru always says "Mendokze" (may be mispelled) which translates to "How Troublesome".
They remind me of a few pics I made a while back....cept 19909 times better....