Ti doesn't work.When I started the game with this code, it froze
I'll try if it work. Ah, is there a code to warp to the room when you fight the armor Xemnas for the 2 time?(It's when you fight him in the Dragon's ship and with Riku)
It doesn't work:when I play with Goofy, he have his normal stat and not the Sora's stats
So can someone give me these codes?
Hey, it's possible to play with the normal enemies?For Example the Shadow, the Mushroom N.7, etc.
Hey guys, I need these codes: -Goofy with Sora's stats -Jafar replace Donald -Oogie Boogie replace Goofy -The big red Heartless from Cavern of Remembrance replace Goofy (It's the same of the big purple Heartless from Space Paranoids) -Rune Muster replace Donald (It's the Bookmaster, but from the Cavern of Remembrance) -Limit cut Saix For AR Max
Can someone convert these codes?? 11CE1286 000008F7 11CE1288 0000007E
Work!You can go in Atlantica with normal Sora, but if you changing Keyblade, the game freeze Again, can someone convert this code for AR Max? 11CE1286 000008F7 And this? 11CE1288 0000007E
Thanks!^^ Maybe with this code, we can play with normal Sora in Atlantica^^I'll try if it work Oh well, if the game start and Mickey can't do Pearl, tou must press R2 when you changing map.But if you press him, yes you can do Pearl, but you are in the room of slepp with a glitch, because there isn't the stairs to go in the room with Aqua, but....there is this room, but it's not solid
can someone convert di code for AR Max? 11CE1284 00000054
Ehi guys, look this code: VCEM-RJ2A-YN57H YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU W63A-TZXK-W8CW1 V36U-RVW4-D3416 ZQFM-UK0D-VMN8X With this code, you can play with Mickey.Ok so for now it's normal, but if jump and press O, you can do SANCTA!!And if you press R2, you can go in the room of sleep!(with Mickey) Work on a PS2!
THANKS!^^ Ah can you give me the Full party codes and the 1000 Heartless battle warp?
Can someone give me these codes?? Can you give me this code for AR Max?
Can someone give me these codes? -Play as Goofy. -The Worlds character can do the Donald's limits
Mushroom! Especially the White Mushroom, The Rare Truffle and the Mushroom near the Yensid's tower xd
Please Is there a code to have KH2FM at 100%? Please I need this code! And for AR Max
Can someone convert this code for AR Max?: E001FDFF 0034d45C 2032bae0 00001B04 11c6cc20 0000005B 20e42198 00f58060