> Mood: Spaghetti <3 > Music: whatever's playing over the speakers > Location: Dining Hall/Cabin Shouta[/url] slid into his seat at the table labelled Group E. One guy hopped up onto the stage and shouted some stuff about what they would do. Secret time...? Great... Shouta had absolutely no intention of revealing any of his secrets. A volunteer placed a tray with a plate of spaghetti topped with some parmesan cheese, as well as a garden salad and a small roll onto the table in front of Shouta. Saying thanks, he smiled at the girl, earning a bit of a blush from her. He knew that he was able to may any girl squeal, BUT, it totally wasn't on purpose. He just wasn't attracted to girls in that way. "Itadakimasu." Shouta said, accustomed to saying this phrase before eating. He stabbed at a cherry tomato covered in ranch dressing, popping it into his mouth and biting down. The tomato burst, releasing seeds and juice into his mouth. Chewing a couple more times and then swallowing, he looked at his cabin mates. He poked his fork into the spaghetti, mixing the cheese into the pasta. Then he twirled some of the long pasta onto his fork and stuffed it into his mouth. > Mood - Full~~, Nervous? > Location - Cabins After he finished eating, Shouta headed back to the cabin. Secret Time... Woo. Grabbing a marker, he scrawled out his name on a piece of paper, doodling on the white spaces as he thought. What should I put? He went through a couple of ideas in his head. Should he write that he was a professional mangaka's assistant? That he was possibly homosexual? That he had the Cupid's Brew in his suitcase? Finally, Shouta decided on the part about being a mangaka's assistant. He wrote that out onto the other side of the paper, of course, not writing the fact that he was a shoujo mangaka's assistant. Shouta definitely didn't want anyone knowing that he did girls' manga. That would totally ruin his image.
> Mood - Still hungry... > Music - Henai no Rondo > OOC - I'm sorry... You guys must be getting annoyed with me and Henai no Rondo. That's just the song I'm into right now... [/url]Shouta jumped down from the top bunk, landing nimbly on the ground. Seeing that a lace was loose, he crouched down to retie it. Yes. Combat boots are a pain, but that's the price to pay for style. He quickly knotted the lace and got back up. Grabbing his hooded vest, he slipped it on. "Dinner time~~" He was starving. He had woken up really early for the plane. A flight from Tokyo to Camp. Shouta skipped breakfast, being in a total rush and he only had a cup ramen for lunch. Not enough for Shouta. One of the boys opened the door and Shouta followed him out. "By the way... I haven't gotten your names." Shouta said to his cabinmates. They seemed like nice people, so he decided that he would try his best to take down the walls and open up to them. He should do that at the very least, since he would be rooming with them for the whole summer. Shouta stuffed his hands into his pockets, quietly singing Henai no Rondo while he walked with his (hopefully) new friends to the cafeteria.
OOC : will format and make it longer when I'm not on my phone. Pain in the butt to type on iPhone..... > Mood - Hungry > Location - Cabin [/url]"Electronics?" Shouta said to the guy holding the box. His iPhone... There goes his music. "Why do you need our stuff?" Shouta was really reluctant to give up his precious music. After all, he was just about to start making tabs for Henai no Rondo after dinner. He pulled out his iPhone from his back jeans pocket and reluctantly plunked it into the box, homemade black case facing up. "You better not screw with that thing. Especially the case. It took me DAYS to finish that masterpiece. After that, Shouta grabbed his bass guitar, climbing up to the top bunk. Unzipping the case, he took out his baby. "No one touches her, or I'll kill you. Got it?" Then he turned his back and began trying to figure out the bass part for Henai no Rondo from memory. It was harder than he expected, since he hasn't exactly memorized the melody yet. Huffing, he gave up and returned his bass into the corner. Shouta climbed up to they'll bunk, flopping onto his back, one leg up on one knee. He put his arm under his head as a pillow, waiting for dinner. Taking off his goggles, he absently twirled the strap around his finger. His stomach growled. Shouta wondered what was for dinner today.
