I only made one post in this day, but I did end his day anyway since he was too tired from having stayed up all night in worry and slept as soon as he made it home. Hope that counts. :/
But isn't Misty shipped with all of KHV? XD
You also forgot Jayn's pants, but nevermind. XD
[Tumblr ~ OOC - I'm ill, so this'll be my worst and shortest post ever. I may edit it into something better when I feel more... not ill. ~ ♪Listening to♪] ♪ Tyler's time at the Galaxy Spire was brief and uneventful, but he was safe alongside Mr. Heckles and others who had thought to make their way there. Tyler's thoughts wandered to Quin, Abby and the other names on the email. This event/milestone/flag that was happening was something that Crestatia had clearly planned was for them - but was the main event of this particular round going on elsewhere? Had he escaped past it somehow again by sheer luck? The thought somewhat made Tyler feel guilty... not that is was his fault. But it seemed that twice now he had been saved by pure chance. The storm eventually passed. Tyler was taken back home the next morning, escorted back by Mr. Heckles himself. Tyler's phone had died in the night so he had no news on Quin or Abby or anything else. He felt really low though like something bad had happened. It was just a gut instinct... someone had died again... hadn't they? Who? ...who this time? Tyler stepped into the sogginess that was his home. Mostly everything was in-tact, Tyler was likely again one of the lucky ones in this case. A lot of people would be homeless now, but Tyler felt like a part of him was missing somewhere. He couldn't explain it. He wasn't a psychic or anything, but just... nah... It was probably the gloominess of the weather and the fact that he hadn't slept at all in the night that was affecting him. ...right? He hadn't wanted to sleep. He'd stayed up hoping for a sign or anything that could give him a clue about what was going on. But now... Tyler just dragged himself up the stairs, exhausted. He tossed his phone aside onto the desk not even bothering to charge it and let himself collapse on the bed face down. Dead to the world... but not as dead as 'someone' else likely was.
Full Name: Zoey Quill Appearance: (click) Age: Fourteen Likes: Anime, Manga, Music, Playing Piano and other instruments (but mainly piano), Watching TV, Reading, The internet, Running (exercise and sport), parkour (free-running), Porn (no... really, she has a healthy innocent interest in sexual stuff-curiousity if anything), being comfortable (might mean stripping off unnecessary clothing when appropriate), spicy food, cherry blossoms, cosplay, weird cute things, magic and stuff. Dislikes: Restrictive clothing (unless it's cold then she doesn't care as much), nasty people, being ignored/rejected/forgotten, bitter things, boring things, liars, politics, being alone. Weaknesses/Fears: Being ignored/rejected/forgotten, her father, being too hot-headed at times. Strengths/Talents: Playing music (generally the piano), sport (running/parkour (free-running), acting, defying unwinnable odds and achieving the impossible. Personality: Zoey is naturally outspoken/strong-willed and generally would be defined as a bit of a tomboy. She's a tough nut to crack, but if you give her a chance you'll actually find a sweet, cute girl beneath that tough exterior she displays. She can be stubborn when she needs to and generally won't give up even when beaten down constantly, and might be a tad quick to bite back when it comes to a fight. She seems to have some deep dark secret eating away at her though. It should also be noted that she only moved into the area and started attending school recently. Sexuality: Bisexual Contact Information: Unavailable right now. Favorite Color: All of them.
Get better soon. *cuddles* Meanwhile, hello everybody. I'm back from Mid's. ...But I wanna go back to Mid's... ;_;
Many thanks for the help. I'm not sure this is the right version though, but I'll keep looking for it. I wanted to use the Bing Crosby version, but it's hard to find it seems. :/
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. Please.
Somebody bred Fuzzy and Plums together? Oh dear... Jayn is gonna rage. O_O
What Mid said above... but also... you're kinda late. A bunch of us worked out the code long ago. lol Credit mainly to Monochrome/Doukoro.
