It's okay. THANKS, MAN! :D
Yes, I have it. Tell me what codes I need to have on, that's all.
The Ultima Weapon and Fenrir please.
Well, here's videos of all the codes I would like to have. Please make them all for Kingdom Hearts II (not Final Mix). I would like a working FAKE that doesn't T-Stance me. I would like a Dual-Wielding Anti Form. As I find more, I'll add them, but for now, this is what I would like. Please and thank you! :D
I don't know. Cloud's pretty good at this stuff, and since he's saying it might not work, it's risky...:P
Your welcome! Dude, I seriously loved it. The music blended in well with the action on screen. Pure awesomeness. Also, your a good friend, too! :D
Ha ha ha ha! Anyway, thanks for the other hacks, Ansem.
I LOVE YOUR VIDEO! THAT VIDEO WAS EPIC! FIVE STARS! You have an ultimate win there, friend.
Woah, nice work! Dude, I need those codes! :O *Drools Thinking Of Anti - Final Form*
LOL Have you seen that glowing Keyblade one before? I kinda want it...:P
LOL I can't wait until I get my Swap Magic...Imagine what this would look like with that exaggerated effects code we have... Ummm...WTF!? O_O
Ha ha...Huh!? o-O ^^ So funny! PFFFFFFFFT! XP
Ah...thread, sweet thread. :)
Okay, let's do that.
PFFFFT! Soldier, did I ask you to speak!? LOL Anyway, I will takeover my position as Captain again. Thank you for making this happen again Ansem. Your my Assistant now. :) Anyway, I think you were a great leader Ansem, but now...NOW IT'S TIME FOR...ULTIMA-SORA AND PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!
OH, OKAY! TIME TO GET SERIOUS! Alright, people! I'm in charge again, and boy am I going to work ya (that sounded...gross...LOL)! So, who needs direction as to what needs to be done!? LOL Troops! FORWARD MARCH!
Heh...It's okay, man. *Eats Cheesecake* *Uses Ether To Restore Eating Magic*
Good man, good man. Ah, I want to play as Riku right now, but I don't understand the code. LOL Ya'know, that File-thingy you gave me? PLEASE DON'T EAT ME ANSEM! D: JK LOL HELP ME! :D
*Gasp* :D You made it come back!? You withheld my dream thread! :) I'm going to cry...THANK YOU! ;-; :)