I bought mine for 99 NOK, it was almost twice as expensive as the first ones (they were 59 NOK for each) They were more expensive than regular books here in Norway as they were american imports:D I buy many imported mangas... since there aren't all too many Norwegian relases. The Tokyopop website is down... Now I can't even check when the next comes out:(
Not sure if this is the right spot... but a mod may move it if it's not. However dudes and dudettes, I went to the comic store today planning on buying the last three volumes of the Kingdom Hearts Manga (I already have the 1 volume and the two CoM-ones) and guess what I saw on the counter? The guy working there was putting price tags on a new manga, KH2 volume 1:D I ripped it out of the shelf a second after I put it there (though I might as well have taken it directly from the counter...) and bought all 4 of them. Now my collection is complete! (Well despite the fact I only have one KH2-manga...) It's so awesome:D Even though I've got both the PS2-games, I still enjoy the mangas. Does anyone know when Volume 2 is out? I can hardly wait:D
I have to sit in the front seet or I get carsick....of course I'm 19 and Norwegian but it's still a silly law.
It changes every now and then, whenever I find a song I like I listen to it so much I get bored of it, then when I download new songs I find one I think is catchier and listns to that till I get bored. Right now the songs I think is the catchiest are: A star is born (from Hercules) Shouchi no Suke (from One Piece) Lord Laharl's Hymn (from Disgea) And most of the music from the gummi ship levels in KH2:3
They attack animals to eat, so they don't die of starvation, or to chase them out of their territory. If they don't do this, they die. Humans on the other hand... I've heard of cases were some jerks put a racoon under a bucket and threw hot water on it, causing it to get burnt damages. Others, shoot or torture strays animal. Why do they do it? Because they want to eat the racoon? Do they die if they don't beat a defenceless kitten to death? I don't think so.
If you ask me: mankind is the most evil species on the planet.:p Within few other species you'll find induvidials who kill and torture other creatures just for fun (I'm talking both animal abuse and abusing of children and other humans)
I turned mine on a few weeks ago just to check if its still work. I forgot how noisy those things are D: Seriously! They don't talk, they YELL. I shut it up rather quicklyXD Now he stays immobile like a cuddly toy (I'm tempted to rip its fur of and stuff it with wool, instead of the robot insides it's got now) The movie of the furby in the mircowave reminded me of a film I saw of Tickle me Elmo. Someone put it on fire and it kept talking and moving around:D
I think you've got a point here. According to the Secret Ansem Reports nobodies are born from the bodies left behind by the heartless, so Xemnas had that body. (Don't ask me what the heck the point with Sora and Roxas is at that thoughXD) Xehanorts hearltess is never seen without the cloak before he fuses with Riku and later on he appears in front of Riku as he's still hiding in his heart.
If your birthdate is today then you're sharing with me, my old classmate and three random chinchillas:D ...28. June seems to be a popular birtdate...
I got a laptop for my birthday:D I've been waiting for it ever since my brother got one for christmas. My mom usually gets to order computers through her work, but after half a year of waiting she went and asked her boss about it, but it turned out they weren't going to offer PCs this year:( So instead she went ahead and bought one:D I call it Rabbit. Adding to the list of strange names on objects...Reason? We joked about it being a rabbit in the box:D Since I'm still waiting for my new pet rabbit (though I reserved 3 baby rabbits but all died before I got them....)
Good thing I don't like burgers. I don't look good with a mustache (as I'm female:p)
Yeah, its about the darkness in the heart, not how strong it is. Just look at Kairi, I wouldn't expect her to have a weak heart, yet she didn't even produce a heartless, since she had absolutey no darkness in her heart. So little darkness=shadow No heartless=nothing at all Much darknes=a very strong heartless, like Xehanort.
-Internet -iTunes (which was recently playing KH-music:D Now it plays...dare I say it? Pokèmon (hides) I'm logged onto MSN but it's not open. *opens* Now it is.
And How do i find that? If I were to google the word Super can you imagine how many hits I would get?
It could be the old Radiant Garden. Perhaps the trees were destroyed when the heartless came. I always thought it was RG, cause of Kairi. Why else would he recognice it? I can't recognize Twiligth Town at the time as he does partly in CoM since Roxas isn't born yet. PS: Kairi is called a resident of Radiant Garden in the Secret Ansem Reports in KH2. She came to Destiny Island as a child.
Thanks a lot:D I've looked trhough the artwork on both KH and KH2 on that site now but I still can't find the pridelands heartless. Does anyone know where to find those?
Does anyone know of any web-site that has full-pictures of all the hearltess? I've been looking for quite some time now but most I find are small images of only their heads or whatever:( (and I'm talking hearltess from both games, but I'm particularly intrested in the Deep Jungle and Pride Lands-heartless)
I wasn't quite sure where to ask this so I ask here. The thing is, I'm trying to make some films about my pets (and various other animals) and I have a small digital photo camera which I bring along everywhere. The problem is, it saves it's movie files in .mov, and it doesn't work with any of the film editing programs I have and can only be played on QuickTime. Is there any way at all that I can edit these files or convert them into other file types so that they would work in the limited programs I have (Windows Movie Maker, no fancy expensive programs here:p) I hope you can help, most of the films I have have some very strange noises in the background^^;
I know, the water looks ridicolous:p I just thought it looked too plain if I only coloured in blue and found no other way to fix it.
Thanks:D That's not really a natural transporation metod for dogs so that's why it looks so scared:p