I DON'T GET IT......... TT^TT even though it's english, i don't understand it.....
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww again?? i missed it..... oh well. next time then!
So i'm trying to code a visual novel right now.... . I'm a total beginner in programming so please help.... I'm doing the text in Japanese and this message keeps showing up when i try starting the game - 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: invalid start byte what does it mean and how do i fix it? i've followed the instructions on the renpy documentation, but it's not working.... i saved it as a unicode (UTF-8) and also tried putting 'u' in front of the quote as they told me too. still didn't work.... please help me! >__<'' I really want to finish this soon! if you need any more information, just let me know and i'll post it here.
my favourites are: - Tokiya (OMG YOU TSUNDERE wwwwwww) - Ittoki (KAWAII~~~~) - Syo (Kawaii Ore-sama Ochibi-chan) - Ai (Kawaii voice - Shouta...
hmmm since our time zones are different.... you're in UK right? I'm online around 2pm to 3am for you on the weekends. weekdays probably 7pm to...
Senyuu is hilarious. It's 18+? Really? didn't know that. but the jokes are hilarious. maybe M cuz of the slapstick comedy.
viz media, cuz of all the shoujo manga. although... i like the manga that yen press does too.
It's kinda like "Alice in the Country of Hearts" by QuinRose, but Utapri version... Just for fun of course. Probably gonna distribute among...
Oh BTW~ I'm gonna try to make a Alice in Wonderland parody VN with the characters from Utapri. Would you like to help with story and/or art?...
http://www.zerochan.net/1464226 waaggghhhhh~~ CHO KAWAIII DESUUUUUUUUUUU~~~<3
Daijoubu! I'll wait, so we can spaz over it together~~~ I had to pause it like 20 times during the doki doki moments and fangirl... -__-''''
Taffyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Have u watched this weeks ep of utapri?????????? (≧∇≦)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG~~~~ both the op...
Just warning u I'm gonna send some pics over Skype. They're utapri related~~ it was from April fools day so they're gone.... Check them out~~ the...
Ohhhh ok then! Lets watch it together and spaz on here~~ gotta finishy homework then!! *fired up*
I remembers diiiz~~~ Love it~~~ Demon King kawaiii~~~~ love how you used the brush tool to do this. really paint like~~ yay~~~
hmmm... but they're on really late...... like karneval is on at like 2am.....
UTAPRI S2 and KARNEVAL TOMORROW~~~~~ (subbed version hopefully) YOU GET TO WATCH IT BEFORE MEEEE (if you do watch it on TV), cuz you're in Kyoto...
WELLLLLL OBVIOUSLY IT'S YOSHINOxMAHIRO!!!!!! Fujoshi ftw!!! ikr~~~~~ hanemura-kun is sooooo kawaiiiiiii. i always feel like patting his head...
Heeeyyyyyyy have u watched the last episode of ZetsuTem??? I totally ship yoshino and hakaze. Bet mahiro might end up with that girl he saved. Lol