Bushy here to bring you the recap for Day 7 as Jayn needs to sleep. So hope you guys enjoy. DAY 7-RECAP-Note: This recap will not substitute you actually READING, so do that if you have not or you'll miss things.The recap will only cover things that directly influence the story.(I am not a perfect human being, so I may have missed some things) ✖ Tyler starts trying to decipher the code too, but makes no progress. Is this really worth labling as an event? Fúck it, I'm writing this so I say yes. ✖ Abby and Elizabeth OTP breaker? ✖ Abby gets some bad news via a phone call, SOMEBODY PLEAE HUG HE- ...Oh. ...and more OTP breaking happens as Elizabeth comforts her. ✖ Quin worries about her run in with Harley. Just who the hell is this guy? *shakes fist* ✖ M wakes up after her possession to find that she's been abandoned by Yuna. ✖ Some poor NPC called Amber dies and Temperance thinks this is the end for her. POOR GIRL (she's still a bítch though)... SHE NEEDS A HERO! ✖ Cherno has his badass moment of awesome and to quote the trope does his "BIG DAMN HERO MOMENT". (Trope here for reference) ✖ Anthony... is making progress on... stuff? ✖ Temperance is saved... for now? (same goes for Cherno. YAY RAFTS and LIFEBOATS!) ✖ John is touched by a heathen in the dark. O_O ✖ Possible foreshadowing? ✖ Cherno x Temperance OTP? ✖ Something is NOT Right. PART 2 OF THE RECAP IS HANDED OVER TO OUR BELOVED; WHAT?!|||V
Indeed. You have to wonder what he actually does in his spare time when he's not geniusing or doing thing things.
Bushy magically appeared in the OOC thread of the 100Days RP just to let everyone know."Yo, guys! The DAMN OLD MAN on the roof is okay! I saved his DAMN OLD ASS. So no need to worry." After all... there was no way Bushy could NOT save the RP's first true proper meme. Mhmm. Legit Godmodding was the best. For sure. Bushy had earned that KHV-Award well. Yup.
6HOUSES ARE FLOODING!! [Tumblr ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪ (Nothing! There is no time! *cries*)] Tyler had spent some time in the day writing a fanfiction out by hand all about Crestatia and some members from the forum he visited sometimes, WWW.FF-Pics.Web But suddenly... there was a problem... The water... it was rising?! "Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!" Right... panic time over... ... .. . .. ... Or not. "Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!Ohfúck!" ... .. . .. ... Okay. Now it was over. Tyler took a few deep breaths. What the hell was he doing? Swearing repeatedly wouldn't do any good at all. Tyler was good at keeping calm when the pressure was on. It was one thing he excelled at no matter how bad things got. He just had to keep focused and set himself tasks. "This is the time where I wish that I was training to be an Olympic Swimmer..." he sighed. Right... he had to make a plan. His Mother was at work, so she should be fine... he was currently in the house alone hoping the storm would just... go away, which it wouldn't. Instantly... Tyler's mind started booting into overdrive, turning yet again into that deductive machine, but this time he wasn't solving a mystery... he was route planning... figuring out all the alternatives and choices he could make just like if he was in a visual novel. High ground. That was the most important thing right now; getting to higher ground. There was no time to grab anything other than his phone and his prized headphones which were already glued to his neck anyway. He opened his window, as difficult as it was due to all the wind... and climbed out onto the terrace. Everything was so wet and slippery, this alone was dangerous enough. Thankfully, his room was located on the upper section of the house, so he was able to reach up and grab the side of the roof and pull himself up. Tyler was physically fit, so it didn't exert him too much. He moved to the upper most part of the roof and now had to figure out what to do next... he was stuck on a roof after all, he'd bought himself some time, but not much. "Hey! Kiddo! You alright?!" a voice called out to him. OH THANK GOD! At least... Tyler didn't know if he believed in a God... but thank whatever unless he was hallucinating. IT WAS MR. HECKLES! "Mr. Heckles! YOU AWESOME OLD MAN, YOU!" Tyler exclaimed with relief. You see... Mr. Heckles was a fisherman. Well known in the area. "Kukuku! I am pretty awesome. I told y'all that being a fisherman had it's advantages! Anyway. You're gonna catch your death out here! Jump in! Your mom ain't around is she?!" He called out over the loud storm. "No! It's just me!" "Good thing I was passing by, now hop in!" Yes... it was certainly good he was passing by. If this was an RP on a forum or a fanfiction... this would be called... Plot convenience? Either way, Tyler hopped in to the boat from his position on the roof, and Mr. Heckles got to work getting them the hell out of here. "Where should we go, Kiddo?! Wherever the wind takes us?!" Tyler had already figured out where they needed to go though... "We need to get to the highest ground possible! Galaxy Spire is the tallest landmark I can think of! It's best if we go there!" "Great plan, kiddo! KUKUKU!" The crazy but awesome old man chuckled. "Hang onto those weird ear-muffs of yours! HERE WE GO!" And off they went to the Galaxy Spire (Space Needle), and to their safety.
"Cool. Glad to have you with us." She shook his hand firmly. After letting go, she turned around to face Guy. "Right, handsome. You can join me for a celebratory drink. No objections you hear? Bosses orders." Mina told him, pointing whilst emphasizing the 'you', and then guiding him by the shoulder and out the room. For the most part, Madoka was alright. She wasn't concerned that she'd just crashed from the sky at break neck speed, 'nor was she concerned that she was upside down. Now that the adrenaline rush was over, she sat upside down with her arms folded and her hair dangling despite her top ponytail. A look of concentration was on her face. I wonder what happened to Lan and Muginami... I swear we flew into the Rinne... but... where am I now? This place definitely isn't the Rinne, and it's not Kamogawa. What the hell is going on? But her train of thought was interrupted as suddenly her mecha was lifted, still upside down and a voice was asking her if she was okay. "Oh yeah. No worries. It takes more than that to take down a member of The Jersey Club. Yup." She nodded, still apparently oblivious to the fact that she was upside down and that her face was starting to turn red from the blood rushing to it. Bushy was at Hogwarts. I mean... heck. Why not. After having saved Jayn from being Crestatia in an earlier post for a fanfiction of another RP, he had nothing better to do, and he'd always loved the Harry Potter books. Frankly, after the events of the earlier post, he was exhausted, so he was currently in the Gryffindor common room, or more accurately... the girl's bedroom... and being even more accurate... he was having a nap in Hermione Granger's bed. Screw the rules of the castle which didn't let guys into the girl's room. Rule number one of the Crossover Cove RP made Bushy exempt from all rules due to his godmodding, because he was just that fricking darn awesome, and so yeah, he was there.What to do... what to do... what to do... He pondered. He'd already changed his posting colour...OH YES! He had promised DT to do... 'that'.How could he forget (well, he hadn't, but he was embellishing his writing for the sake of a decent RP post) such an important thing! His godmodding was the only way to bring in something from an external reference... or something like that. What was that? A wall? Fúck the wall. There was no wall. What? Confusion... rambling... blargh!ANYWAY!Bushy magicked up a piece of paper into his hand. It was a picture drawn by KHV's very own What?. A picture of the current story developer, DT. But... not just any picture... a loli Touhou version of DT. Pure genius! Bushy had already done the whole loli version of KHV members thing etc (refer to fan-fiction and other Bushy stuff), but well... this was a special request. So..."With the power invested in me by the RP maker Droid, and of my own awesome badassery... I now decree other than a boot to the head to Aragorns. *at which point, Aragorns the RPer himself got smacked in the face by a boot* To bring the Touhou Loli, Deetie into the Cove where she shall live and do loli things of loliness. The contract is si- ...FÚCK OFF Kyubey! Not that type of contract!" Bushy coughed. "I mean... yeah. The contract is signed and she will be summoned... TO DISGAEA!"Whirling and raging power swirled around the room, and in the blink of an eye and a flash of light, a blond loli was sitting on the opposite side of the bed Bushy was in. "Why hello there, Deetie. Nice to see you made it here well. I hope the journey was comfortable. I did Bushyport you here first class by the Bushy express."
The Ultimate Showdown... Saving the little sister... Spoiler: Another Fanfiction... A KHV/100Days Fanfiction... ♪ A mighty wind blew over the horizon as the silhouette of two figures faced off against each other on a beach somewhere in Seattle. A storm was brewing as the clouds above swirled in rage and thunder and lightning crackled around the two godly figures. "It's come down to this... huh, Nee-sama?" The voice of a male figure spoke out over the furious elements around them. A shrill chuckle met him in response. "I am no longer the little sister you once knew! ...The world shall suffer for my pain." ...How had things come to this? Brother versus Sister... It was just too horrible. "Jayn Nee-sama..." The male figure mumbled with a sad tone in his voice. "It's too late for me, Bushy. You're going to be the first to die. The whole world is now my Gameboard! At last... CRESTATIA SHALL HAVE HER DAY! I started with the forum, but that wasn't enough... Now I'll go even further beyond!" Yes... of course. It was always going to come to this in the end. It had started one ordinary morning when Jayn had woken up. A depression had settled upon her, for you see... she was bored. And that was the worst thing that Jayn could be in the world. Bored. Everyone on the whole forum knew that the last thing you wanted was a bored Jayn. ...Such a terrible tragedy twisted the poor, sweet and innocent girl until nothing that once was remained, and she became the fictional deity she had created. ...Crestatia. Her rampage began at once as she took down half the staff in an instant. Poor Misty and RvR never had stood a chance. The forum had fallen in less than a few hours... It was a sad and terrible day indeed. Eventually, Crestatia had decided that the forum was no longer enough, and decided that the whole world shall be her new game board in an attempt to satisfy her boredom. The world was doomed. ...but was it? That was when he had appeared to confront her. The one with the power to stand up to even that of the Deity Crestatia. ...The Godmod... and her brother. Bushy Brow. Godmod stood against Deity as the storm surrounding the world escalated around them threatening to tear apart the very heavens themselves. They stared each other down knowing that the next few moments would decide the fate of the whole world, and the rest of their lives. Death. Death hung in the air like a powerful odor. ...Was one of them going to die? An eternity seemed to pass... who would make the first move? CRACKLE! A bolt of lightning hit the ground directly in front of them, and both charged forth. ♪ The Ultimate Showdown had begun. Godmod versus Deity. Brother Versus Sister. The fate of the entire world... hung in the balance. Crestatia struck first delivering a devastating punch which threw Bushy backwards and into the space needle which plain crumbled from the force of the impact. Bushy pulled himself up from the wreckage as Crestatia readied her next assault, summoning a bunch of incredibly sharp and incredible real images she had designed with photoshop and sent them flying at him, skewering him with her immense creativity. "It's over Onii-sama! The Jayn you knew it gone! Now you will die!" Onii sama? ...he had definitely heard her call him that. ...Crestatia would never have called him that if what she had claimed was true. ...Yes. Jayn was still in there. There was hope. ...Passion arose in Bushy's heart as Crestatia summoned what appeared to be... HOLY COW! A Nuclear bomb! IN THE SHAPE OF A COW! She threw it and it was upon Bushy in an instant, but a flash of light engulfed the two, and before anyone could have predicted it... A girl stood in front of Bushy. "No! Nobody shoots my Bushy!" she exclaimed as the Nuclear cow was deflected into the raging sky above. Yes... Bushy wasn't alone... he had the hopes and dreams of everyone from the forum on his back and in his heart. Even those of the fallen. Bushy stood up once more and grinned at Midnight Star, patting her shoulder as he stepped forwards. "It's not over yet. Nee-sama." "Oh but it is! I'm not alone either! GO FUZZY! MY EVIL MINION OF RELIGIOUS IRONY!" She threw forth what could only be described as a... pokéball? How much wall breaking would there be in this fan-fiction Bushy had to wonder (even though he was admittedly... the one writing it). Fuzzy appeared from the red and white orb wielding a... Crucifix? WHAT THE HELL?! Apparently the wall breaking had shifted into not just destroying the fourth wall, but truly molesting the fifth. Fuzzy was currently an epitome of John's (his character from 100Days) religious passion. He approached Bushy at rapid speed swinging the crucifix down hard and yelling out his name like a Pokémon would; "Fuzzy! Fuzz Fuzz!" This time, Bushy however was ready to counter. He started weaving together handsigns with furious precision before slamming his hand into the ground. "Summoning no Jutsu!" A wave of smoke erupted around them and What? One of the few surviving staff