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  1. Bushy

    Bushy was sitting on the sun, getting a nice tan. Why was he on the sun? Well, why the hell not? He should take advantage of these godmodding abilities he'd been kindly allowed to have by Droid. Of course though... speaking of godmodding, as Bushy watched the events of the Cove from his Cinema sized sun-proof TV, he noticed that... stuff was going on. Stuff that should not be happening.
    Godmodding that wasn't from him. The mighty Bushy one sighed. "And so I decree... because due to a dare, I have to at least have 'and so I decree' in one of my posts... That the Ranger keys are returned to Marvelous. Furthermore... any of that soul ripping stuff and horcrux stuff to do with Hermione is taken back. Hermione has her soul where it should be... in that body of hers, yadah yadah yadah, and I need more Ice Cream."
    All at once, those things happened. The keys would return to where they were meant to be and Hermione wouldn't have to worry about looking like Voldermort and could keep her nose.
    Next, Bushy spoke into Doppelganger's mind. "And you. I get you have this whole... 'Oh, I can do all this wonderful shít and stuff' thing going on. But... I am THE ONLY GODMOD HERE! You need to consider that messing with other people's characters too much... could be bad for your health. And so..."
    Bushy summoned one of his shoulder buddies, a ferret called Riley. You see... irl... Bushy owned Ferrets, but either way... Bushy made Riley immortal first so that he could withstand the heat of the sun and two... not die when he did this next thing. Bushy godmodded pants that could NOT be removed onto Doppelganger, and then Riley followed. "Enjoy a Ferret in your pants until I see fit to otherwise remove them. ...Unless I forget. But yes. PUNISHMENT! I am so cruel. Although, I don't know if I feel sorry for you... or the ferret." he sighed, and went back to eating Ice Cream on the face of the sun.

    Mina listened to Guy's story with genuine interest, before listening to what he had to say about Simon and Simone and then the rest of them. "You're right there. I have no doubts... but... nah. Those two are special. Mine and the other me's rambling at all those times isn't just to give them confidence. It's because we genuinely believe in them. We know that they are going to be the two who can make a difference. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure we all will, as you said; even you and I will have big parts to play." she finished her drink and debated about pouring another before deciding against it. She pulled her cape on in a wide ark around her before heading to one of the Dai-Gurren's window views and putting on her sunglasses. She smirked as she took in the view. "It's funny. Not too long ago, all I knew were caves and ceilings. No fresh air and no skies. No wide open... views like this. But I always believed they existed, and I was right. Just like I've always believed in Simone, and I know Kamina believes in Simon. I know I'm right with them too." She turned to face Guy again, that strong look in her eyes behind her shade and the passion of her belief showing in her smile. "I want you to watch them, Guy. Help watch over them and to guide them, but most of all... I want you to watch and remember how far they go and how much they will grow. The road before us is a long one, but Team Dai-Gurren will keep on going forward. Each member will keep on reaching out to that new tomorrow, and both Simone and Simon will keep on digging, creating a path for those behind them." Mina took a look out the window again, before finishing. "People might think they're following me or Kamina, and maybe they are, but we... we've always been looking straight ahead at 'their' backs. Just digging and digging on."
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bushy
    We love you, nee-sama! <3

    Post by: Bushy, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. Bushy
    [Tumblr ~ Mood: Hassled ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    Tyler was just about done. "I know already, Mom. ...Yes. I kno- Mom! Give me a break, you know I'm not gonna sleep around with just anyo- ...Okay. I promise. Yes. Kay, bye." Beep. The phone was hung up. Tyler had registered and gotten his room location, and was moving his few bags into his new room. There were signs it had been lived in, and recently like possibly within the past 30 minutes, so Tyler presumed it must be his future room mate.
    Tyler had no clue who it would be, but yeah. This would be an experience, that was for sure.

    [Mood: ...Zzzz.. ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey was soaring over rooftops with ease, in full motion and running like she belonged in that Mirror's Edge video game or Assassins Creed. She ducked under what got in her way, or leaped over it with ease before approaching the edge of the next roof and jumping onwards. She was alive, she was free! She could... smell Eggs? ...Nevermind that, she was running still, flying through the air, she... felt restricted... what was going on? She felt heavy.

    She sat bolt upright in bed.

