O_O it was the new Demyx code.... If you want it, go to last pages,
Ehi guys, look what I do whit the Demyx ally code!^^: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=D_zs9SSSRPw
OMG!So now the Dark Margin work?
Cool hacks, so do you think it's possible to play with 1000 Heartless?
Okay!I'll try
No, no, it work, but.... yes I mean like the Demyx code to test (and maybe I can post a vid.)
How many time there is to port these codes for PAL?
Yes, ok P.S.For the allies, I mean that allies have the Donald's stats not the normal
Can someone give me these codes? Ally Vexen Ally Saix Ally Pete (Paradox Cup) Tron replaces Donald Play as normal Sora whit Final Form outfit Thanks
For me no. And (Again for me) doesn't work the Donald's enemy code
Uhm...maybe for the room, or maybe because Demyx don't know how to hit Sora if he is far to him
Wait, if you use the Donald enemy into Demyx the game doesn't freeze?Because yesterday I tried the Demyx code and work, but if I'm far to him, the game freeze and I don't know why
............... NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! KH3 on PS3 NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I only have PS2 and now I need to buy a PS3 and a PSP to play with BBS and KH3!! But why only on PS3?
Uhm....I'm not sure for Demyx, maybe he can summoning clones when you are in a boss fight (ex. You are in the Saix battle and Demyx in the you're party.At this point Demyx summoning the clones and it crash). And maybe in a normal gameplay Demyx can attack whit his sitar and he can't summoning clones. And for Zexion, well you are right, so forget Zexion and if you want can you make the Demyx code?I can test if it work
Uhm...If I use the facedown code? But thanks thanks and thanks so much! And for the MCP code, yeah work I finally have the MCP on my party, but the only problem it's he can't be defeat and he can't do nothing, he can only talk whit his big mouth xd!:laughing-smiley-004 Maybe if I have Tron on my side... P.S.Sorry if I ask maaaannnnnyyyyyy codes, but now it's possible to have the real ally bosses?For ex. Zexion and Demyx can hit now the enemies?
?Whit this code, when you have Xemnas in the your party, he can't attack you, but he can hit the enemies?Wow!Can someone convert it?
Can someone give me that code to replaces Goofy with MCP? The MCP code is this:06E2 Maybe work, it's a boss/dummy...
Can someone give me the KHFM Master Code?
Lol!You use a code to change the bosses battle/cutscenes in another room!Pretty cool! Can't wait for these codes!
Guys, I have a question with Luxord:He haven't any hp bar right?But....now we can have the codes to have 17, or many HP's bar for the enemies and so....if Luxord have for ex. 1 HP bar, he can be defeat....or not? Anyone never tested?