what disney song?
O.O ofcourse hopefully she isnt wery asked
is she?? O.O i didnt know...
YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY R-C ish here i have something not so fun to tell to u
i am at a random or somthing thing
she gonna be online??? atleast!!!!!
maybe shes watching or loging in i dont know ei tietoo kysy divinelt
ok... ''kampaaja/parturi''
NICE??? my friend would have died there and i werent even there i were at barber
i just got a piece of information from my friedn u know the gunblade master he said that R-C tried to strangle him
I....... be away for some time gots dinnernao
i... Live ... There... Totooooooooooooooooooo~~~~ lol just had to say that
HIIIIIII~~~i ammmm.. bored and i had to check the cinemas scedule to see what would be good to watch in a secret thingeyyyyyy... that nobody knowsss
Fun ur gonna fall asleeep and im gonna go away soon
hhhhhiiiiiiii im sdooooooo broberbored that i wannad write like a babyaksa gah*dies*
you are just human like i am and keybladeofdarkness4 and janime6 and all other humans in the world it doesnt matter if you are childish or a little kid you will still be human that wont change nor matter.
Avatar:9/10 its cool Sig 7/10 pic isnt very clear
10 somthing random)
*pokes* i didnt melt but the reason might be that im like you anti-anti-form will be my destruction goood that i have the only one of those oh i forgot: HI!!!