    Oh... she was wearing clothes. That explained it... Zoey hated feeling restricted when she slept. Still half asleep, she started pulling her top off before unclipping her bra and vanishing under the covers, soon after, her jeans and underwear were also removed and hit floor from under the safety of the bed sheets. "...much better." she sleepily mumbled to the other girl in the room, before closing her eyes and resting her head on the pillow again.

    ...Other girl in the room?

    Zoey sat bolt upright once more but this time tumbled from the bed becoming tangled in the bed sheets that did little to cover her now nude form. She caught the girls eyes and didn't know how she should react. It's not like she cared about being seen naked, even though this girl was a stranger. ...Stranger? Oh... she must be her new room mate. But yeah... some first impression. The girl would surely be shocked by this turn of events ...How should Zoey get out of this situation?
    She was still on the floor looking up at the new girl before finally deciding her course of action which was to act completely natural. Trying to untangle herself from the bed sheets and ultimately failing and revealing more of herself, she held a hand out to shake and offered the girl a smile. "Hey there, the name's Zoey, nice to meet'cha."
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Bushy

    I still say Temperance and Madeline should have been the other way around... lol
    Also... Pfffffffffffffffftt. Anthony made me laugh, and I can't believe you turned my darling Zoey into a perverted science nerd (SHE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE SCIENCE! -albeit... the porn aspect... yes). On a last note...
    You turned Heidi into a loli-nun. ...While I approve of all loli's... Whut?
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bushy
    Kay. *dances with in the rain*
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 2, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  6. Bushy
    [Tumblr ~ Mood: Rushed... ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    Tyler was home again. He'd spent the better part of the day looking around the campus and had decided that this might not be a bad place to go after all. He would soon start his packing and preparations to move into the dorms. It'd be so different being away from home... but it could be a good experience.
    He wondered about living away from his Mother. Surely spending time with her should be important since he only had a certain amount of time left to live, but something deep down told him that... Not moving wasn't an option. It'd be better to move. He had no idea what this meant, but he decided to trust this instinct. It's like if this was an RP, the RPer controlling him was trying to instill some sense of fourth wall breaking irony by getting him to think like this and then consider an RPer was controlling him. To be fair... weirder things were going on. ...This was all a game to Crestatia... but a funny thought occurred to Tyler. What if they were not the players in this game... but the pieces? Then who would the players be? And as a piece... who would he belong to?
    The thoughts swirled around in his mind until sleep found and claimed him.

    [Mood: Also rushed... ~ OOC: Making this short because... after the stupidity of today, I really can't be bothered anymore. ~ Listening to♪]

    Zoey couldn't help but smile at what Matt said. Matt would just always be Matt. That made her happy.
    Either way... they both looked around (and saw a good portion of the academy while they were at it) until they found a reception area in the academy and showed the staff lady their letters and explained the situation. She with a smile quickly directed them both to their dorms via word of mouth and gave them their keys after sorting them out on the Academy's system. ... apparently checking in when plot convenience was needed was as easy as that. After that, the two were off again, following the instructions as best as they could, dragging their suitcases behind them.
    Thankfully, they both found where they should be without too much trouble. After a hug and Zoey making sure Matt had her number again, the two separated and Zoey was walking down the hallway of the girl dorms.
    She found her door, and with a quick use of the key which fit snugly into the lock, Zoey was in a bare room. Completely empty.
    She decided... she'd sort out unpacking tomorrow. There was no way she was doing it now, and so... not even bothering to change out of her clothes (which was bloody strange for her), and only removing her shoes. She flung herself onto the bed and was asleep in an instant.
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Bushy
    I concur with this for all the reasons stated above, because frankly, it affected so many of us, it's ridiculous.
    Some of us ended up not being able to post for the whole day because of this incident.

    Also, definitely recommend the adding stuff to the rules.

    TLDR; I fully endorse this.

    Even if you don't approve the extension Jayn nee-sama. The rule thing is a good idea (they should be common sense... but meh).
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Bushy
    [Mood: Enjoying the moment ~ OOC: ~ Listening to♪]

    So... after packing was done. They headed to Matt's house where he turned the journey into a game by running ahead of her with her suitcase. Of course... Zoey was naturally skilled and gifted when it came to running, so she kept up with him easily, and to make it more challenging, she started incorporating some of her parkour into it by jumping and flipping over objects and stuff, just for the fun of it.

