music is video games sets the mood...kinda like movies: when something sad happens, sad music plays, when something exiting happens happy music plays
i think that the game will be wesome! that is, if it comes to australia...
i think he looks hot
I hope it comes to Australia
Sephiroth!!!!! he totaly kicks ass!
Definately FFVII. And once I play CC that will be my other fave too...but I also like the KH games
Xemnas forever!
i would want to be xemnas coz i think hes the hottest member and i love his voice!
i sooo want 358/2 days! that would be hell cool to be org 13 instead of sora all the time! ya know
Welcome Welcome spdude! I hope you do your best for this site! and uh thanks for all your hard work deathspank!