Not so much a chit chat... XD It just... kinda happened on it's own. Casual comments here and there. Good Christmas, Droid?
OOC: Wow, it's been a while since I last posted. I'm so sorry. Gonna fix that now obviously.Alexis decided to just get on with what she was told to do. ...Something seemed strange with everyone. She could feel it in the air and read it from the expressions on their faces. What was it? It was mainly her older siblings of the Acolytes. She hadn't seen it so much in the faces of the new Acolytes yet, but the older ones would suddenly get something irking at them. It was subtle at times since they themselves could be good at hiding it, but Alexis was just skilled at picking up on the subtlest of reactions. Part of her street smarts at work. Even so... Right now, despite being the middle sibling of the Acolyes, she was too inexperienced to even attempt to understand what it could be. Lenny seemed to be handling things in a way. She would have to trust him to handle the others, but still make sure she watched her own back. She wasn't ready to trust the others with her well-being entirely just yet even though she knew that one day, she'd have to whether she liked it or not. She went to the storage facility of the road house and started to stock up on things they might need, whether it be weapons, to ammo, to salt or any of the other usual hunting stuff that she'd been taught was useful over the time she'd spent as an Acolyte. If worse came to worse, she could always resort to her powers to keep everyone stocked up on what was needed, but of course that was still limited. It was better to be prepared now than to have to resort to such a method later. She carried the stuff bits at a time to the cars, going back and forth, not paying attention to the conversations any of the other Acolytes may have been having. At last she was done, that should be enough anyway she believed. Luce and Scott were still in the middle of a conversation of some kind. Knowing she shouldn't eavesdrop and it not being in her nature, she waited nearby and leaned against a wall with her arms folded, out of ear shot so she couldn't overhear them, but close enough that she'd be ready to leave when they were. She felt in her pocket, he hand running along the edge of the fold up knife Mulligen had given her, and then checked the other one realizing she was missing something. It must be in her room... She could go back to get it, but it wasn't a big deal. Instead she held out her hand... and visualized it. Every edge... the glimmer of the screen, every component, and then she focused on it... willed it to come to her. Willed logic to defy itself and for it to be there like it was just a normal fact. It wasn't in her room, it was in her hand. ... And then it was. Alexis had never had a phone in her life before, but Lenny said she needed one to keep in contact with the 'family' and had gotten her one the next chance he had. The SIM was encrypted and the phone was a decent model, but durable. She'd had no idea how to use thing at first, but she was picking it up as she went along as it seemed a pretty vital skill. She had four numbers only of course in her contacts: Adam (Mulligan), Lenny, Luce and finally Scott. She casually glanced over the names before pocketing her phone. It was set to vibrate of course as it going off at the wrong time could be a disaster. She knew though that even a vibration could be a disaster depending on what they were hunting, but she was sure the other Acolytes would set an example she could follow. Regardless... now all she could do was wait for them to get moving.
I saw. I laughed... I completely forgot about the lesbian cat girl comment I made... XD
I know. I was joking. lol
Also... stop stalking my posts! ;_;
...I hate you. (not really) FINE! *goes to draw a mustache on Scar to make it a different picture* (if only I could be bothered to...)
No worries. I'm just joking with you. lol I mean... I did realise where my post was after and decide to add to it so it was relevant, but you were...
You deleted my post as I was editing it with my thoughts on time travel?! ;_; I lost everything I wrote... lol
[Tumblr ~ Mood: Understanding... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] It occurred to Tyler that he knew nothing of Altair and his family other than knowing his Grand Uncle, Mr. Heckles. Tyler had worked part time with Heckles on a few occasions which is how he knew the old fisherman. But either way... so this girl was Altair's sister? Well, that would make sense in a way he guessed. "Well, it's not like I mind. I mean... it is a guy dorm, but I was never one who cared about formalities such as school rules that much anyway." Tyler couldn't help but sigh. ...At least people got the Ty part of his name right. Maybe he should just go by 'Ty' from now on. ...Oh?! HE REMEMBERED HIS NAME! Tyler didn't know why he was this pleased. But it felt like a big deal that his name for once had been gotten right. "Yeah. Big coincidence, we were room mates at the... um... yeah..." he referred to the hot springs but didn't finish what he said due to the events that had happen. Altair knew well enough since he'd also been there. "And now room mates here," he said more cheerfully. "I'm glad I have someone I remotely know," Tyler grinned showing he was pleased with this turn of events. "I'll go. N-nice to meet you." The girl mumbled as she slipped outside. "Oh uh... Nice to meet you too, Um... Heidi?" He'd heard Altair mention her name before, so he slipped it in albeit feeling unsure. Albeit... she was then gone. So... [Mood: Free... ~ OOC: ~♪Listening to♪] The air was catching her waist length hair and whipping past her face which made Zoey feel truly alive. She jumped walls, climbed drainpipes, slid down banisters and most of all she ran free. Zoey had made her way around various places on the campus looking for the best areas to truly maximize her full running potential and keep herself moving. At some point, now that she was away from the track, she'd sorta lost track of where she was... but she thought she must be close to... the boys dorm maybe? She was approaching an edge, there was a railing. Zoey instead of slowing sped herself up and as she approached it, bought her arms down and used her momentum to spin over it and land on the other side before ejecting backwards and landing neatly on the floor. Sorta... "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Zoey found herself asking. For she had literally just fallen from the sky and in front of a girl. ...Literally, if she'd descended a few moments later, she'd probably have landed on top of the girl, it was that close. Zoey's breathing was harder than before, but she had a healthy glow in her cheeks and her blood was still pumping from the adrenaline rush. Even so, it didn't hide the concern. "I'm really sorry. Really." she mumbled again between her breaths and panic.