    They got to Matt's with air circulating through their lungs at a healthy rate. They were both physically fit after all, so it's not like the running took anything out of them. The packing was done so quickly that Zoey swore they spent more time running there than actually being there.

    Soon they had left the house. "You sure you're alright with that case?" He asked her yet again. "Yes... Matt. For the fourteenth time. I'm perfectly fine." she laughed, her case slung over her shoulder with ease. Because of her tomboyish habits, to mention it again, Zoey was pretty fit and despite being a girl (not to be sexist) but the case gave her no issues despite what Matt seemed to think."I wonder what it's going to be like, I think we'll get room mates, I hope we're partnered with someone nice and the people there understand the meaning of a good prank. Although even if we end up not liking the people, I'm always going to be there for you if you need me. Promise.""Ah... room mates. Guess I've gotta stop sleeping naked full time now." she sighed. "And Matt... I just pray whoever you get stuck with isn't some tough guy with low tolerance. Your pranks might get you killed one day otherwise." she told him, but with a laugh to show she wasn't serious. ...That much. "But thanks. You've been such a good friend to me. I just hope I can return the favor some day."
    After a short journey which has frankly had the details skipped due to a lack of posting time left to the RPers... they arrived at their destination.
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Bushy
    [Mood: Amused ~ OOC: scared to post because of the countdown... but this is a test to see if my post will count too.. ~ Listening to]

    Once Zoey had finished dressing, she turned around to face Matt again. She regarded the older boy in front of her. If it had been anyone else she wondered if she'd be comfortable being like this with people. Well... she did always like her comfort, but Matt was like having a gay best friend without the gayness in a way. But she did wonder; sure she was very tomboyish, but did Matt see her as a girl at all? Or just as 'one of the guys'. Well, that's the thing with Matt though... he'd flirt with anyone for a reaction - guy and girl alike.
    It's not like Zoey had feelings for Matt, nor that she cared what he perceived of her. But curiosity is what it is... curiosity. It made people curious. 'Duh!'
    "Well... it's not like I have much to prepare either." she shrugged, finding some socks next. "I didn't bring much with me. The social worker people said I'd only need the bare minimum, and Mom told me the same. 'Don't overload yourself. You never know whats gonna happen' she would say." Zoey sighed as thoughts turned to her Mom. She missed her... and she hoped she was okay. ...Hope was all she could do. But she had to stay strong.
    She went over to the other side of her room and grabbed a case before bringing it over to her bed. "Well, you might not need much help, but you can still help me. Feel free to go through my underwear drawer too. Just don't sniff anything. Even 'I' won't approve of that. ...maybe." she smirked.
    And so the two packed, and it didn't take long with the both of them, so soon enough they were ready to leave.
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Bushy
    [Mood: Content and happy ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    "Starving definitely, and no problem. You ARE my buddy, right?" she grinned as she started gratefully tucking into the breakfast he had prepared, leaving her rhetorical question hanging in the air. Zoey was amused as she watched Matt suddenly pull on his crumpled shirt like he felt ashamed. "Hey. No need to worry. I'm always half naked in front of you anyway, so you can do what you like. Or would it help if I removed my shirt too?" she teased him setting the tray aside and lifting up her shirt slightly just so he could see a bit above her tummy. At his reaction, she started giggling a cute laugh. "Just kidding." Albeit, it's not like she minded either.

