Sai, welcome to your intervention. YOU have an apple juice problem!!
;~; Where are my rights?
Did no one view my Gay chicken?
Foots steps echoed in Reiji's ear, waking him up. He stood up and walked to the door.
With the silence came sleep. OOC- I'm pretty much waiting now.
Hey -Jay- welcome aboard. I like you profile picture, who is it?
That be LIES >:3
Reiji sighed, then closed his eyes in silence. OOC- Sorry 'bout loggin' off my comp jacked up >_<
D: Nuuuuu! That heatless monster!!
Was there gifted babies in there?
I HAZ a link Clicky click click CLICKZ IT
Reiji added a few detail to his darwing, then it was complete. The small drawing of Kaylee and him slowly rose off the page until the two meet each other. The two images approuched each other, then began to waltz. Reiji smiled as he hummed a soft tone that matched the dancing pair's movements. The pair's dance came to an end as Reiji's humming slowed, The animation Reiji looked into Kaylee's before they both faded away. Kaylee, Please come for me soon..
Yes, yes it is. :O
OOC- O_o My character isn't allowed out of his cell, and Its Reiji, not Renji.
and it had the taste of Epic. It went great with my tea.
Reiji awoke again, he began to sketch in the silence.
OOC- Madness? what madness?
The sirens awoke Reiji, but he knew it didn't effect him. They soon faded away and he went back to sleep.
OOC- Well I'm out for the night. G'night all. :3
Reiji slinked back towards his bed, the animation he had done had drained his energy. "please come back soon..." He whispered to himself. He laid on his bed and closed his eyes for a small rest.