Spoiler: Update Updated.
Dai-Gurren Crew Roster: Kamina (Mina) - The badass/sexy Second in Command of Team Dai-Gurren/Pilot of Kokuren Simone - The little sis of 'The badass/sexy Second in Command of Team Dai-Gurren'/ Pilot of Lagann
[Tumblr ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪ (Quin's Performance)] As Quin stepped out onto the stage all dressed up and with her violin, Tyler couldn't help but give her a smile and a wave followed by a cheeky wink. On stage, she looked like a different person, but she was still the same Quin too. After the initial clapping died down... silence overtook the area. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. It was like no one was even daring to breath. Tyler's heart was thumping hard just like it did every year before Quin would start her performance. It was almost like he too could feel the exhilaration that she was feeling while standing up there. It's like he was excited for her just as much as she was. It was a sure fact she also felt a bit nervous... but she'd fight through the nerves for sure. He was curious that his own beating heart would be heard in the silence. That's when Quin's arm rose up, bow in hand, and said bow came to lay across the strings of the violin, supported by Quin's other arm and neck. Then a melodious sound erupted around the hall, captivating Tyler and the rest of the audience instantaneously. It was absolutely beautiful. The music flowed and resonated like it was alive, and somehow upon the stage, even Quin herself seemed to be more alive as she played and lost herself in her own performance. Tyler's attention was completely focused on that stage. It was like for the duration of the song, nothing existed... nothing but each individual note, the violin, the bow, and Quin herself. She'd improved again, just like she did every year. You wouldn't think it was possible, but somehow she just seemed to get better and better. The music was filled with so much presence and emotion, there was no way in hell that anyone could deny it. Soon, and unfortunately, the performance ended up coming to an end. At that moment, everyone started clapping again, Tyler included naturally adding in a few cheers. Quin left the stage to go and sort herself out leaving the audience to muse among themselves for a moment about what they had witnessed, heard and experienced. Eventually, Quin appeared again, and started to talk to Madeline. Tyler had been about to approach Quin himself when he saw Quin turn suddenly, her gaze lingering in the direction of an elderly woman. ...Hmm... Quin returned her attention to Madeline at which Tyler did approach this time. "Hey there, Quin." He smiled warmly as he placed a hand on her shoulder in his casual manner as a sort of greeting. "You were absolutely amazing as ever. Better than last year even. I told you it'd go great." Realizing Madeline was still there, he also thought it best to greet her too. "Hey there, M." he said, remembering she preferred a different form of address from her usual name too. ...What was it about people around him preferring different names to their regulars? It wasn't a big deal, but it did make him wonder. "You enjoyed it too right?" He grinned kindly at her, still feeling some of the excitement from the performance flowing through him.
So... since we in the UK are in the future. It is now the 21st of November which means it's Midnight's birthday. So yes! Merry Birthday, Midnight! Hope you have a fantastic day filled with smiles and happiness and stuff.
I honestly cannot wait for this game. (Hoping it'll get a western release) It's going to be amazing. The nostalgia will drive me insane. XD I feel like I'll just go spiraling back into my childhood. Like cse said... I think I may have squealed inside. XD
[Tumblr ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] Tyler woke up with enthusiasm in the morning. ...Except it wasn't the morning. It was more the afternoon. ...He thought he'd slept a bit too well. But no matter. He still had time to get ready for the concert and then go to meet Abby as promised. He stifled a yawn as he got out of bed and grabbed a towel, heading to the shower. The hot water felt good and served to wake him up and refresh him. Once dried and dressed in some comfortable stuff, he headed down to make a late lunch. His mind wandered as he thought about the upcoming concert. He wondered how Quin was doing right now. She was a strong girl, Tyler knew that, but he also just had a feeling that maybe... she couldn't always be as strong as she showed she was when in the face of others. He was sure that she was probably alright, but he still worried. How could he not? Quin was his best friend. He hesitated for a moment before pulling out his phone. He didn't want Quin to feel like he was making too much of a fuss, but hey, since when was it ever a bad thing to show support for a friend? Tyler checked over the text a few times, and once satisfied, he hit the send button. He finished eating, washed up his plate and the other utensils before he headed back upstairs. He stretched and twisted his neck slightly, feeling a satisfying click before he headed over to his wardrobe and looked through what he should wear tonight. Tyler normally wasn't the type to care about clothing choice, but tonight was a special event and people were expected to at least meet a certain social standard. It had been like that ever since he could remember going to Quin's concerts. He found a button up shirt he liked; which was a midnight blue color and with it, he chose a pair of nice grey chinos to match as well as settling on a pair of black shoes that looked formal enough, but were still comfortable to wear. After brushing his teeth and at least trying to comb his hair (which always failed since it seemed to be stuck in it's ragged casual messy state). He gave himself one more look over before heading back downstairs. He said goodbye to his mother who told him to give Quin her love and that she'd try and attend later. Before heading outside, he grabbed his headphones from the table and put them around his neck. His headphones seemed to follow him everywhere and were almost a part of his identity in a sense. Closing the door behind him, he set off at a quick walk. The park he had designated a good meeting spot to Abby wasn't too far, so he made it within no time at all. ...Then he realized... he hadn't specified which entrance to meet her at. ...Cráp. And so, he walked through the park to all the other entrances and at the last possible one he could check, that's when he found her. "Hey there, Abby. Sorry to keep you waiting." He held his hand up in greeting and apology. "I was at the other entrance and realized that you'd probably then come here." he laughed. "...Anyway. Shall we be off? The concert isn't too far from here." They soon arrived at their destination, and took their seats near the front so they'd have a good view of the upcoming performance.
