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  1. Bushy
    Me at my mother's wedding today:



    And just in case anyone is interested... a shot of the whole clan (who attended anyway) after the ceremony:

    Post by: Bushy, Dec 24, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Bushy

    Bushy was drifting through the forums, as in... literally, he wasn't even in the Cove right now. He was just drifting, enjoying life...
    You know the saying?
    Don't drink and drive, but smoke and fly?
    Well this was like that except Bushy had never smoked a day in his life. Maybe he'd be drinking later. After all, it was his mother's wedding tomorrow... Oh yes. On Christmas Eve. Anyway. Good news had reached him recently, and so he drifted over to a certain thread in the RP arena. "Ah... my work is never done. But since this is in the name of well deserved justice... LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED RIGHT!"

    Bushy pointed his finger to the sky as he entered the thread he had been looking for and he started weaving his hand signs together like he was from the Naruto manga or something. He suddenly thrust his palm down to the floor and a crest appeared on the ground and smoke covered the entire area as a giant train appeared from nowhere. "Alright! All characters involved in this borrowed plot! Stop what you're doing! Seriously, nobody move a muscle!" Bushy called out being magically heard by everybody in the 'other' RP. "That is unless you are coming aboard the Bushy express!" he cheered as all characters wanting to come over to the Cove boarded the magnificent train. Bushy ticked names off of a list as each character got on board.
    Aisha Campbell
    Ramza Beoulve
    The Gullwing Fairies (Yuna, Rikku, Paine)
    Xagranos(OC based off of alot... but started in Warcraft 3)
    Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider(Warcraft 3/World of Warcraft)
    Kil'Jaeden(Warcraft 3/World of Warcraft)
    Geno [Super Mario Bros.]
    Mallow [Super Mario Bros.]
    Metal Mario [Super Smash Bros.]
    Metal Luigi [Super Smash Bros.]
    Scanty [Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt]
    Kneesocks [Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt]
    Fastener [Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt]
    Basilisx [Super Mario Bros. Z]
    Mecha Mario [Super Mario Bros. Z]
    Ash Ketchum (with Pikachu and other Pokémon in Pokéballs)

    Bushy was satisfied as he checked every list and put on a fancy hat which read: "THE TRAIN GUY".
    "And now my passengers, so we don't have to remain here any longer than necessary, we will now be leaving this RP and heading to the Cove in just a moment. Please note that there are NO emergency exits, but who needs them with me here. You will find toilet facilities located at the front and rear of each carriage, and if you need any food or drink just speak into the little microphone on your seat and a loli will
    be with you momentarily with godmodded goodies. AND WITH THAT... WE'RE OFF!"
    The train made a loud noise as it boosted off at high speed and arrived at it's destination, the Crossover Cove in precisely 0.00001 seconds. ...It was a wonder why Bushy had even bothered to go through all those things before when he KNEW the journey would be that FAST. Ah... the power of Bushyportation [copyright = Christopher Bartolo (Bushy Brow)] was magnificent indeed.
    "Thank you all for riding the Bushy Express. I hope (know) your journey was comfortable. Now to leave the train, approach the doors to find a Bushyportation token, only good for one use. Your RPer will be able to use it to warp you anywhere on Disgaea that they wish. Of course, that is only if a wall of plot doesn't prevent them from doing so. Thank you again for riding the Bushy Express. I have been your host/conductor Bushy Brow, and now I need a spongebath. Oh loli -chans!" And with that, Bushy used Bushyportation and vanished with all of his loli-chans in tow.
    Mina headed to the Dai-Gurren's bar (which was currently empty) with Guy close behind, before going behind the counter and helping herself and Guy to a a drink, offering him a seat to the front of her. "You, Guy. You've experienced a lot haven't you? I can tell by the look in your eyes. You have the eyes of a man who has faced death time and time again and walked out a badass." She spoke softly, looking deeply into his blue eyes with her contrasting red, evidently feeling comfortable enough in front of him to talk as she would a close friend, more importantly letting him see her more vulnerable and genuine side. "I have no doubts in my mind that we can win this. I've never had any doubts. Team Dai-Gurren will be able to do what needs to be done." She continued, before stopping and having a sip of her drink and then swirling the contents inside of it, peering into her glass as if looking for lost secrets. Suddenly, the direction of conversation changed. "Tell me, Guy. What do you think of the kids?" She asked him. "Simone and Simon." She clarified for him who she was referring to, but giving no hints as to why she was asking.​
    Too much was going on at once for Madoka to comprehend everything around her, too many questions and too many new people. All seemed nice enough, but with so many things coming towards her she just directed a simple... "Eh?" She tried her best to answer any questions that were coming to her in a jumble, and she also made sure to introduce herself as "Madoka Kyouno, Leader of the Jersey Club of Kamogawa High!"
    Of course, that was when everything went to havoc as weird beast things attacked. Madoka had never seen anything like them before, but it was clear they were dangerous. She wasn't about to sit idly by as the people who had helped her (whom Madoka already considered her friends, because she was awesome like that) were attacked. "Right! Let's go! Midori!" She shouted whilst talking to her mecha, Vox Aura using the name 'Midori' which she had given it long ago. Midori instantly came to life under it's partners control and flew up high into the air. The giant vox instantly started unfolding and twisting into shape becoming a full humanoid mecha. And Madoka's pilot seat which at first resembled a bike type of control system which floated in what seemed to be a clear sphere where everything outside could be seen for a full 360 degrees of visibility, twisted and morphed into a chair with the controls located on the arms of the chair where Madoka's arms would rest. While all this was happening, Midori had not lost any of it's speed, the transformation having been seemless in progress. Madoka piloted her Vox with expertise like she and the machine were one, heading towards the sun before swooping back down using the light as cover. Green glowing beam blades erupted from the upper wrists of Midori's arms as Madoka piloted head first into one of the beasts, stabbing her mecha's arms forward and piercing the monster's flesh and crushing into the Earth. At the speed they were travelling, the beast was dragged and pushed along and into the Earth, scarring the ground below and absolutely obliterating the thing. Of course, that was just one of many...
    More and more were coming even as Madoka charged with Midori towards the next wave.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Bushy
    [Tumblr ~ Mood: Numb... ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    Tyler was sat in his room, still at the resort, on his bed he hugged his knees and just stared at the wall feeling a sense of numbness take over him. He had been interviewed by the police just like anyone else, but... of course he would have been. He was covered in blood, his clothes stained from when he'd moved the girls. Even now... he could still feel their warmth from when he'd lifted them. In contrast... it chilled him to his very core.
    The interview had been pretty straightforward. He'd explained what he did and why, and how he had come to arrive at the scene of the crime. He was honest about everything except for one thing. He didn't mention Crestatia, the game or the email at all. How could he? ...After telling his story, he'd been made to change his clothes and give the bloodstained ones to the Police as evidence, and then was made to wait while they got other accounts of the events to see if his story matched up. Of course, it did. It was the truth.
    And then came something Tyler didn't expect... He was praised for his quick thinking. In contrast to what people might have thought about him moving the bodies as being tampering evidence, it seemed him removing them from the water was the right move as it helped to preserve evidence. But... no. That just made Tyler feel rotten. That hadn't been his thought process at all. All he'd wanted was to do one last possible thing for the girls; To show them respect. ...What would happen now? Who would be next in this game? Tyler thought about Quin and how she had been close to Madeline, how she had excitedly told him yesterday she was to be sharing a room with her. ...This news would hit her hard. Just like the news about Abby had torn him up.
    Abby. Tyler found himself looking up at the ceiling and wondering if Abby would be watching over him and the others now. Part of him found the thought comforting, and the other part was overcome with emotion a little again. He took a deep breath to steady himself. His determination was still set deep in his heart. He'd definitely protect Quin, even if it meant his own life.

