Nah, I dun like bananas.
No. Google it. Orly? Lies...
Maybe.... >:3
Cloud? wherez? O3O I dun see it!
Well, that is awkward...
This thread is awkward...
Lulz,Thanks. Anyone here have a Deaviantart?~ I'd love to watch some of you guys 8D
Hello. I'm am Rawr,and I recently join this family. I enjoy drawing in a semi-realism and an manga-like style. I'd love to make new artist friends, and it would be nice to connect with some new artists. I also want to improve, so maybe you can help. :3 My most recent artwork: Click here please
[Click here please] CnC? ;~; Please....
Pretty much what Hay said, but the shirt seems too big too.
OOC- Um..recap please? O_O so sorry I haven't been on!
[Bannanas aren't Fruit. They are a herb.] That is all
This thread is a freakin' lie!! :3
Oh, no one Commented on my art. :< oh well. I like your picture Jap, I'm might watch you too :3
Hey guys I'm back 8D and I have some new art !! *Fake crowd cheers in the background* .S A N D Hawt yea I know, they suck.... Its not too bad, I'm sure with practice you'll Improve alot :3
8D Poor Ctr. That shapooing must be take forever when you have hair that runs forever.
[A picture drawn of my friend Sandy] [Cn'C?]
Kay sounds good. :3
That mean you'll do the lineart too?
The eye seems alittle too bigg, and the legs a little too skinny, but everthing else looks good.