    "So, what's the plan for today? Are we going to the dorms like we said? I'd need to pop home and quickly pack some stuff if we do but that won't take me long at all." he asked as she started to eat again. "Yeah. That's the plan. We need to see what we're getting into after all. I don't know much about the area let alone this new school. It's just... tedious I guess. I only just moved and now I have to move again. Well... I guess I am on a roll though, and it's easier for me to move now than it would be to move later. So either way..." she shrugged, finishing her food and setting the tray aside yet again before standing up. "What do you need anyway? I can give you a hand if you need." she told him as she moved across the room and started pulling her shirt off completely this time. She was facing away from him though so all he'd get was a view of her bare back. She pulled on a bra before starting to pull down her panties to exchange them for new ones, ...and then she realized he was still there as the top of her butt cheeks were starting to show. It's not like she had forgotten him, but she just felt that comfortable around him, it hadn't occurred to her. "Um... Well, you can either turn away or watch. I don't mind. It's not like I'm not comfortable with my body." And so, having given him the option and genuinely not caring (after all, she again knew that Matt wasn't attracted to her like that anyway), she continued as she were and finished changing, pulling on a pair of jeans after and then finding a loose shirt which she felt comfortable in.
    Post by: Bushy, Jan 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Bushy
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Bushy
    [Tumblr ~ Mood: Confused and lost... ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    It was odd... Tyler swore that this song kept popping up on his Ipod more and more often despite the fact he usually kept it on shuffle mode. Perhaps this was a sign... After all, the feelings this song invoked every time in the visual novel/anime that it was from matched Tyler's own feelings very well. Time and everything else just seemed to flow around him now, detached from everything else. It was like he was detached from everything. The logic of the world seemed to be gone. Tyler had no clue what was what anymore. Only a few things remained clear, one of those being his friendship with Quin. ...Who speaking of... he hadn't heard from in a few days.
    After Cherno vanished yesterday in what could only be described as... an event that left Tyler utterly perplexed that if this life was an RP, he wouldn't have known how to post afterwards in response to deal with the situation. But oh well. That was life, not an RP. Tyler found it amusing how he kept referencing things in such a way lately. Maybe he had an acute version of Eighth Grader Syndrome (similar to what he believed Anthony possessed). Of course though, Tyler could still make a distinction between fiction and real life... but that was just the thing wasn't it. How could anyone be sure of what was real or not anymore. This entire situation, and existence seemed entirely unbelievable now ever since Crestatia had arrived and completely turned their lives around. ...Either way, Tyler had found an email matching the letter he had read yesterday. So... he had started to prepare things for the move as well as talking it over with his mom when he was able to. And now today... he was on his way to this new place he'd be calling his home. He wanted to see what it was like.
    He'd hopefully arrive there soon.
    ...The song on his Ipod changed... but it didn't, instead it repeated the same song as if it were meant to prolong these feelings. If Tyler didn't know better, he'd say some external force was messing with his Ipod for some sense of dramatic irony.

    [Mood: Hungry ~ OOC: ~ Listening to♪]

    Yesterday had been a blast. It had been so much fun hanging out with Matt. After all, being new to the area, Matt was still her only friend currently, so it was nice being able to spend time with him.
    ...She had awoken to the smell of bacon and eggs and other delicious smelling things that made her tummy rumble excitedly. She sat up in bed and realized she was in a baggy shirt and just panties. ...Why? She normally slept nake- Oh yeah. Matt had stayed over last night, so she had naturally done the decent thing and at least worn clothes for his benefit. Albeit... the boy seemed so un-attracted to her anyway that she probably could have walked around in front of him naked and he not care a bit. She was debating on whether to test this theory when the boy in question came in baring gifts - "breakfast in bed, huh? You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Matt." She winked at him.
    D'aww, the guy may be a prankster and a flirt, but he was sweet. Zoey was certainly glad that she'd made such a good friend. She was a little short on friends right now and... she was certainly going to need them.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Bushy
    Profile Post Comment

    Thanks for the heads up, Cat.

    Thanks for the heads up, Cat.
    Profile Post Comment by Bushy, Dec 30, 2012
  14. Bushy