    [Mood: Sad/Tired ~ OOC: ~ Listening to♪]

    Zoey had been interviewed and told the story just how it had happened. There had been no need to lie, and why would she have anyway? She was done quickly and allowed to go, but... Zoey had no idea what she should do now. She was worried about Matt, but had lost track of him fast with all the commotion. Thankfully, the police had let her change from her robe into actual 'clothes'. ...She felt restricted now... so she headed to her room.
    ...Today had been her first time seeing anyone dead before. And it was also the closest she had come to...
    ...She wondered if he was alright. He'd handled himself astonishingly somehow. She saw him as brave to do what he did and respectable. He didn't care about the consequences, he just did what he felt had been right. She couldn't help but admire him. ...But he didn't even know she existed.
    She opened her door and headed inside her room, instantly loosening her belt and letting her jeans drop. She stepped out of them and let herself fall back on her bed, just in shirt and underwear. She felt free now - she felt lighter. ...So why was her heart feeling so heavy?
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 22, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Bushy
    Didn't think we'd have to request this, but okay.

    Requesting Christmas Day off for obvious reasons. I'm gonna be too busy with family to even be able to post. So yeah. I might be able to get online and say hi to some people maybe, but I think I'm not gonna be the only one in this boat. So I'd like to make a formal request here.

    Also, letting you all know I won't be able to post Christmas Eve due to the fact it's my Mother's Wedding Day.
    So yeah. lol
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bushy

    [Tumblr ~ Mood: ... ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    [Mood: ... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Tyler was... soaring. Soaring through the sky. Great wings beating hard either side of him as the wind rushed past him, blasting into his body and his face, but he was fine. He gripped the great beast beneath him with his legs to keep from falling off. He turned his face to the right to look at the person riding alongside next to him. A girl... wearing glasses and with the cutest smile on her face. They were flying faster and faster and then-

    "Help!! Somebody help!"

    Tyler's eyes shot open as he was snatched out of his dream. A scream had come from somewhere and it seemed desperate. Tyler was instantly alert and out of his bed not even needing to register or think about the fact that somebody needed help. He noticed Altair in the other bed in the room undisturbed as he put on a shirt since he'd only been wearing shorts and he rushed out of the room to the source of the noise.


    Zoey had been contently asleep, cuddled up warm in her duvet and hugging her pillow. She was naked of course... No better way to sleep than being naked after all. Thankfully, she was one of the lucky ones to get her own room, so she didn't need to worry about disturbing a room-mate. If she had one, of course she wouldn't have slept naked then. She did have self control when she needed to at least.
    A scream disturbed the silent night and Zoey bolted upright, waking up. It was close by and it sounded urgent. She grabbed a night gown and flung it on deciding time was of the essence and she left her room in a hurry to find out what had caused the disturbance.


    The scream had come from... The girl's baths? Tyler was sure it had been a male's voice... what were they doing there? He rushed ahead, panic settling into his heart. He decided if it was an emergency, he shouldn't be deterred from just going straight in despite being the wrong gender. He'd make his excuses later. He ran into the baths to find a boy older than himself cowering against a wall, his eyes locked onto the bath itself.
    Tyler turned and...


    Red... the bath was a beautiful crimson colour and in it were two girls... both of whom Tyler knew.

    Zoey rushed into the girl's bath a moment later. "Oh my god!" she squealed in horror for a second having found the disturbing and distressing sight. She'd been in that bath not too long ago herself, and now... Oh my god... this was just too much.
    She shivered suddenly as her eyes set on who was there with her. It was... him...
    She drew her attention away next from 'him' and to the boy against the wall. She knew the cowering form of the boy. "Matt? Matt! What are you- Are you alri- ...Oh Matt..." Her mind quickly worked through the scenarios. She was very good at working through scenarios in her head.
    ...Matt was a flirt who craved attention. He clearly was sneaking into the baths for some nefarious purpose and he'd... discovered... this.
    The poor boy was shaking and crying, but she stood there frozen. Two people were dead. Actually dead. What... how could this be? Students were dying so fast now'a'days... was this to do with 'that' email? It couldn't be. It was just a prank...

