well demyx is humoristic
ok he is my fav only because of his element
i dunno but my fav is still demyx
i knew it!!!
i dunno maybe she goes there to make a trap for xinia and her BF
haihai hai! whats happening here now Xinia has a BF and emmax wants to go to park probably to mess xinias date
bye! i gotta go too
LOL *blasts something black to hod from palm* thats your essence so you can not die yet
NO!!!!! it migh be something else too
yes i have played ff IV i almost beated that (i dont remember the thiefs name)'s brother it was kinda hard game ( reallly hard) i almost really died playing it cause i have beaten those tree other final fantasys i played but not that and that pisses me so i almost killed myself and yes death might take away our existence or then we will be born again.
lol ú made me think that is this really real are we just made for something/someone like twilight town was created for roxas
u need to ask our queen first she gives promotions and demotes
in that your right but its ok for me that ur the king im not really king like
no she hasnt removed u from the kingstatus and yes we are a couple atleast i think so
i dont know even how to
umm not yet we arnt still 18 and who knows? but like you can read at page 167 she told every body the thing
what eva i found very humoristic vid and i still dont know how to get a video from youtube straight to here
yes its funny i think the funniest part is where the guy asks what is the japanese term for sadistic and rape and the last cut
no its not it its this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHX1tnVjRwY&NR=1
ok then im not gonna show that vid to u now i could but the end would maby make u wanna kill me