Fixing my lists. lol ACTIVES: Played by Bushy Brow Bushy Brow (KHV-Reallife) Subaru Nakajima (Nanoha) Minato Arisato<DECEASED> (Persona 3) Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) Emiya Shirou (Fate Stay/Night) Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist) Pedobear<DECEASED> (Theinternet) Simone [female Simon] (Gurren Lagann OC) Kamina [female Kamina] (Gurren Lagann OC) Anemone (Eureka Seven) RESERVES: Bushy Brow Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven) Eureka (Eureka Seven) Ao Fukai (Eureka Seven: Ao) Holland Novac (Eureka Seven) Gekkostate (Eureka Seven) Truth (Eureka Seven: Ao) Shu Ouma (Guilty Crow) Inori (Guilty Crown) Madoka Kyouno (Rinne no Lagrange) Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun) Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box) Zenkichi Hitoyoshi (Medaka Box) Mufasa (Lion King) Kakashi Bowie (Naruto: The parody of the abridged) Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Menma Uzumaki (Naruto:Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja) Killer Bee (Naruto: Shippuuden) James Heller (Prototype 2) Tohsaka Rin (Fate Stay/Night) Kirei Kotomine (Fate Stay/Night) Petta (Disgaea) Asagi Asagiri (Disgaea) Rozalin (Disgaea 2) Fuka Kazamatsuri(Disgaea 4) Coop (MEGAS XLR) Emilia Percival (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Mika (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Commander Shepard (Femshep) - (Mass Effect) Tali's ass (Mass Effect) Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) Celty Sturluson (Durarara) Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) Haruyuki/Silver Crow (Accel World) Kuroyukihime/Black Lotus (Accel World) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Asuna (Sword Art Online) Kusanagi Godou (Campione!) Nanami Takatsuki (Dog Days) Millefiori Firianno Biscotti (Dog Days) Eclair Martinozzi (Dog Days) Rebecca Anderson (Dog Days) Gaul Galette des Rois (Dog Days) Isuka Makishima (Dog Days) Valério Calvados (Dog Days) Shana (Shakugan no Shana) Aria Holmes Kanzaki (Hidan no Aria) Kinji Tōyama (Hidan no Aria) Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) Saito Hiraga (Zero no Tsukaima) Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats) Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Black★Devil Girl (Black★Rock Shooter) Great Black Sword (Black★Rock Shooter) Satan (Ao no Exorcist) Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3) Wakka (Final Fantasy X) Auron (Final Fantasy X) Braska (Final Fantasy X) Sin (Final Fantasy X) Paddra Nsu-Yeul (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Yoh Asakura (Shaman King) Amidamaru (Shaman King) Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie) BlackWarGreymon (Digimon) Pan (Dragonball GT) Koli (Dragonball series OC) Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou) Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces) Sophie (Tales of Graces) Cheria Barnes (Tales of Graces) Pascal (Tales of Graces) Super Eevee (Pokémon - Super Eevee Edition) White (Pokémon - Gen V) Alder (Pokémon - Gen V)
Just letting you know. Tyler was never at the cafe. So... you might want to edit that. lol
[Tumblr ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪]<Feeling - 'Bleh'> Tyler was in his room, kicking back with a plate of snack food, and a controller on his lap. He stared at the menu screen of Assassins Creed 3 which he had just completed. It was a Saturday, which meant... nothing to do. He'd have called Quin, but he decided against it since she might take today to practice for tomorrow, and he didn't want to distract her. Instead he just settled with sending her a quick text telling her good luck and that he'd see her tomorrow. Next up, he stood up from his gaming chair and moved over to his desk where his laptop sit upon it. He remembered that he still needed to message Abby, and so using the 'ask' feature on Tumblr, he messaged her directly telling her that she can meet him at the park tomorrow if she wanted to so they could head to Quin's together. He also left her his phone number just in case she needed it which is why he used the 'ask' feature as it ensured privacy.Now that he was on his laptop... he couldn't help but take another look at the email...A list of names... Among them were Quin, Abby... and a load of others he knew. Some he didn't. He felt a tad nauseous looking at this list. He smirked a tad grimly as he felt a slight cold sweat coming on as he looked at that one initial. 'C' Yeah... 'Sure' we're gonna die in one hundred days...He thought with a mix of sarcasm and nervousness. There's no way that something like that is possible. ...But why is this getting me so worked up? Is it just the names on the list, or... what? ...Just who are you, C? And why make an email like this?Tyler looked away from his laptop and took a deep breath or two, relaxing himself and regaining his sense of self. Heh... well. Nothing's gonna change anyway. It's an amusing concept. An amusing story. What would people do if they learned they only had one hundred days to live? Especially since some and perhaps eventually all are linked in some way through each other. ...Might make a good book or RolePlay or something. But... I dunno. If I was really in that situation, would I change at all? ...Why? What is the point in living if you don't stay true to yourself? I've always just pulled through and been who I am regardless of whatever has gone on. I suppose it'd be different if I was actually in such a situation. It's easy to think like this now, but in that scenario, who knows? ...No point dwelling on it. I'm wasting my Saturday.So Tyler moved back to his Gaming Chair and popped Assassins Creed 3 out of his xbox, putting it back in it's case and then putting in the disc for Halo 4. "Right! Time to own some Halo dudes! Booya!"
It's much appreciated. Many thanks.
Hello there. Bushy Brow here, Crossover Cove staff member. I've been told to contact you about your banner. It contains characters that have...
Ah... interesting... Even potential stuff can be seen as rule breaking. That is fascinating indeed. I look forward to Crestatia's reactions.
Hmm... I'm curious but... why Tyler? He's not doing anything romantic or breaking any of the other 'obvious' rules. Not that I have a problem with this (I SHALL BREAK ALL THE RULES MWAHAHAHAHAA *coughs*). But yeah, he's not actually done anything romantically inclined. Unless you mean the picture which was just a gift to a friend. There wasn't any romantic purpose involved with that unless I've missed something else he has done.
Hmm... 1500 posts. Only 3500 more to go. Well... actually with this post, it's 1501 and 3499 to go. Either way. XD
[Tumblr ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] "That's not a bad idea. I saw on Tumblr she wanted to come, so yeah. I can definitely do that." Tyler told her, trying not to pay heed to the fact that she might not be as alright as she was saying. Tyler knew that he could pry and try to dig deeper, but she'd only truly talk when she was ready and 'if' she wanted to. More so though, Tyler knew as much as Quin did that they were there for each other to talk about such things if need be. It was like an unwritten agreement in their friendship. It didn't need to be said. They could just know that they'd be there for the other as support when they were ready or really needed it. That's why Tyler left things be for now. When the time came, Quin would already know she could come to him if she needed. Then Danny said hello to him. "Yo, su-" but before he knew it, Quin was ready to leave and drag him along with her. "Yeah, I'm coming. Let's go." As he started to walk off with Quin, he looked back at Danny and waved. "Later, man. Guess I'll see you at the concert." he grinned.So he and Quin were on their merry way... that is until Quin realized that she had left something behind at school. "Hmm... that's not like you." he laughed a little, wondering if something had distracted her today. ...Maybe the email? She told Tyler to go on ahead. "You sure? I don't mind waiting." However, she insisted that he do so anyway."Well, alright. If you say so. I'll prepare some snacks and stuff for when you arrive then." he told her as she started walking off at a quick pace.And so naturally, Tyler headed off in the opposite direction, making the journey home alone, pulling up his headphones over his ears and hitting the play button on his Ipod, as per usual.
Nate, quick! Grab the Arc Welder!
I suppose something anime (Gurren Lagann, Clannad, Eureka Seven, Guilty Crown, etc) related or maybe video game (Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Assassins Creed, etc) related. If the person who gets me knows me and knows my specifics, then yay. You will have plenty of ideas. If you don't know me that well... then get someone to ask me in secret and I'll be sure to elaborate more at the time. (I'm kinda in a rush right now... so yeah. lol) I'm pretty easy to please. XD Just go wild, be creative and do whatever makes you happy whether it be a graphic, story or whatever you can think of. lol Either way, I'm really excited for this. Can't wait to see who I get this year. XD
[Tumblr ~ OOC ~ ?Listening to?] Tyler couldn't help but laugh gently at Abby's reaction to his drawing. It was quite frankly... completely adorable, and it made Tyler happy to know that he had made someone else so happy just from his drawing. "You're welcome. Thanks for helping me with the homework." he grinned at her again. The bell rang to signal the end of lunch anyway and Tyler turned around to start heading out. He quickly stopped though and looked back at Abby with an afterthought: "You know. You're really cute when you smile like that. You should smile more often. You always look kinda... sad? When I see you. If you're feeling down, just come and talk to me kay? We're friends after all." He told her with a smile before leaving the classroom to head to his lesson... it occurred to him that he hadn't eaten lunch... Cráp.Lessons proceeded as ever, with Tyler not paying all that much attention and just doodling stuff or coming up with ideas for his novels or manga etc. Finally, the bell signified the end of the school day.Tyler had to go to the library to return a book he took out as a reference for some things he had drawn a while back, and so he decided to go through the courtyard as a shortcut. That's when he noticed Quin there with her violin case, and there seemed to be the other guy from earlier. Danny was it? He seemed like a nice enough guy, but Tyler didn't know him all that well, and so... He walked up to Quin with his hand raised in greeting as usual. "Hey there, Quin. Your recital is in a few days right? How are things going?" he asked her as he finished his approach. He moved his bag to his other hand as he rolled his shoulders a little. He was quite excited himself about Quin's performance. She was really good and always enjoyed the ones he had been to previously.
So much was happening that Alexis couldn't help but sigh. The way the two guys had acted was certainly odd, especially from her usual observations, but Mulligan had always been hot-headed and Scott... well, Alexis still couldn't read Scott properly, so it didn't really matter. That was when Lenny announced the road trip, and Luce went off to their room. Eliza meanwhile made a remark that sounded like it could either be sarcastic or genuine. When Alexis looked at the girl's face, she realized that even Eliza herself wasn't sure whether which of the two she was being. She looked at Lenny as he explained the mission. "Well, even if we need to suit up, I've got us handled anyway for the most part." she shrugged, albeit it was obvious the older acolytes would still take their usual weapons with them whether their pistols, demon killing knives or in Scott's case, his sword. Eliza then bought up the topic about rooms to which Zeke chimed in which was followed by an answer from Scott. Alexis added to it. "More accurately since we wouldn't be able to fit all of us in single rooms just based on our genders, the guys will likely be stuck together as Scott said. Me and Luce are already roomed together so that's sorted. So that means you and you." She pointed to Eliza and Sophie (she did know their names, she just didn't use them here) "Will be rooming together in the room that becomes available once the guys all move in together." she finished, and just in time as Luce came back downstairs. ...Something was up with her for sure, but then again... Luce had always been unstable, at least in Alexis's eyes. She stared at the girl for a few moments trying to get a read on her, but... she couldn't place it. Maybe it was to do with Demon Blood or something else entirely. Alexis gave Lenny a glance almost as if to say; 'You best figure this out and sort it, you're the one who seems to know her best.' Either way, Alexis quickly mumbled; "I'll be back in a sec." And she also headed up the stairs that Luce just took and into their room. Alexis instantly noticed the unmade bed and knew it was out of character for Luce who liked to be neat. While she of course tried to give Luce her privacy, one still came to know the habits of another if you lived with them. She also could have sworn that Luce had indeed made the bed this morning, but of course, Luce had just come up here to do something just before hand. It was possible that in her rush she had grabbed something from under the sheets perhaps and not had time to remake it. It wasn't that much of a big deal. Alexis pulled her shirt over her head, tossing it onto her own bed and changed it for a fresh one before looking around to see if there was anything she wanted to take. ...There wasn't. She didn't have that many possessions still just yet. The only thing she'd have taken was the knife which Mulligan had given her, and that was already folded up and in her back pocket. Anything else that she might need she could always bring to her later. She left the room again, taking one last glance at the unmade bed, wondering just what could be up with Luce. Then she headed down the stairs, skipping over the step which clearly hadn't been broken before. "Shall we get this over with then?" she asked everyone, mainly directing the question to her older 'siblings'.