>Mood - Impatient [/url]Shouta stuck his hand into the box, picking a piece of paper. "Cabin E, huh?" He was excited(?) to head to his cabin, to get away from people. Rolling his suitcase along, he followed the path to the cabins. Shouta thought about which bunk he wanted, wishing for a top bunk. Stopping in front of cabin E, he opened the door. There were four people already in the room. There was one girl and two other boys. Since when was this co-ed? "Dibs on a top bunk." Shouta said, stripping off his vest and flinging it up onto one of the bunks. He shoved his suitcase in a corner and unzipped it. On top of his clothes lay a small bottle. The Cupid's Brew. It was supposed to make someone crazy about you. Shouta bought it just for the fun of it, wanting to try it on someone, but he just couldn't find that special person. Every time he went out with a girl, he would get bored really easily. Shouta grabbed a clean black t-shirt and zipped up his suitcase. Quickly stripping off his sweaty shirt, he changed into the new one. Then he turned around. "The name's Shouta." He grinned. "Call me Shou."
> Location - Camp Circle> Mood - Pissed/Shy> Outfit - Here (the dark haired one)> Music - Here Shouta[/url] stepped off the bus, bass slung over his shoulder. He felt terrible. His horoscope today was terrible (only one star for everything). Everything was terrible. Sighing, he walked down the gravel path, laced boots crunching. He switched to "Henai no Rondo", a GRANRODEO song that was just released a few days ago. He had been waiting so long for that single, waiting in front of the store hours before it was open. He cranked up the music, humming along to the vocals. Shouta's role model was KISHOW. KISHOW was one of his favorite singers. Shouta loved his voice. He wished he could sing like that. Shouta pulled up the hood of his blue vest, indicating that he didn't want any contact with people. He focused on the song, trying to make out the melody of the bass, memorizing it for later. The truth is, Shouta was kind of the shy type. It takes him a while to warm up to strangers. Usually, he hides this by picking on them, but that's just his way of saying "hi" and trying to make friends. Soon he arrived at the Camp Circle. Stopping near the edge of the crowd of teenagers, he waited for further instructions.
That was fast... You're avy... HIRATO~~~~~<3<3<3 so kawaiii~~~~~~~
Have fun Saxima-cchi~ Wonder how far we would have gotten by the time you're back....
8 9 So cool~~~~ Next person, please be nice to my avy and sig... Haven't had anytime to do a proper sig...
YAAAAAAY~~~~~~~~~~~ Can't wait~~~~ o(≧∇≦o)
YAY~~ thanks for doing all this for us jayn~~~ i will try to keep my schedule! i think this rp will turn out pretty awesome cuz of the kawaii ships and stuff~ i'll do my best with Shou-kun! i haven't done this type of character before so please bear with me everyone! i'll be waiting~
OMG THE CHART IS UP! clicks Who am I paired with....? Who's this? OMG COOKIIE'S OC IS MY RIVAL??? this should be interesting.... Can't wait for the thread! About when will you start it?
Thanks so much~~ I just finished inking it last night, so I will work on the coloring~~ Look forward to it~
やだーーーーーーー I'm comforting my Mahiro. He won't know that I killed that girl.
Drawing Nai and Karoku right now~ being adorable \(//∇//)\ will show u when I'm done~~~~
In that case, I will go all yandere on her and steal Mahiro from her.
WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DRAW??????????????????????????????? *brain dies*
OMG so kyuuute~~~~ Love her eyes so much~~~~~<3 Fellow anime artist?? ^__^ Just one thing I think you should work on - the hands. I know I know. Hands are a pain to draw. I also have lots of trouble drawing hands. Just practice lots and use your own hand and a mirror for reference, or even ask someone to model for you. Trust me, just practice drawing and you'll get there!
Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww don't tell me-- http://www.zerochan.net/1473807
Can't draw Mahiro-kun's hand ugghhhhhh 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 たすけてーー