members appeared. "Blast Reality! Burst it to shreds! Banishment... This world!" the young staff member cried out embracing Fuzzy in a hug which settled to calm down and incapacitate the Pokémon. Bushy knew What? would be the best choice to settle this situation without a casualty... after all, Bushy couldn't let an innocent bystander get hurt. Furious, Crestatia started weaving a bunch of rules together to make a declaration. One that would render Bushy's Godmodding useless. But Bushy was already making a move too. "I activate my trap card! Makaze logic!" And before anyone could blink... Makaze was there countering every statement that Crestatia made with impressive wit and unbelievable precision. But it seemed that all of that was merely a distraction... Crestatia had already been plotting further ahead than Bushy could have predicted. She... well... Jayn was a genius after all. With a razor... she did the unthinkable... She shaved off Bushy's eyebrows the source of his power."Mwuahahahahahaha! You've lost!" she cackled in glee. Before delivering a devastating blow with the ban hammer and banning him from KHV forever. Bushy lay there on the ground... defeated. Rain poured from the heavens like the universe itself was weeping. Where was the DAMN OLD MAN when you needed him? He'd have been able to fix this all in an instant, but... oh well. He was nowhere to be seen. In the distance, Bushy swore that he could hear Altair, Type-Sun's ubisoft identity cursing out loud. But that was probably him being delirious from having been smashed on the head with a giant hammer of doom. ♪ Midnight and the other members of the 100Days RP screamed out, but Bushy couldn't hear them anymore. Was it truly over? ...He'd lost. What could he do now? How could he save his beloved sister? Pain overcame his heart as despair threatened to overwhelm him. There was no hope. Crestatia started her slow deadly approach. Nothing would stand in her way now. Or so he thought... A wall had formed between the two siblings. A wall of the RPers. Everyone was there, from Saxima(Saximew) with her cat ears and cat tail, to Andrew with his extremely flamboyant scarf, and even Hyuge was there with what could only be described as a look of... smugness? ...Typical, she was telling him that he was a dumbass to have lost in such a way. But regardless, all of them stood there in front of him as a wall, telling Crestatia that they wouldn't let her get to him. Why? Why would they all go this far for him? ...But of course... yes. They all loved and adored Jayn too. They wanted to save her just as much as he did. Midnight looked back at him and whispered something, and Bushy's heart started beating rapidly. Hehe... of course she'd be the one to heal his broken heart. He pulled himself up once more... his clothes soaked from the torrential rain. "I can't quit... How could I lose when I have... all these friends? ...I won't give up Crestatia... Just who the hell do you think I am?!" "Impossible! You're banned! You shouldn't be able to do anything anymore!" "Like I care about such a stupid thing as being banned! I don't give a damn about any of that! You could ban me from KHV... You could ban me from the internet... You could ban me from life itself... BUT! MY PASSIONATE SOUL WILL NEVER BE BANNED FROM THE HEARTS OF THOSE THAT I CARE ABOUT AND CARE FOR ME!" he roared. ♪ "How can this be?! HIS EYEBROWS! THEY'RE... The-They're back!" And it was true. Bushy's eyebrows had returned, Bushier than ever. "It's time to end this Crestatia!" Bushy yelled as he charged forth once more. The two clashed, moving faster than the eye could follow as shockwaves from each impact threatened to render the planet in two. "Just give up on me! You'll never win!" she exclaimed trying to break his spirit, but Bushy had come too far now. There were too many people supporting him. Crestatia raised her hand and called forth the unthinkable... Shadow versions of every KHV member there has ever been. There was only one hope to counter it... Bushy closed his eyes and started chanting. "I am the lover of loli's... Loli's are my passion and loli's are my love. I've platonically loved over a thousand loli's No preference to cat-girls, nor to dog-girls. Have withstood pain to love a lot of loli's... These hands shall always protect them. So as I pray... UNLIMITED LOLI WORKS!" And behind Bushy stood an army... but this wasn't just an ordinary army... It was an army of every KHV member ever as well, but all of them were in loli form. The adorableness was enough to make even What? swoon with affection as he hugged the loli version of himself, unable to hold back. Seriously... it was that cute, the world had never seen anything as adorable as this in it's whole creation. This isn't the writer of the fanfiction being biased because he likes lolis... It's just FACT. The armies clashed as the Godmod and Deity got back to business. "Why are you going so far?! Just give up! You can't possibly beat me! The precious Jayn you all love is gone!" "That is a big fat lie! There is no way Jayn would lose to you Crestatia! She's too badass awesome for that!" "Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUUUUUUUUUUTTT UUUUUUUUUPPP!" she shrieked sending waves of lightning and pure energy as Bushy met it head on in a final charge. "APOCALYPTIC NIGHTMARE!" The force of her attack was strong, but Bushy pushed against it, trying to break through the center. "I told you... Nee-sama. I won't give up... I've got too many people pushing me from behind to ever allow me to stop from moving forwards. I told you... Just who the hell do you think we are? We are the members of KHV - Of the 100Days Roleplay you worked so hard to create... We won't ever quit on you. I won't ever quit on you... OR THEM! MY EYEBROWS ARE THE BROWS THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!" Power versus absolute power reached a climax as the entire area exploded from the sheer amount of badass awesome that was in the vicinity. Crestatia's finishing move dispersed as it was overwhelmed. "GIGA..." Bushy charged up his final move... "...BUUUUUSSHHH!" Power radiated from him as he closed the final distance between him and a defenseless Crestatia. What was he going to do? Was he really going to end it all? "HUUUUUUUUUGG-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRR!!!!!!!" ...Of course he was, but not in the way people might have thought. He pulled the Deity into a warm embrace. "It's okay... Nee-sama. You don't have to be bored anymore... you'll always have us by your side to keep every day fun and filled with love and awesome stuff." Crestatia was in shock as she just stood there, wrapped in his cuddle. She timidly reached out and put her arms around him... and the storm engulfing the world... vanished. ♪ Sunlight and warmth surrounded everyone as the last remnants of Crestatia faded away, and Jayn was all that remained. It was over at last. The members of the great Team KHV all cheered. Never again would they have to fear the wrath of Crestatia. They were all a family, and they'd always be there for each other. Bushy descended from the sky before handing Jayn over to Fuzzy, and then pulling Midnight into a tight embrace. He sighed contently, but knew his work wasn't over yet. He had some more things he needed to do. His godmodding duties were far from over yet. First of all... he spirited Jayn away to her bedroom to sleep, cause hell... the girl needed it. There she would find Saxima, her secret (but not secret at all) lover waiting, because hey... they couldn't risk Jayn becoming bored again, and Saxima was just the person to keep Jayn occupied (if you know what I'm saying. *wink*) But while Bushy was on a role with his godmodding duties, he fixed the forum for everybody, restoring the staff for some insane reason and transferring them back to Vbulletin (WHICH WAS BETTER!). Not just that, he unbanned Makaze, because well... Makaze had helped to save the world and the forum after all (best trap card ever). It was the least that could be done in an ideal world. Further more, Bushy turned Cookiie into a fox girl, just because he could and made the Wookiie ship of What? and Cookiie a reality. True love could no longer be ignored after all. BUSHY DEMANDED IT! In the chaos that had happened, poor Andrew had lost his scarf, so Bushy got him a new one, because he was that awesome. (You know it.) He wanted to get something for Hyuge too, but he didn't know her well enough, so he got her a rubix cube because... meh. It was colourful. And frankly, Bushy got everybody something cool, but the writer decided he shouldn't list everything because this story was already too long now. If you read to the end of this random expression of my creativity, then thank you for being cool. You get a Bushy point. Just know that the world is safe thanks to you because without you, whoever you are, none of this would be possible. You make the world a fantastic place just by being yourself. And now... Bushy needs to get some breakfast and to prepare for a long vacation (he just saved everyone after all, he deserves it) where he can see his beloved Midnight. Even he (I) didn't expect this random fan-fiction of randomness to take this long. Big thanks to Ashwin writing the fanfiction posted above that made me decide to give one a go myself (As weird as this turned out to be) and for making me realise my creativity wasn't entirely dead just yet. I will add in that this was created on the spot. I had no idea how this would turn out before I started, but I'm pretty happy with the random result. Improv writing is just so much fun! XD Hope you enjoyed it (if such a thing is even possible) Sayonara. I'mma go eat now. *double thumbs up* Oh! And... MERRY CHRISTMAS! ¦3
[Tumblr ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] The rain wasn't letting up, and the flooding was getting worse. "-to hold a candle In the cold November rain!" Axel Rose's voice boomed from Tyler's headphones. Irony that this song plays the moment I turn the shuffle on on my Ipod... he sighed. ...How long would it rain for? ...Was this also Crestatia's doing? Somehow, Tyler had the feeling this just couldn't be a coincidence. He wasn't having luck with deciphering the code either. He'd have to try again later. At least he'd written it down... his laptop was nearly dead and obviously, with no power, he couldn't hope to charge it. He decided to check the news while he could, hoping for some news about what was going on. He found a news site using 'Poodle' The Worlds Number One search engine whose mascot/logo was a very long dog of the appropriate breed spelling out the word on page, and he quickly located an article about this storm and the area he was in. There wasn't much news other than it being wet and floody... which was obvious. Oh... and a little bit about how people were taking advantage of the storm to do bad stuff. ...Hmm? Apparantly two prisoners had escaped: "in the chaos following the floods two convicts escaped from Bitter Point Penitentiary Prison, but not much information has been released. There is no-" Unfortunately, it was at that moment the power on his laptop was completely consumed, and the screen went blank leaving Tyler surrounded by darkness, as the glow of the laptop had been the only thing illuminating his room. Tyler picked himself up from his chair and flung himself over to his bed, laying down and facing the ceiling. He took out his phone... He needed to check on Quin. He hadn't heard much from her since this whole thing had started, and well he was obviously worried. Crestatia could kill any one of them. ...Quin was in danger alongside everyone else. Tyler figured he should probably text Abby too. However, he was unable to check on anyone else as those were the only two numbers he had from the list. ...He needed to remember to make an effort to exchange numbers with the others at some point. It could just prove useful.
Updated lists: ACTIVE Played by Bushy Brow Bushy Brow (KHV-Reallife) Subaru Nakajima (Nanoha) Minato Arisato<DECEASED> (Persona 3) Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) Emiya Shirou (Fate Stay/Night) Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist) Pedobear<DECEASED> (Theinternet) Simone [female Simon] (Gurren Lagann OC) Kamina [female Kamina] (Gurren Lagann OC) Anemone (Eureka Seven) Madoka Kyouno (Rinne no Lagrange) RESERVES Bushy Brow Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven) Eureka (Eureka Seven) Ao Fukai (Eureka Seven: Ao) Holland Novac (Eureka Seven) Gekkostate (Eureka Seven) Truth (Eureka Seven: Ao) Shu Ouma (Guilty Crow) Inori (Guilty Crown) Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun) Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box) Zenkichi Hitoyoshi (Medaka Box) Mufasa (Lion King) Kakashi Bowie (Naruto: The parody of the abridged) Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Menma Uzumaki (Naruto:Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja) Killer Bee (Naruto: Shippuuden) James Heller (Prototype 2) Tohsaka Rin (Fate Stay/Night) Kirei Kotomine (Fate Stay/Night) Petta (Disgaea) Asagi Asagiri (Disgaea) Rozalin (Disgaea 2) Fuka Kazamatsuri(Disgaea 4) Coop (MEGAS XLR) Emilia Percival (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Mika (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Commander Shepard (Femshep) - (Mass Effect) Tali's ass (Mass Effect) Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) Celty Sturluson (Durarara) Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) Haruyuki/Silver Crow (Accel World) Kuroyukihime/Black Lotus (Accel World) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Asuna (Sword Art Online) Kusanagi Godou (Campione!) Nanami Takatsuki (Dog Days) Millefiori Firianno Biscotti (Dog Days) Eclair Martinozzi (Dog Days) Rebecca Anderson (Dog Days) Gaul Galette des Rois (Dog Days) Isuka Makishima (Dog Days) Valério Calvados (Dog Days) Shana (Shakugan no Shana) Aria Holmes Kanzaki (Hidan no Aria) Kinji Tōyama (Hidan no Aria) Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) Saito Hiraga (Zero no Tsukaima) Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats) Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Black★Devil Girl (Black★Rock Shooter) Great Black Sword (Black★Rock Shooter) Satan (Ao no Exorcist) Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3) Wakka (Final Fantasy X) Auron (Final Fantasy X) Braska (Final Fantasy X) Sin (Final Fantasy X) Paddra Nsu-Yeul (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Yoh Asakura (Shaman King) Amidamaru (Shaman King) Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie) BlackWarGreymon (Digimon) Pan (Dragonball GT) Koli (Dragonball series OC) Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou) Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces) Sophie (Tales of Graces) Cheria Barnes (Tales of Graces) Pascal (Tales of Graces) Super Eevee (Pokémon - Super Eevee Edition) White (Pokémon - Gen V) Alder (Pokémon - Gen V)
"No need for thought, if Guy says you're the man for the job, then you got the job!" Mina stepped out onto the bridge to join Guy and the Chief. She rested her arm on Guy's shoulder and leaned against him casually. "I may not know who you are really, and I might not even know Guy here that well, yet. But male me is alright with Guy, and that's all the reason I need to trust his judgement." She spoke up with a confident nod. "He's got me - as in... all versions of me figured out. The fact is, this Dai-Gurren here is our home and we need someone we can be confident in to look after our home. And besides, I can tell you got that 'Gutsy Passion' inside of ya, and I like that. So..." Mina abandoned her casual lean on Guy's shoulder and approached the older man holding out her hand. "We leave the Dai-Gurren in your hands, Chief." She offered him a casual smirk filled with confidence. Simone was busy exploring her new home. It... was so big and magnificent. If she had to describe it... it was like a big expression of Kamina's larger than life personality. She put her back to a wall and slid down it just hugging her knees. Somehow, even after everything good that had happened, she just had some doubts inside. She was always quite timid anyway, so this was likely normal for her. But... stuff seemed to be going too well, not that she was complaining. She was probably just worrying too much. That's all. ...right? ~~~Reaper Excavation Site~~~ The sky above tore open in a flash of light as a myriad of green erupted over the whole horizon. The clouds parted in a weird flowery formation as the light died down and all of a sudden a flight-mode green mecha emerged in it's place, the rip closing behind it. "Lan?! Muginami?!" a shrill, feminine voice called out as the mecha spiraled out of control. It soared through the air at great speed before crash landing with a big noise as it hit the ground and flipped upside down. The pilot inside might have been slightly shaken... well, most would be. But it would have been too hard to tell because if she had been shaken she showed no signs of it. "Not my best landing, but I'll take it!" And ignoring the fact that she was upside down, she extended her arm and her finger to point forwards and drew a circle in the air. "Maru!" Spoiler: Maru! Spoiler: and... Introducing...
[/url] Amelia's ears twitched and she sniffed the air as she heard her name come through the headpiece she was wearing which connected directly to her Father's office. She had already been on her way to the office anyway, and within seconds, she was already through his door and greeting him. "Yes. Mr Steel." She responded as she came in, acting formal and using his name as her position dictated she should. She knew he'd tell her to just call him 'Dad' or something, but she was a proud Dragon who made sure she took her role seriously. While she might be his adopted daughter, when he had asked her to be his personal assistant (not just as part of forming her identity, but also because he needed one urgently) she had researched the role extensively, and found that keeping formality as a PA would be best. It had been seven years since she had been saved from that horrible place... Marcus Steel had changed her life... and she adored him very much. She loved him like he was her real father. She wanted to be a daughter he could be proud of. She'd worked very hard over the past 7 years learning everything she could. Marcus had taught her well, and it seemed that Dragons were very adaptive and intelligent creatures, capable of learning very quickly (she was already fluent in several different languages because of this). She'd trained herself to gain control of her powers and to be able to embrace her human side rather than giving into her feral, dragonic impulses. Now... it had seemingly paid off. She was able to blend into society just like a normal human. Of course though... she was anything but normal. She approached his desk and placed down a box which contained a large pepperoni pizza inside. "You normally get hungry around this time, so I took the liberty of bringing you a Pizza." she informed him. "Also, I've bought you a pen, but I feel I should inform you that the one you misplaced is behind your right ear." ...just as it usually was. Amelia had come to know her father's habits well. Yes... she was a good daughter. A good Dragon. She stood there in her work suit, her tie a little loose around the neck. She preferred to wear a male suit as she found a skirt to be... frankly weird. How could human females wear skirts? It was beyond her. It was just too exposing and restricting where as a pair of well fitted trousers were perfect and comfortable. She looked perfectly formal for her role, and with her long purple hair tied back into a single ponytail, she still looked beautiful too. She stared at her father with her bright yellow eyes, full of inquiry. "What would you have my opinion on, Mr Steel?"