    Tyler couldn't believe it... the girls were Madeline and Temperance...
    He stood there for a moment, shocked by the sight also. ...It had happened again. None of them could seem to escape from the death following them for even the briefest moment. Crestatia had struck again. Tyler had no doubts this was down to the game she was playing with them.
    ...He had to calm down. He was breathing fast, heavily, he was feeling faint, sick and nauseous. ...Stop.
    His breathing stopped sharply, and then it started again, slower this time as he gained control of himself.
    ...M and Temperance... they were naked. ...First of all... even the dead deserved decency and dignity. They deserved to be decent, away from any prying eyes that would come along next.
    He looked at the girl who had just entered, and nodded at her to take care of the guy she clearly knew.
    He went back to the locker room quickly and grabbed several towels from there before returning.
    ...He gulped for a second as he knelt by the two at the edge of the bath, a sadness having settled in his heart again. He didn't know these two girls that well, but he still knew them at least a little, and despite who they were or what he knew of them, nobody deserved this. Nobody deserved what had happened to them. They didn't deserve to die. "...I'm so sorry, Madeline... Temperance. I'm so sorry." he choked out weakly before he started moving and taking action.
    ...He stepped into the bloody water, not caring about getting soaked or stained by the dreadful mix of crimson and steam. His senses were shutting down due to shock, emotion and adrenaline, allowing him to ignore the smell of blood permeating the air.
    He wrapped a towel around M's body first of all, being careful to respect her as much as he could, keeping his eyes on her face at all times, and then he lifted her out gently and laid her by the side of the bath.
    ...His face was wet again. More tears? ...Pull yourself together Tyler.He then noticed the gash on her wrist... ...Wait. Did that mean this was murder? Or... it could suggest suicide? Something wasn't right here, but Tyler decided he'd think about this later, right now... he needed to finish what he started. What was most important this second was these two girls.
    He returned into the waters and wrapped the next towel around Temperance, treating her as respectfully and gently as he had treated M, before also lifting her out the bath and laying her next to Madeline. Her wrist also had a gash on it.
    ...Tyler shuddered before reaching out to their eyelids both in turn and gently closing them with his fingertips. Now... it almost looked like the two girls were sleeping calmly. An eternal sleep.

    They'd still been warm.
    Of course they'd been in a hot bath when they were found... but even Tyler could tell from the state of them... they had been alive not long ago at all. Perhaps just a mere couple of hours ago.
    He felt sick as he was knelt down next to them and covered in the watered down blood. He knew that a few had died at the hand of Crestatia, but this was his first time actually having come face to face with the reality of these deaths, of death at all in fact. He'd never even seen a dead body before. These girls... were gone. Forever. Just like Abby. Just like he and the others soon would be if things kept going as they were.

    Zoey watched the boy get on with what he had to do. She instantly realized what he was doing and respected him enough to let him get on with it and to take his advice from that simple nod (it was the first time he'd ever even communicated with her... a simple nod... but there would be time to think about that later) and turning her attention back to Matt. She didn't know what to say, instead, she just knelt next to him and pulled him into a close hug. Letting him cry into her chest as she rested her head against his, also feeling tears come to her from the shock of what had happened and was happening currently. ...The sight of the two girls bathing in the crimson red bath would likely never leave her for the rest of her life.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 20, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Bushy
    Since Bushy had to go to sleep, but Jayn insisted he post to end his day, he decided to make an unformatted breaking the fourth wall post which he would edit tomorrow into something more proper. All so he didn't have to get a strike against him.


    Tyler and Zoey (after Allison had left) went back to their rooms and then to sleep.
    Yay. Sleep is good. So Bushy decided to go too.
    Night night~
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 19, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Bushy
    [Mood: Relaxed... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey looked up at the girl who approached her and nearly slipped on her own too. Zoey found herself giggling and trying to hold it back but failing. "Yeah. I did, but I'm alright thanks." She grinned in response. "I was caught off guard with how relaxing the water is, and then I just wasn't paying attention I guess, making me slip. I didn't realize just how slippery these rocks could be." She wondered how she should talk to the girl next, what she should say... Next up would come... an introduction probably? "Oh. Um. The name's Zoey. Zoey Quill. Nice to meet'cha. I'm guessing you go to Bellhurst High too?" she asked the girl after having giving her name. The girl in front of her was pretty cute, sorta tomboyish. Not that Zoey ever judged from appearances, but she just got the feeling that she'd get on with this girl. They seemed pretty similar somehow. It'd be nice to actually make a few new friends here. After all, being the new girl, she didn't know many people just yet.
    She noticed in the background that the girl she had recognized was making herself scarce, so to speak. Was it due to her arrival? Zoey awkwardly scratched the back of her head in her habitual manner for a brief moment.
    Had she somehow annoyed or irritated the girl with her presence? Zoey couldn't help but offer a sigh. She didn't like to bug people, and this girl especially... well, annoying her was the last thing she wanted.
    After all... Zoey might just need her help one day.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 19, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Bushy
    [Tumblr ~ OOC: Curse timezones... I completely missed out on everything (again...) ~ Listening to]

    Basically... Several things had been directed towards Tyler, but before he had even had the chance to respond, the girls were already in another conversation. Tyler just smiled and scratched the back of his head in his usual habitual manner, content with letting them talk. He smiled more when Quin made the comment about him being her oldest friend. It was a likewise thing with him, he didn't know what he'd do without her either.
    It was nice to see Quin be so carefree... Although she did seem understandably crest-fallen when the topic of her mother surfaced. Anyway, the conversation continued and before Tyler knew it, the girls were leaving ahead of him. "...Uh. Yeah. See you soon." he waved back, and then sighed. Maybe it was the hotspring atmosphere that had them on the move so quickly, they were likely just eager to relax in the warm waters.
    Tyler turned round to face Altair but was surprised to see him rushing off to some girl Tyler didn't know. Tyler sighed again, but not in negativity. "Forever alone." He joked and headed to his room. He unpacked the things he had putting them in their proper place and then he headed to the male locker rooms. He got himself a locker and quickly stripped down, wrapping a towel around and tying it at the waist. He locked his clothes away and then headed out into the cool night air. Steam swirled from the hot water, creating patterns in the air as it floated up skywards. Tyler wasn't alone, he saw familiar faces including that of Harley, Cherno and Anthony. ...and... Temperance? A girl was in the male hotsprings? What the hell? And... hmm... something had clearly happened. Anthony was shaken by something, that was for sure.
    It was none of Tyler's business, but he stood by the pool of water, towel still wrapped around him while Temperance was here. He knew better than to enter the business of others where he was not needed.

    [Mood: Excited ~ OOC: ~ Listening to♪]
    "Finally! I've been waiting for this for a long time." The young girl commented to herself as she entered the female locker room. "I'm at a hot-springs! A real hot-springs! The whole place screams out nude social interaction. Nakedness is encouraged, and therefore so is comfort!" She spoke satisfied as she approached a free locker and started unbuttoning her shirt with practiced ease. The young girl's name was Zoey Quill, a new student having transferred into Bellhurst Highschool not too long ago. She was still kinda unknown as a student compared to everyone else, but she was finding her place quickly despite being the new girl. It'd take more than being 'new' to hold her back from living her life to the fullest. Zoey was the type of girl (more of a tomboy really) who lived life moving forward but always appreciating what was around her as well as behind her, and possessing the ability to stop moving forward to quickly smell the flowers if need be. Her life had been hectic with the move recently and... things from before, so when she learned she had a chance for a free hotsprings visit, she jumped at the chance to take it. A chance to relax at one of her dream settings like she'd seen in so many manga and anime. HELL YEAH!
    Her shirt was off now, and she unclipped her bra easily, letting it slide off, the straps gliding down the length of her arms and freeing her generous C-cup (ALMOST 'D' as she reminded people if they asked) breasts. Next came shoes, socks, skirt and finally panties. She stood there in full nakedness for a moment, not caring to cover herself up. She was so much in her own zone, she didn't even notice if others were in the locker room with her. She grabbed the fluffy towel and wrapped it round her torso loosely. She wouldn't be keeping it on long anyway.
    She traversed the length of the Locker room and finally out to the baths.
    ...This place was wonderful. The area was wide and the sky was fully visible. The steam in the air filled her with warmth already, even as she discarded her towel leaving it close by for her and approached the water's edge. There were others in the bath, but she didn't shy away about being nude. They were all girls after all. Who really cared? They all had the same... uh... yeah. She walked over to a bucket and filled it before emptying it over her head, letting the water drain away down a vent. She'd seen this done in anime loads of times before. It served to wash her off before actually entering the shared baths. With her hands, she moved her long flowing (now wet) red hair out of her face and finally, she approached the waters edge and tested it with a toe, before allowing herself to descend and her body become completely submerged in it. The hot water was heavenly and instantly served to relax her muscles. She sighed contently as calm and peace came upon her, the water washing away all of her fatigue, aches and pains. She looked around the bath to see who else was there. No one she recognized... Oh... except for one. Yes. She was the girl who always hung around with...
    Suddenly, Zoey lost her footing and fell sideways somehow, her head going under the water. She quickly grabbed the side and cursed her clumsiness as she pulled herself above the water and took in a deep breath. She leaned back, using the edge of the bath as support for her back to rest against and tried to let herself relax again. She looked up at the sky feeling like she was being drawn towards it. This place was truly beautiful.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 19, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Bushy
    [Tumblr~ OOC ~ Listening to]
    Tyler was frankly... exhausted already. It seemed lately that he was becoming more and more exhausted by doing very little. He'd pretty much done nothing today. Albeit, long journeys did have a knack for tiring one out. So this wasn't an oddity for today at least. Finally though, he was checked in and could finally-
    "Hey um....your name is Taylor...right?" A voice asked him from nowhere. Tyler turned round to face the source. "Ah. Yeah that's me. Well... no. Actually, it's not. Tyler is me. But yeah. You're the guy from Assassin's Creed right? Well... not from it. You have the same name I mean. Altair. How could I ever forget such a cool name?" He grinned. Of course he knew Altair. Well sorta...
    The (Plot Convenient) old fisherman, Mr. Heckles just happened to be Altair's Granduncle. Tyler and Altair weren't well acquainted persay, but they'd seen each other around. Then it occurred to Tyler... Altair was yet another of those on the email. This was some sort of weird fate work in a sense... Just how easily everyone on the email could encounter each other even when going to an obscure hot spring resort.
    "- that...VANILLA COKE?!" Another voice came from nearby and caught Tyler's attention yet again. Ah. It was some girl talking to Quin - AH! Quin! Nice one. Tyler could swear he knew this girl from somewhere... Alice? No... It wasn't that. The name was similar to Alice, but it wasn't quite Alice.
    Not forgetting Altair, Tyler called over, "Hey, Quin! Ali?" he shortened her name for convenience since he couldn't entirely remember it fully. Either way, with his greeting, he offered a friendly casual wave. So it seemed a fair few students had taken up the offer of free hot springs. Not that he could blame them. Who after all would pass up such an offer. They'd have to be mad.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 18, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Bushy
    [Tumblr~ OOC: Yay! New banner for Tyler. Also... god damn Jayn and Fuzz above. Didn't expect to end up reading that during my catch up. ~ Listening to]

    Silence... and aches. That's what greeted Tyler in the morning. When had he fallen asleep? He realized that he was at his desk and he stood himself up slowly and stretched, working out the knots in his body. Around him were the efforts of his work last night. Pages upon pages of pictures.
    He closed his eyes for a moment just trying to focus his inner self. What was done was done... The loss of Abby was painful and terrible, but she wouldn't have wanted him to stop living and getting on with life. He took a few deep calming breaths and slowly picked up each page, neatly stacking them before filing them away in the place he kept his most precious drawings. His mourning for her obviously wasn't over, and he'd miss her always, that was for sure. For now though... a shower. Yeah. That sounded good.
    Much better. He felt more composed and awake now. A towel around his waist, he re-entered his room, the cool air cooling and drying his damp skin naturally. He noticed his phone was flashing again.
    He'd already read the from Abby multiple times, but now it was filed away in his phones memory, something he'd never delete.
    Instead, he found a text from Quin:

    Tyler pondered... Trembling mountains... Hmm...
    The Hot Springs? Hmm... Wasn't this every Otaku's dream? Going to a hot springs with friends and-... Wow. This would have been something that would have really excited Tyler if not for the general mood that was around him right now. But it certainly served to lift him. Tyler had to try and bring back his positiveness, and the chance to relax among good company and try and forget the past days was certainly welcome.
    Tyler prepared himself, and packed. The things he would need, anything at all, he packed and once he was ready, he sent Quin a text and left.

    Best way there would be the shuttle bus. So Tyler headed there and ended up running full speed to try and make it in time. Sadly... he didn't. He missed it.
    Oh joy. Now he had to wait an hour for the next one. So... he headed to a nearby coffee shop to pass some time.
    Sadly... typical Tyler... he ended up losing track of time. He missed the next bus. Fúck... I'm so out of it. Dammit. Well, that was another hour to wait. This time, Tyler made sure he was waiting at the station so he WOULD NOT miss the next one. An hour passed. No Bus... Well this was unfortunate. There was a heavy delay. This totally sucked.
    Thank god for music. Music made everything better. ...heh. There we go. Some of Tyler's positiveness and looking on the bright side of life nature was coming back already. The bus arrived eventually, and finally, Tyler was off. But things just seemed to grow worse. Major traffic meant that by the time that Tyler did indeed arrive at the hot springs... he was late. More than late. He was 'so god damn very fricking agh late!'
    He wearily dragged himself and his things into the reception area and checked himself in. ...Phew.
    The question was... now what? Who was around? There would undoubtedly be people around for sure. Tyler was late, he must be the last person to have arrived. That was definitely the logical conclusion.
    So... to find those people was obviously the next step; Quin most likely - hopefully.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 18, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Bushy

    [Tumblr ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    Tyler automatically found himself hugging Quin back yet again as she grabbed onto him tight. He was suddenly all too aware of how much smaller she was compared to him and that she was pressed up against him. He wasn't sure how long they both spent like that, just holding onto each other, blocking out the rest of the world except for the other. But that time eventually ended.

    " Thank you, Tyler. " she returned with a smile, " You and I are one in the same; we shall both remain fools for the rest of our days. Friends until the end . . . "

    Tyler's heart felt surprisingly warm upon seeing her smile. Thank god that his words had gotten through to her. "Yeah. And even beyond that. Forever." He expressed his certainty.
    ...Anyway. It was time to go. Quin had to deal with Harley and Tyler had probably kept her long enough.
    His dismissal came and she ended up leaving him in the living room. She obviously trusted him enough to show himself out. He sat there for a few moments, pondering how much time he'd spent in this house already in his lifetime. It was certainly considerable. For the first time because he'd never really considered it before, but he realized just how much he and Quin had grown up over the years. From little kids to who they were now. It had been one hell of a journey indeed. Thinking in such a nostalgic way made Tyler believe even more that he'd made the right decision about Quin. Despite only having 100 Days... 90 left? 89? 88? Something... Tyler still surprisingly felt for the most part lucky in life; that he had such an amazing friend like Quin.
    He sighed as he took one last glance around the room and stepped into the hallway. He decided he should quickly pop his head in once more to say bye, and so he headed to the kitchen... but... to his surprise... They weren't there like they'd said.
    ...............................................A murmer of voices? Tyler approached the noises silently, sure that it'd lead him to Quin.
    "-you doing here, Harley? You have come here, uninvited, and I do not appreciate it in the slightest. "

    " Were you having a lovely time with Tyler? He seems to like you a lot, love. You sure that he's just your friend, and that's all he wants to be? "

    " I am not in an understanding mind, Harley - for what reason would you even let those thoughts be consid-"

    Tyler gulped quietly. What the hell was going on here? He should leave. This was clearly something private, and he didn't want to betray Quin's trust.

    " You wish to please me, love? You know what you have to do. "

    " Harley, please tellmeyourbusinessand leavemyhome, I donotwantyouhereanymore. " Tyler couldn't tell what was going on, but it was clear that Quin was in a state of distress. ...He wanted to bust in there right now, but that was out of the question. He didn't know what was going on, and rushing in blind was a stupid thing to do. No... he couldn't stay here. This was bad.
    He turned to leave.

    "Peter told me to tell you that he's done what you want. He's gonna be waiting for his favor - are you really gonna give it to him? You know what he wants. I don't know if I like-"

    He didn't catch the end of it as he quietly left the house leaving no traces that he had been there, but... the small parts of the convo he did hear left him feeling really uneasy and uncomfortable. Harley's father... Quin's Uncle. Peter. Tyler knew that she hated him... what was this favor and... Tyler shuddered. Suddenly, he was scared for Quin more than before. ...He was missing something. There was more going on than he knew. He couldn't act rashly, but his determination hadn't changed. He was gonna protect her somehow.
    His heart dropped... he couldn't protect Abby.. he had promised her too that he would, and he couldn't...
    But, however... Quin was still here. He could and he would.
    He had to trust that whatever it was, if Quin really needed help, she'd come to him. He trusted her with his life. Hopefully, if she needed it, she wouldn't try and fight alone and she'd trust him.


    Tyler stepped through the door of his room, emotionally tired and drained. At last... he could drop the facade he was putting on and just... rest. He started shaking. He was strong and positive normally, but no one could expect him to be anymore right now. It was a miracle that he had lasted this long.
    He made his way over to his desk where his phone's light was blinking. He had several missed calls and two tex-
    The name on the front of his phone stabbed into his heart. Threatening to break all the reason he had left.

    'Abigail Rider'

    She'd texted him...
    She'd responded to his text from before. She'd been waiting for a response from him before... before... before she died. She'd been waiting for a text that never came, and... now... it didn't matter anymore.
    Shít... Before because of shock and the need to keep strong in front of Quin, Tyler had been able to cope with the news about Abby. No more though.
    The tears came full force now, unrestrained and with nothing holding them back. Tyler dropped to his knees and then onto his side where he just cradled his phone and he wept. His tears were so forceful, he couldn't even read the message she'd left him. He just shivered on the ground and curled up tighter even more.
    The guilt was overwhelming. He'd done nothing wrong of course, but here he was still alive while she was no longer here. A girl he had promised to protect and look out for. His promise had been broken before he even got the chance to act on it. It hurt. It really hurt. How much must she have hurt? How much must she have suffered?
    Everything hurt.
    His friend was gone. He'd never talk to her again. Never get to see her smile... oh god how cute she was when she smiled. He'd kept telling her that she should smile more, and now... she just couldn't. She couldn't do anything anymore. She couldn't smile, giggle, get excited, talk about Dragons, or... anything anymore.
    She was really... gone wasn't she? Never to come back. It hit Tyler hard the realization. He felt empty now, and everywhere else was filled with sadness and immense pain. All those good feelings of strength when he was with Quin earlier had vanished and eroded away. There was nothing else. Abby was no more.
    Time passed. Tyler didn't notice the hours upon hours going by.
    In the end... sleep came to him at his desk, tears still staining his face. The scene of his room now was abnormal. Over the past few hours... his room had become covered by pieces of paper...
    Around him and littering the floor were broken pencils from where he had worked tirelessly, almost in a trance-like state. On each piece of paper was a picture of a girl. A girl riding a dragon, a girl petting a dragon, a girl feeding a dragon, a girl laughing with a dragon. There were countless pictures around him all drawn in perfect detail. It was clear just how much care had gone into each one of them... and finally...
    Underneath the sleeping Tyler's hand was one last picture. It was a picture of a girl in heaven with a family of Dragon's surrounding her who loved her very much and would always protect her. She was safe there, and she could be happy there, forevermore.
    At least... that was the wish in the heart of the boy who had drawn it.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Bushy

    [Tumblr ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    "Of course, yeah. I'll just . . . let you finish. I have some business with Kallisti of my own. Please, though, take your time, no worries."
    "I'll be waiting in the kitchen, Kallisti."
    It finally clicked in Tyler's mind one of the things that seemed to bother him about Harley. It was a small detail... but suddenly painstakingly obvious. Nobody could have blamed him if he'd never have noticed, but this was Tyler... he DID notice. He could almost kick himself that it had escaped his attention of sorts until now.
    ...Kallisti - Quin's first name.
    A memory that Tyler had always been fond of struck him at this particular moment.

    Quin had never liked anybody using her first name. Nearly everyone who knew Quin would know that. Especially someone like Harley who was 'apparently' close to her. And yet... he used her first name constantly - by choice. Tyler could understand if older members of the family still stuck to using Kallisti as he knew Quin's father sometimes did, and he knew that Quin's grandmother (Tyler didn't like her) did too. But Harley... you would think him to be different, especially if he cared about how Quin felt like he 'seemed' to. It could just be a coincidence of course. Tyler could be reading it wrong. ...But, the way Harley used her first name... it was almost like he enjoyed defying Quin's wishes and made a point to do so on purpose, enjoying the hold and effect that it seemed to have on her.
    Tyler kept such thoughts tucked away in his mind as Harley left the room. He took a deep breath for a second and looked back to Quin. The deepest part of his emotions felt dead, and he himself felt nauseous holding himself back as he was, but still... he took that deep breath and steeled himself, keeping himself strong for her sake. "You alright?" he asked, albeit he made no distinction on whether it was a general question or whether it was related to Harley's appearance from before.
    He paused for a moment, still all too aware that his hands were on hers and met her gaze once more. "Listen... You and I both know that we've been dragged into something bigger than the both of us here. Where we're being used as mere pawns for the entertainment of some deranged witch or whatever the hell she is." he commented.

    "But... Nothing has changed between you and I. Even though everything is changing around us as we speak. Even if the world were to split in two tomorrow and destroy everything we've ever known. Even if the whole world were to turn against us. It doesn't matter one damn bit." his words were suddenly stronger, and more confident. "No matter what has happened or will happen. I've already told you this, and I'll tell you again and anyone else, no matter how many times I have to; I won't ever give up on you." he stood up, gently pulling Quin up with him. "Just goddammit Quin." somehow he forced a smirk out, and it was completely genuine. "You're my best friend in the whole world. The person I trust more than anyone in my life. My closest companion. Do you really think that our friendship would be broken that easily?" the words came easily, all of them meant with every ounce of strength that remained in his heart. "I don't care what the hell we have to face in the future. Whether we only have One Hundred Days left or just Ten. We could have One Hundred Years. We could be staring death in the face. ...None of that matters. Just remember this already. I've got your back like I know you'd have mine. No one is gonna get in the way of that. Not Crestatia. Not the Damn Old Man down the road. Not Harley or anyone. Not the president. Nobody." He had to wonder as he spoke, just when this girl had become so important to him like this. He himself didn't know, but as long as he could remember, it had always been him and her side by side. "We've come too far to just... quit, you know?" his smirk turned into more of a warm smile. It was kinda surprising that despite the pain of losing Abby, Tyler was able to smile like this. But that just seemed to be the power Quin had on him. "So yeah. That's all I have to say on the matter. You know me, Quin. Better than anyone in fact. This is just the way I am. Others can look at me as a fool or whatever for being like this. But... that's just how it is. If it meant betraying who I am and betraying you. Betraying our friendship... Then I want to remain a fool for my whole life."
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Bushy
    Simply put, me and Saxima (Tyler, Quin and Harley) are in the middle of a rather important character building scenario that will likely have relevance with future interactions later. As you are aware, right now, Saxima is pretty busy with stuff in her personal life and thus we haven't been able to completely finish this little scenario in the allotted time.
    I'd personally appreciate it if we could finish it without it just suddenly and randomly being cut short.

    I also know other people said they'd benefit from an extension anyway and were thus fine with this proposal too. That's my explanation anyway, so if anyone else needs to explain for them then yeah. Please.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Bushy
    Officially requesting an extension to this day, please.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bushy

    [Tumblr ~ OOC: Before anyone prematurely judges Tyler's reaction to the news about Abby. He's in shock. That's why it seems like he's not reacted all that much yet. ~ Listening to]

    It was a weird situation. Tyler had sat in this room with Quin many times before, but never under circumstances like this before. Even though Quin normally hid her emotions perhaps out of embarrassment, and Tyler tended to be positive no matter what the world threw at him, right now, both were baring all. Tyler found he, like Quin, was okay with that. They could both be true in front of the other. They could both be genuine. That's what it meant to be friends. Best friends. True friends. Tyler kept her hands in his as she spoke. No matter what she said next. She'd still have him. He'd still have her. Their friendship was too strong to break. It could survive anything. It wasn't just stupid stubbornness. It was fact. It was truth.
    " Thank you.You are the truest friend I could ever ask for . . . Please take deep breaths, for what I am about to tell you, it may . . . test your friendship against me." Tyler shook his head at this statement, but let her continue. "It was not my decision, for my part, nor the death, but I wielded the blade, and so I shall take all responsibility. I have slain Abigail. "
    ...That was odd. Tyler's face felt warm suddenly, his eyes slightly itchy. Keeping one hand on hers, he raised the other to his face near his cheek. ...Wet?
    Oh... A tear.
    Somehow... he had known. Somehow...
    They were silent tears. No sound came from Tyler, not even a whimper. His voice was locked away deep inside like he wanted to scream. ...There was pain and sadness yes, but somehow... he was locked back. Kept in check.
    Abby. ...Abby was dead? It was just too horrible. Abby was... had been... a pure innocent girl. She was small and cute, loved dragons and had... been Tyler's friend too. Someone finally coming out of her shell more. Now... well... that was it? She was gone. Gone? It was that simple? ...Simple.
    ...Still... despite what Quin had said, he held no hatred to her or blame. No way in hell. Maybe he was biased... maybe he was shocked and it hadn't set in yet, but Tyler knew Quin. She wasn't capable of doing such a thing out of choice. No... this was down to Crestatia and her twisted sick little game. ...Abby...
    Poor Abby..
    That was when another voice cut through the room, "Heh.So formal, elegant as always, Kallisti. Always one to take the blame, to think it's your fault. That's a self-destructive way of thinking, darling." and Tyler stiffened noticing Quin's face go pale. Taking both of Quin's hands again as he turned to face the voice, not hiding his expression or his tears. He wasn't ashamed to be crying.
    "Harley." He spoke simply, the words empty.
    "Hey Tyler.Didn't expect to see you here today."
    Tyler shivered for a second, but hid it well so only Quin who was directly touching him would notice. He didn't have a problem with Quin's cousin, who always acted nice enough, but still... Tyler couldn't place it. Something always felt off, although he never let onto it or mentioned it.
    If he had been anyone else than Quin's best friend, and nowhere near as deductive, then he'd never have noticed... but he was who he was. There were the subtlest of changes in Quin when Harley was around. Something that would be invisible to any outsider. Tyler didn't know what it was, and that's why he never bought it up. He couldn't place it. But... while he didn't know Harley and couldn't read him. He knew Quin.
    Regardless, right now... Tyler had something to deal with.
    "Yeah. Me and Quin have something we need to discuss, that's all." he spoke, offering her hand a reassuring squeeze where they were already holding onto each other. This squeeze served as more than just simple reassurance however. In doing so... it would still tell her that he was with her no matter what, despite what she had just told him. He was still 'her' Tyler, and always would be. He knew she'd understand this. He knew she'd hear his message through the simple act and connection of their hands. "Sorry Harley. Not being rude, but we're kind of in the middle of something if you didn't notice. I'd like to be able to finish talking to her alone." he commented calmly, feeling a sudden control over himself. He realized that this strength despite having been weak before from the shocking news, was coming from Quin. Quin made him strong, even through the worst of times.
    He had no authority over Harley, but still he made his request. Harley could clearly see they were in the middle of something of importance, that indeed could be something private. "I hope you don't mind." he phrased, offering the boy a simple look, but leaving it as a statement and not a question.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 14, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Bushy
  17. Bushy
    OOC: Still say Arch is a thief for stealing my banner idea. XD *assassinates Arch from a haystack*​
    Love you really, homeslice.​
    Damn these guys talked too much. Well... Sandro had always been told the same. He always talked too much. Never knew when he should shut up. Now... he was sitting with his back to a wall and his hood pulled back, half falling asleep at the droning on and on of Griffin. The Animus sounded like some freaky science fiction film gone wrong, and if Sandro hadn't had heard stories of such a thing before, he wouldn't have believed it now. Well... it WAS right in front of him. So he'd probably have believed it anyway after all. Especially since he kinda realized a simple fact. He pushed himself against the wall and stood effortlessly. He rolled his shoulders as he strolled forwards. "Well, it doesn't sound like we have much of a choice anyway right?" he commented as one of his shoulders clicked followed by the other and then finally his neck. "Let's just get the damn thing." he smirked, like it would be THAT easy.
    "Woah. Slow down there pizza boy." Britishness suddenly cut through the room that wasn't from Amy. A young man sat behind a desk surrounded by more desk which probably had about 11 monitors each and even more complicated machinery. "What my Taco eating friend here neglected to tell you," he murmered whilst referring to Griffin and standing himself up. "Is the way this whole thing works. You know what an Animus is now sure, but do you know what makes it tick? How you are all going to proceed over the next few days over years and years of history?" he paused, seemingly waiting for an answer that he knew wouldn't come before he continued. "Well, other than me pushing all the buttons on this side, you guys are really gonna have to pull your weight. Do we have any actors here? No? Oh... only assassins? Well I guess there goes my plan of theater and musical night."
    He walked over to an animus and patted it with a hand for emphasis. "You guys are by far NOT the first people to experience the Animus. I feel sorry for the poor sods that had to experience it back in development. So many glitches... so many... yeah. Let's leave it at glitches. Luckily for you guys, you get the nice new patched version. A safer version. Well... sorta. As safe as an Animus can be anyway." he commented nonchalantly like it wasn't important. His words were fast and to the point, even if it seemed they weren't exactly linked by coherent thought, they were. It's just that for Gavin, he had so much to say and so little time to say it, he had to be fast and move from topic to topic with haste. "People have thought about hooking up the Animus to another Animus before. All the possibilities it could give us are endless, but has anyone succeeded until now? Nope. They didn't have me working for them. Sorry if I don't seem too modest, but you have no idea what I had to go through to get this to work, so I'm taking credit where credit is due. Now listen up. As I said, you guys are NOT the first people to experience the Animus. However, you will be the first to experience what I call: 'THE ANIMI-LINK'." he announced it. "The ANIMI-LINK is revolutionary. The Animus itself is revolutionary of course, but this is something else... Using the cloud and my genius wit and cunning, I have linked several Animus's together so you can ALL delve into your pasts lives and we can uncover the truth in a good timely fashion." he pushed his glasses up the ridge of his nose out of habit and took a breath. "Now, you know the situation and why we need all of you. You may be asking though... why not just put us all in individual Animi and be done with it? Well are you guys the geniuses? Sorry, that's not how it works. The key with any Animus and memory surfing is synchronization. Sadly, we haven't been able to make just skipping to the memories we need stable enough. So we have to go through in sequence, building upon stability until we get to our goal. The more synchronized with your ancestors you guys are, the faster it will go. As you all know. We currently lack one crucial thing. Time. There is never enough time anymore. So we have to be quick."
    He looked at each of the modern Assassins before continuing. "The more synchronized you are the faster this will go, but that doesn't apply to just your ancestors with the ANIMI-LINK. It will now also apply to each other. You each have your own individual synchronization rates, but now there will be a new thing I have dubbed simply as 'GROUP SYNCHRONIZATION'. In short, the more you work yourselves together and in tandem to how your ancestors do, the better. The more stable the memories will be which means the faster we can go. Of course... it does mean that while synchronizing on your own was difficult enough, that synchronizing as a group will add a new level of toughness to what you have to do. But hey. You're all well trained Assassins right? How hard can it be?"
    He finally moved away from the animus and back to his seat, typing very quickly and still somehow talking without making a single mistake. "We aren't throwing you right in the deep end straight away. You'll have a quick... well, I guess it'd be called a tutorial session, before we get you guys hunting through those memories of yours. I'll boot up the ANIMI-LINK and do all the boring stuff such as monitor your stats and take readings and such while you guys get familiar with how things will work on the inside. The Animus is gonna be something you will be getting familiar with over the foreseeable future. Make sure you take advantage of this while you can. I'll be on this side at all times monitoring you all and making sure your brains don't turn to mush. So do me a favour and try not to fúck up too much, and I'll do you the favour of keeping you guys alive. Deal?"
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bushy

    [Tumblr ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    Tyler let Quin lead him inside as she informed him that she had news for him. Something she had to catch him up on.
    At last! some reliable information, but what was this grave atmosphere in the air? It was like the aura of death was suddenly choking them both, threatening to eat away at the two like a rotten disease. Tyler sat down next to Quin on the couch as she started to explain the events of the previous game.
    "I have done something very . . . very horrible, Tyler, something that I can never be forgiven for . . . We had been trapped in the auditorium of the school, and . . . In order to escape, someone had to die . . . So we took a vote for who to die and who was to kill . . . "
    Tyler's mind swam instantly. This was the one time he regretted having such a keen mind for figuring out all the possibilities of any scenario. ...he was... pairing? Who was it who had died... and who had killed them. The combinations all calculated and instant.
    Had someone actually gone through with it? Well, they must have. After all, Quin was here right now which means they'd managed to escape... and to escape... someone had had to die. Someone had killed one of the other players and freed everyone else.
    His mind was surprisingly calm and blank of all else as each possibility floated in front of him to be examined. But... deep down... Tyler suddenly knew the truth. Or he thought part of it at least.
    Quin was shaken... she had said she'd done something horrible... that she could never be forgiven for? That suggested... ...Poor girl. And... poor victim...
    Suddenly, Tyler took Quin's hand in his. "Hey. Listen to me alright?" he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Whatever happened... this isn't your fault. This is down to Crestatia, and this weird game she's playing with us. It's not your fault. ...I won't ever doubt you or blame you no matter what has happened. You're my best friend and I have faith in you for anything and everything." he told her, his eyes meeting hers, looking firm. He truly meant the words as he said them. Truly and whole heartedly.
    ...but sadness was welling up inside him. For what Quin must have had to go through, and for how the victim must have felt too. ...Who was it?
    Something in his gut churned as instinct came to the front of his reasoning, but he ignored it. Pushed it back. Killed it. He just continued to hold Quin's hand, focusing on that, her and her words, trying to forget everything else.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 14, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Bushy

    [Tumblr ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    That was the first thing to set in. Pure relief that she was alright. Then came numbness as Tyler suddenly felt his bottom lip quiver almost at the sound of her saying his name. She was alright... she was alive! She looked a state, but it was to be expected, and regardless of how she looked for whatever reason, right now, she was just... quite frankly; beautiful. The fact she was alive was a beautiful thing. His eyes were almost in disbelief as they took in the sight of the girl, tears coming down her cheeks. She hardly ever cried, but all the same; this felt natural right now. How could she not cry? She'd been through so much. It was only fair.
    "H-hey..." his voice cracked as he tried to speak through a wave of emotion. Tyler had been about to pull her into a hug on his own when he was surprised as she flung her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. He immediately returned her embrace by wrapping his arms around her too, holding onto the shaking girl like she were fragile glass which would break if he dared to let go for even a second. "I am s - so glad - you're o - okay . . . " she said, her face muffled in his shirt. Immediately, she pulled back from him and looked at him seriously, tears still coming down her face, " Y - you are okay . . . right?" She'd been this worried about him? ...Tyler couldn't believe himself - that he'd put her through such worry, even if it wasn't any fault of his own.
    "...Of course I am. No worries... You know me. I can survive anything," he mustered up a half fake grin. "You-you're... alright too... right?" it took all he had to keep himself from crying as well as he asked her the same question in return. He had to remain strong for her. He couldn't make things any harder for her than they already were.
    He shivered as an ominous feeling settled over him like something else was amiss elsewhere, but right now, he didn't care and just wrote it off to all the craziness that had been going on of late.
    The most important thing right now was the girl in his arms. His best friend in the whole world.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 13, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Bushy

    [Tumblr ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    The rise of the new morning came with a sense of clarity and calm. Tyler was surprised to find that he had slept most of the previous day away due to complete exhaustion, and the annoying fact was... he was sure that compared to everyone else, he entirely had no need to be exhausted. Tyler had now evaded danger from the 'game' twice in a row... And one thing was for sure. Not that he wanted to put himself in danger, but he was positive that if he didn't do something soon, Crestatia would get bored of him. It was as simple as that. To stay safe and not trigger some massive backlash by Crestatia, he had to put himself into the dangerzone more than he had. It was a double edge. Stay safe by being in danger.
    Of course, this was a game... it had to be entertaining, but all the same, Tyler knew that he didn't want to drag others around him into the danger either, but that to try and not was likely impossible. If this was a story/roleplay/visual novel as Tyler kept likening the events around him to, right now... Tyler was probably the most irrelevant character involved, easy enough to be erased and not have major consequence.
    It was amazing how his mind came to such a conclusion, almost like some external force behind a screen was typing his thoughts for him. Or maybe it was his keen mind and deductive reasoning that came with the imagination that a novelist like himself possessed. To be able to analyze all possibilities was a powerful skill if it could be used in the right situation. Regardless... Tyler's mind slipped it's focus onto the most important things at hand. His friends...
    He still hadn't heard anything from Quin or Abby and the worry was making him feel ill. Tyler was always able to be positive, but right now action was important, and he needed the knowledge that they were alright.
    He put his phone on charge and headed out. Quin lived just down the road from him of course and providing she were home, the fastest way to confirm her safety would be to pay her a visit directly.
    He dressed himself as he usually would and was outside the door within minutes, heading down the road with speed. Soon enough, he was outside her door. He... couldn't knock for a moment. He found his breath caught in his throat. What if something had happened to her? To Quin? To his best friend? The reality of a world without Quin hit him hard and while he wasn't religious... Tyler found himself almost praying to 'something' that she was alright - that no harm had come to the girl he treasured so much.
    Tyler took a deep breath and calmed himself. He had to be strong, for if she were okay, he had to be able to support her without worrying her. Tyler remembered his vow to protect her and his vow to always stay true to himself. He would never go back on his word. It just wasn't his style.
    At last, finding the strength he needed to move his arm forward. He knocked.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 13, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame