and i need a giant hammer with what to smash my hard as rock pillow
totally a white BUNNY!
nao i gonna post some music its good music i think and im going to make a vid too but i dont have windows moviemaker :( W000000T I MADE MY FIRST THREAD!!!! TIME...:22:09 NAME:Spam Spam And Spam
ok i found this
ok... havnt heard of him
GIR?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? crap nao i hafta listen to this next one here comes
no nothing mexican or taco or anything!!!
no i didnt see anything that is even close to TACOS!!! *runs circles with a sing that has a picture of taco in it*
ok that explains everything but not that that that why i want TACOS!
not viewinggggg i feel like like... random inside
i cant see you anywhere... am i ... BLIND?????!!!
crap you left just when i got back!:::...
Hod tell me what /who will i kill and if you need any orders heres one STOP CALLING ME SIR! you are not ugly you are pretty
weeee~ im back and heres no-one
just ask you will know :sly:
gotta get sleep so bye!!!! :sleepy:
but what? what what what i have to go so say it soon plz
you are not ingnored but i hafta go now i will be back after somewhat 7 hours sleep
thats just what i was telling you about but i hafta go and i had something to tell every body but you can just ask R-C about Xamek :china:
you love to sneak into a thread and the BOOM!!!! you post something that makes us think hard? g*dd**mit i hate my name