im back again got bored on posting to random threads about the thing they are created for
i like rumbling rose when i want some challenge to the game and usually i use oathkeepper
lol i got Sora 30% Xemnas 30% Kairi 30% Roxas 25% Ansem the wise 20% Namine 20% Riku 20%
my favs are the world that never was and pride lands least fav is beasts castle i dont know why but i just hate it
yay so i hafta get going to other areas bye...
yay i feel bullshittier than a pile of bullshit!!!!!!!!!! cool but how can i get more posts??
I HATE MY USERNAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aka. my real nickname
she tried to do it really but then she stopped and im feeling little dizzy so i didnt understand
lol you sound like... like... me when R-C tried to give me a make over
lol why would she kill you?
ok my eyes getting better but i still feel dizzy its weird :stupid:
hi to you too RS...
too bad?? she didnt do anything bad today i think
no... she didnt try to strangle anything
hi divine!
hi all im not feeling very good now and if you ask why a 8th graded girl threw a freaking big snowball straight to my right eye and after that i could not open it very good and i feel dizzy
thats what im talking about i dont do much sense these days what isnt very weird... hamsterssss~~~Bunniessss~~
if you are whatever you are im not an hamster witch i am not
*explodes a wall throws a paper in repairs the wall and dissappears* (the paper says: ''NARUTOOOOOO!!!!'')
lol i loved that song