ok and u were the larxene fan? i dont remember witch of you two divine_lunatic or u were the larxene fan
ok that i knew that he was repliku but i thought repliku still was the real riku but in dark form or something
yes i did forgot it i really feel pity for riku in the scene where he gets beaten by larxene and yells something like this yameyooo! or however it is written
ok Bye! See ya! Heippa! Moido! Ciao! Bonjour!
lol that might be true.
sorry hod but i did not get ur guestion cause i started really thinking do i really even exist?...
its true its even more true than that proof that i exist
whou u came back!"!!!! :) i want to see u cause ur the best and u rock
unlucky???... I could destroy this computer at this second!!!!!!!
now im really pisssed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i missed hod when i was gone for like 20mins raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o...k it made me want revenge cause at that point goofy was my strongest one and donald the weakest but i gotta go to buy somethings from the closest shop cause mother has to do something so ill be away for like 20 min then ill come baeck byeh byeh!
welll...???? what u thoght of goofy?
what u think of donald at the point when goofy protected mickey from the flying rock that hit goofys head?
umm i think hes weird... first hes soras friend and then he turns to dark and is soras enemy but still he helps sora then in kh2 end hes soras friend again
o...k i dont know any of those lets just talk something else like kh
j-pop? whats that? some band? neva heard of it
like ......... anything.
gouted for truth i need some1 to chat to cause i feel little chatty
well i am and now u know it and i Missed hod AGAIN!!!!!!!!