Yea, the next one that I do you can color. I've finished four, but Austra's is the best. Sandy's didn't turn out too bad. The others 8D
Thank you so much :3 (Off Topic: I love your Matt avatar)
[A picture I drew of my friend 8D] [Cnc?]
Wow, I really like this. Can't wait 'till the next chapter.
Lulz, that was pretty funny. That guy gets shot like 50 times.
What's The 3rd Birthday about?
Spoiler Click it!! Cnc please. :3
Its a trap!!1 D:
OOC- Sorry Gotta go.
Reiji stumbled towards Kaylee, falling at her feet. "...." OOC- Nah, its fine :3
What the feck is that?! I want one!!
Lulz, I own a Zune at the moment but I won a iTouch so I switching over. I love my Zune still though, but the epicness of the iTouch is overwhelming.
OOC-Really? oops let me fix it (Ugh, I need to learn to read)
Reiji smiled lightly at kaylee, his eyes begining to close. "Thank you so much." OOC- >_< well, at least he's out.
It was crrraaazzzzyyy!
The door exploded from its hinges, he stood there stunned "..."
Oprah's Va Jay Jay
Reiji smiled at the animation, the wrote: 'I can't wait to see you outside this hell hole' OOC- I'm soo sorry I haven't posted in awhile
I need to get back on Gmail. For some reason I've become more busy as school starts to end.
Sai!! I haven't talked to you in forever!!! where ya been? :3