oh ok im too tired to confuse words odrsw
nao i will start confusing random words...
i thought that shes not here and why is every one invisible???
lol then its good that im not a girl...
nao i feel random and chatty
whos zero?
hi i feel like my stomach has a reversal black hole
ok what eva bye yeb eyb
yeah you could think so but im super bored now and it doesnt help that my friend is calling me to go play wow that really isnt boring but i dont know should i be here or go to there hetre tehre reeth
lol oll llo
yup im confusing the letters too its fun nuf ufn
i dont like being random what im now just nao oan noa
unnod i just feel random=mondar=radmon!
i iz feeling weery wierd and weird
*throws a smelly shoe at friendly_heartless*
hopefully im not beign glombed
o..k i think that x-wing is from starwars
lol i helped you to get a word you can use when you want to curse!!!!!!!!
why are you guoting my thoughts of myself?