See. Told you you were cute, and everyone else agrees with me. XD
[Tumblr ~ Mood: ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] Tyler slept dreamlessly for once. It was a calm and deep sleep that nothing would wake him from. He was out like a light. Nothing would wake him from it at all. Noth- "H-H-HEIDI? ...Tyler woke up. "Wha- What the?!" Tyler exclaimed, sitting bolt upright and glancing left and right realizing where he was. ...Yes. He'd moved to the dorm now, of course. That's right. And... the exclamation must be his room mate. Tyler recognized the fellow. It was Mr. Ubisoft himself. ...And... a girl? ...Okay. "...Uh... I'm sorry to interrupt you two?" Tyler questioned. Well, he wasn't exactly interrupting more in that he was already here. ...Was Altair even the type for such a thing? Apparently so. Tyler didn't mind what people did behind closed doors, that's their business... but um... in the same room as him while he was asleep. That was a tad more awkward. And so... Tyler just kept silent now, his eyes awkwardly shifting between Altair's and that of the no longer sleeping girl. [Mood: Energetic ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Zoey woke quietly and refreshed. Being able to sleep nude meant she'd been so comfortable, she felt like she was floating. She slipped out of bed careful not to wake her sleeping room mate, and dressed quickly into a pair of shorts and a shirt, before grabbing her running shoes. She also grabbed fingerless gloves just in case she needed the extra grip for climbing. She left a note to let Crystal know she was going out for a run and then she was out the door, shutting it quietly behind her. She already knew where the running track was thankfully, and she was good at memorizing routes, so she didn't get lost on the way. ... On the track, everything was blocked out but the path before her and the music in her ears. She could feel her breath growing sharper and faster as oxygen moved through her body and kept her muscles working, her lungs pumping the life giving air around her easily. Zoey was proud of her stamina and physique. She'd always loved running and various other sports and right now, running like this... she felt truly alive. Nothing to do with the email or anything else was on her mind. Just... the track in front of her. But... already Zoey was itching for more. Being stuck to the track made her feel confined. She wanted to run free. This was not enough... "Time... to kick things... up a notch." she spoke between breaths as she soon left the track entirely and started running 'free' elsewhere. Knew I had to show you this instantly. lol
Oh, I don't mind. A profile is meant to be posted on, and comments are automatically compressed into the original post anyway, so it's not like...
I don't know if it matters whether it's pm or not. I mean... it's not like anything really private is being said. lol
It might sooner or later. It's not meant to be gone forever, just on hiatus for now.
Likewise. Hope to see you around some more.
Oh hey there. Just call me Bushy or whatever, that's what everyone else does. lol
Lawful Good A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.
[Tumblr ~ Mood: busybusybusy ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] Unpacking had taken Tyler most of the day, despite the fact that he didn't have much. It was more a case of him trying to avoid upsetting any of his room-mate's possessions. He'd also heard a bit of drama outside the door, but decided not to go and check it. He thankfully had a packed lunch on him from his journey down here, so he just ate the remains of that and was satisfied. "Maybe tomorrow will be more eventful..." cause indeed. Not a lot had happened today at all. And so... Tyler went to sleep before his room mate even got back. [Mood: Amused ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Crystal grabbed Zoey's hand and shook it. "The name is Crystal. I will be your roommate from now on. Pleasure to meet you. I bought you breakfast, it is in the fridge right now. Also seems you prefer to sleep naked? Guess that means you won't have a problem if I do too." Zoey's face lit up instantly, her room mate seemed really nice. "Oh wow. Thanks. And oh my god! You might be just my dream room mate. ...God." she grinned. "Yeah, I don't mind at all. It's just... so much comfier to sleep... free." She told Crystal. "That's an interesting name you have." Anyway... because Bushy needed to end the day for Zoey, this next part will now be in recap mode: The two girls talked for a bit before parting ways. Zoey went for a run, because... she loved to go running. Zoey had dinner and a banana. Zoey got back to the dorm later, and went to sleep, grateful that she could do so naked.
Zoey's: Tumblr Dylan's: Tumblr