The Pokemon Trainer's Final Smash is probably something like unleashing a barrage of random Pokeballs everywhere. Unleashing craploads of random powerful Pokemon!
I'm sorry! I was kidding, too! Here's a hug, don't be sad! :glomp:
WHY YOU LITTLE!!!! :yelling::guiltygearXpc37:
WTF?!? Are you all insane? Hercules would kick a**! He's a f***ing God!
Watch your tone, mister!
Your smexy! XD
Hmmm...very interesting. Is it possible that it's changing something we can't see? Such as activating something that would need another code in order to work? Example: What if that code is the first of two codes that enable you to play as Riku in the Final Battle? It freezes because it needs the other code to form what we know as Riku, yet it freezes when loading a save file where your playing as a different character, such as Sora. I consider this a good find! I want you to keep us updated with this, also, if you want us to help you find some codes that could be merged with this (Like how I described above.), tell us! Hmmm...I LOVE your progress so far The_One_Man7! I think your giving me some information that, combined with my logical theories, could get us Riku! ^_^ Hmmm...OKAY! What world would you like?
I don't know. Let's converse at the other thread.
Tested for what? I've tested all the normal play as world character codes, but I can't tell if those are it.
jlhack7, I PMed you.
o-O ...................What?
It all depends. Sometimes we'll assign you codes that have nothing to do with your world, so I couldn't say.
I was kidding...mostly.
I know! XD
I was joking... It's usually a taunt when a guy calls another guy a girl...
I'm not sure. A lot of the "code givers" are gone right now... Nope. :P I'll keep you updated.
I know how you feel. I have TWO history projects! DX Anyway, I can't test now, sorry.
Not yet, I'll keep you updated! :P Ooooh, nice! I'm looking forward to this! If you need help, just tell me! XD Try Final Mix.