its a good advise but i wont do it :)
now i started thinking why am i still on the bunny list when i havent been here very much ...
yay i just got titan guest installed and now my friend might be needing help in other game so i cant start playing it and all but now i gotta go eat so HI and SEE YA!!!!!
whadda ya mean theres not good shops? I hate going to shops alone or with my mother she annoys me usually i hate shops (every other than halfmoon games or something R-C or divine can tell what how it is written in english but in finnish its puolenkuun pelit) wow this was long and weird
AAAAAAH IM BACK!!! and wth u mean dye ur hair?? again? what color??? and what has been happening when i were not here but still thinking of coming here but still not being/coming here? Edit: i see my anti-khar has been having some rare candys
im aloone *goes away*
now the last torichalum + where can u get frost stones??? maby yuletide hill?
nothing and found nothing got it and i know how u get final form and i remember u saying you dont have it just go to cerberus cup rabidly and every time turn to master form if you are not in final when u turn just start over again
well im back agen and asking where the **** can people get the last torn page?
HI i bought kh2 atleast like 4 days ago and im getting ultima weapon BUT i cant remember where to get the last torn page! anyone online here???? need help i know this isnt good thread but the best one i know...
9 im silent cause i am at school :)
*skips the few yeárs of my live* ( like 87 years) *turns into an pile of ash*
lol sry but im in that mood when im sick cause i always get bored so i will start chatting and do something weird just like watching naruto when feeling weery sick and then puking when laughing
i iz nothing...
i know that i always trie to do suicide when i have puked usually i stop breathing but that doesnt work i just will start breathing again ¨ and i just destroyed one tree
here im still sick i even puked today... and laughed at the same time and now im eating very hot dip with pepper chips
am i on the list? what list anyways??????? *smashes head to the wall them smashes the wall and runst to blow up every tree on the world* we got carrots toooooooooooo!!
32 and counting still continues
metooooooooo :/
what ya smirking? i am sick nao too...