    Well, Tyler is fúcked getting stuck with Mr. Cursey, but where is Zoey on the list?
    I already said she was moving to the dorms as well. :/
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bushy
    [Mood: Bemused... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey just smiled, completely used to Matt's flirts by now. "More than usual? It's not my fault that you walked in on me getting into changed after my shower that time. I'm glad you've learned to knock though." she shrugged as she watched his gaze sweep over her body. It didn't really bother her. She wasn't dressed like this to be seductive, and she knew Matt wasn't actually attracted to her. He just... enjoyed doing what he did. Just like she enjoyed being comfortable.
    "You lost my number again?" she asked, inviting him in by moving away from the door before closing it behind him. "What prank of yours caused that to happen this time?" she casually asked him as she headed to her small kitchen and pulled a can of coke from the fridge before tossing it to him. She scratched the back of her hair again, it a tad messy since she had just woken up, and yet Matt was still calling her sexy? Well... she 'was' in her underwear she figured, but it wasn't like this wasn't normal for them.
    She took the letter he showed her in exchange for giving him the coke and gave it a quick read. "This is the first I've heard of it, but I suppose I'm interested. Living alone sucks frankly, and besides, I still gotta go to school and this is the only way I guess." she responded before he started mentioning weird weather and stuff like Earthquakes and Eclipses, ...before the usual chat up line followed.
    "What you on about? Is this just the setup of a new chat up line or something?" she asked him titling her head to the side with a questioning look, her hair gliding along her shoulders and along her back. She had no idea what he was on about, but regardless she then invited him to her room. Her house was only small so it consisted only of kitchen, bathroom and bedroom which meant the only comfortable place to sit and talk would be her room itself.
    She found a pair of shorts and started pulling them up her long lovely legs, her interest having been caught more at him mentioning the email. "But of course I have time for you, no matter how hot you seem to think I am." she answered him. Did she even think she was 'hot' as he put it? Was she 'sexy' as he had really said she was? She'd never even really cared about such things that much, although she supposed it was nice to hear it.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Bushy
    [Tumblr ~ Mood: Sleep lagged ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    Tyler yawned. That was the first thing as he woke up.
    Then he heard his name. Except... it wasn't his name. Who the hell was Tyreese?
    Oh wait... Tyler was still half asleep. Surely he had heard wrong.
    "Tyreeeeese! Where-- where in gallivanting's name did you run off to, brother!"
    Nope. He had definitely heard right... and then connected it. ...Why did people seem to keep getting his name wrong? Was 'Tyler' that hard of a name to remember? Sheesh. Anyway... Tyler pulled himself out of bed and put on a T-shirt over his bare chest before going to find Cherno.
    "Yo man... what's up?" Tyler asked groggily while scratching the back of his head in his habitual way. He came into the room and noticed Cherno reading a letter. Seeing it was from Bellhurst, Tyler read it over Cherno's shoulder.
    "Brookbridge Academy of Excellency huh? ...Well, I guess we got no choice. We can't just NOT go to school as awesome as that'd be." he shrugged while expressing his thoughts out loud. Although, he did wonder what other people would think about it. His mind wandered to Quin before remembering Cherno had still called him for something.
    Suddenly, Cherno seemed to panic and start looking for something.
    "Yo man Tyreese! Did you see some kind of little old letter anywhere, friend?"
    "Letter? Can't say I have, buddy. I pretty much just showed you this room and told you to make yourself at home, and then you conked out on the bed right there. So I just left you to it." Tyler told him, and then realised the name thing again. "And it's Tyler, buddy. Not Tyreese. Come on Cherno. We go back a bit ya know? Am I that forgettab-" but suddenly, Tyler was interrupted by chaos. Suddenly shaking occured like a minor Earthquake, and then everything turned dark like someone had eaten the sun. "What the hell is going on?!" Tyler exclaimed, grabbing onto something to keep his balance.
    Almost as strangely as things had started... they suddenly stopped, and light was restored to the world, and the shaking ceased.
    ...What the hell had just happened? "Hey, Chern. You alright, man?" Tyler asked him, shortening his name.

    [Mood: Asleep... ~ OOC: Zoey hasn't had the chance to see the letter yet, but she will end up moving too I think. ~ Listening to♪]

    Knock knock knock!

    Zoey stirred from her sleep at the sound of the knocks on the door. Zoey was and always had been an incredibly deep sleeper, so it should be mentioned that she just slept through the minor Earthquake and Eclipse etc and actually had no clue that anything strange had happened.

    Sitting up, feeling the covers fall down around her bare midriff, she scratched the back of her head and let out a deep yawn. Who could it be at this time in the mor- she checked her clock... uh... okay. It's not as early as I thought. She sighed and she stood up, yawning yet again and headed to the front door. Peering through the peephole, she spied Matt and started to unlatch the door before realizing she was completely naked. She face palmed. As amusing as it would be to see his reaction, she should probably put something on. "Give me a sec!" she called out and headed to her room. She found a fresh pair of panties and a bra and quickly put them on deeming them sufficient enough and headed back to the door before opening the door. Matt had his arm propped against the wall and was trying to look rather... appealing and flirty.
    Amused, Zoey folded her arms underneath her chest and offered a smirk. "Ah, my dear Matthew, to what do I owe the pleasure of your surprise visit?" she asked, putting on a fake and bemused tone, still completely not caring that she was only in her underwear in front of a boy (frankly, she didn't even see the significance).
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Bushy
    Full Name: Dylan Coleshaw
    Appearance: (click)
    Age: Seventeen
    Likes: His job (he's a bouncer). Fighting. Getting girls (although he doesn't look like he shows an interest). Music. Writing Music (Lyrics and Guitar). Theater shows (Classics like Hamlet and The Tempest). Waist Coats. Accessories. Model Guns. Dogs.
    Dislikes: People who get in his face (but he likes breaking their faces). Losing a fight (but he never does). People who pick on weaklings. The logic of the world. The Internet.
    Weaknesses/Fears: He's cocky sometimes. Can be reckless. Getting too close to people and getting attached (fear).
    Strengths/Talents: His fists. His legs. His head (when he headbutts). Basically... FIGHTING. His Music. Good with dogs. Can sew and knit. Being a badass.
    Personality: Dylan is the silent badass type who isn't ever scared to get his hands dirty in a good fight. He's always been getting into fights ever since he was a kid. So he decided to put his strength to good use one day instead of just misdirecting it and he got a job as a bouncer. He might seem aggressive and cold, but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy. He might just be a bit cocky at times, but it's not like he doesn't have good reason to be. The only other thing worth of note is that he doesn't seem to be close to anyone, and he frankly doesn't seem to care about that.
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Contact Information: He doesn't like the internet, so... through his phone.
    Favorite Color: Blue. (This sorta blue)
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bushy

    Oh my god! I love them!
    And a part 2 coming up? That's just wicked. XD
    Thank you very much. :)
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Bushy
    [​IMG][Tumblr ~ Mood: Weary ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    Tyler had left the hotspring when he learned that due to the circumstances, everyone would HAVE to leave, and frankly... he was glad to get away. He had no clue what had happened to Quin, but he just had to hope she was okay. He'd text her later... for now, he couldn't since he was on the subway and there was no phone signal. He'd chosen the subway over the buses this time since the subway runs more often and frankly, his luck with buses had been terrible last time. He just wanted to get away from the place and home as soon as possible. The hotsprings hadn't been as relaxing as he'd have hoped. How could they have been after that?
    Is this how it is gonna be for the rest of these days now? For however long I may have left to live? he pondered as a nostalgic track in his Ipod changed his mood. He wasn't being depressed or anything, just... contemplating. One hundred days... Just under ninety left now providing I make it to the end of them. ...Eighty six days left. ...How many hours does that leave? How many minutes? How many seconds? he did the math as he walked to the doors of his tube, and got off at his stop, finally having reached Coy city. He started along the platform idly. It was late now, and Tyler felt weary, but... not nearly weary enough to miss a familiar... uh... heap on the ground? "Cherno?" Tyler asked, approaching him and removing his headphones. ...Was the familiar boy sleeping rough? "Hey, buddy. What's going on here?" he asked crouching next to him with bent knees. He gave the puzzled Cherno a chance to explain himself, before deciding on a course of action. "Alright you, I can't just ignore a guy who needs my help, and besides, it's not like we haven't helped each other out before. So come on. You can stay at my place for a bit." He said, helping Cherno to his feet. "No excuses. It's not trouble at all. You're a buddy, alright? Anyway, it won't take us long to get back. So let's go."

    And with that, the two were at Tyler's place within the hour.


    [Mood: Bored/Tired~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey had finally made it home. Of course, as she entered, there was no one to greet her - for Zoey lived alone despite being so young. It was a simple place, but it was home, and it was comfortable. At least... it was after she stripped off down to her underwear and made a quick dinner. I wonder how Matt is doing. ...I guess I should check in with him tomorrow or something. She pondered to herself as she headed to the shower, stripping off entirely.
    Feeling much better now, but surprisingly tired, she threw herself into bed, not bothering to put anything on. It seemed that all she had done really was sleep the past few days. I think... I'll go for a run tomorrow. See if I can work up a sweat, I don't want to get out of shape. And with that thought... Slumber then followed.
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Bushy
    Fearless. Wishing you a very Jolly Christmas!


    Hope you like it. I really do... lol
    Post by: Bushy, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone